Xiaojun Yue

Xiaojun Yue


Xiaojun Yue


Break Through the Darkness
Film tells about Song Yirui, the leader of a certain anti-criminal task force, who led the team to conduct an in-depth investigation of a land acquisition case.
На заснеженной вершине горы полицейский вступает в противоборство с группой преступников, пытающихся скрыться после совершенного ограбления. Всё усложняет сильнейшая снежная метель, какой не было тут уже многие годы. Теперь для обеих сторон важно одно - любой ценой выжить в сложившихся экстремальных условиях.
The Road Not Taken
A Gobi Desert ostrich farmer indebted to the local mob agrees to take care of a kidnapped boy until the father provides the ransom.
Some Like It Hot
After the unexpected death of his best friend, a man examines his life and finds it incredibly lonely. Inspired by an encounter with a beautiful and sexy model, he embarks with his three friends on what turns out to be a crazy (and slightly stupid) endeavor on a path towards fulfillment.
When Larry Met Mary
Lu Yao met his kindergarten classmate Ma Li in colleague, and his attraction towards her grows in his heart. Unfortunately, he was one step too slow to tell her his affection. In the following ten years, Ma Li went through following in love, breaking up, marriage, divorce, and getting married again soon. At the same time, Lu Yao has also experienced two fruitless relationships. What would happen next?
Fake Fiction
A trickster and an 8-year-old girl are in constant conflict.
Guns N'Roses
The film tells the story of a group of Chinese youths who robbed a bank of the “Manchuguo”, a puppet regime formed in China’s northeastern provinces by Japanese invaders in the 1930s and ’40s.
Welcome to Shama Town
In the fictional Shama Town in Northwest China, legend has it that that robbers buried many hidden treasures among the town. Tang Gaopeng, the town leader, then decides to promote Shama Town as a bandit-themed tourist destination. Tang Gaopeng's plan doesn't go to well with the town attracting nearly zero tourists, but a group of international thieves do show up intent on finding the buried treasures ...
Угрызения совести
Xiao Ke
История полицейского, которого мучает совесть из-за смерти жены. С момента её гибели он пытается найти её убийцу, но все безрезультатно. Терзаемый ненавистью к убийце и невозможностью найти его, он все сильнее начинает ненавидеть самого себя. Но ему поручают дело, обычное на первый взгляд — убийство местной проститутки, расследуя которое он все больше понимает, что все куда сложнее, чем кажется, и за этим кроется нечто более серьезное, чем простое убийство.
Crazy Racer
An action-adventure story focused on the lives of express deliverymen, traffic cops and lonely beauties.
Crazy Stone
Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?