Shin Dong-ik


Jesters: The Game Changers
A gang of clowns is hired by an unpopular king to serve as propagandists who fabricate positive rumors and stage miracles to improve his personal image.
Oh! Baby
Original Story
A 70-year-old woman transforms into her 24-year-old self after she's photographed at a studio, changing her life and those of the people around her forever.
Miss Granny
Original Story
Fely is an elderly woman who finds second chance at youth after a visit to a mysterious photo studio.
Sweet 20
Original Story
Adapted from Korean movie, Miss Granny, this movie tells a story of old woman that despise old-age that suddenly transform to a pretty girl with all her youth problems.
Suddenly Twenty
Original Story
After taking a magical picture, an elderly woman is transformed into a 20-year-old and decides to live the life she'd always dreamed of.
Sing My Life
Original Story
Katsu (Mitsuko Baisho) is a 73-years-old woman. She often makes trouble with her biting remarks. While raising a daughter alone, Katsu was unable to live the life she wished for. One day, Katsu goes to a photo studio and takes a picture. She leaves the photo studio, but finds that she is now 20-years-old (Mikako Tabe) again. Katsu changes out of her grandmother clothes, picks out a more youthful style and names herself Setsuko Otori. Later, Katsu decides to take part in a singing contest held in a shopping district. Her singing fascinates the audience and she wins the contest. Katsu begins to move closer to her past dream of becoming a singer.
Sweet 20
Original Story
Mrs. Dai, a 70-year old grandmother, suddenly finds that she has been transformed into her 20-year old self. Her old fashioned sense of style and manners cause some trouble, but falling in love could be the biggest problem of them all.
20 Once Again
Original Story
A visit to the photographer’s returns the physical looks of a 70-year-old grandmother back to her 20s. Things get even stranger when his grandson asks her to join his band, and his best friend begins to fall for her.
Мисс Бабуля
74-летняя вдова О Маль Сун живет со своим сыном и его семьей. У женщины прескверный характер, она часто бранится, ворчит по пустякам и имеет сложные отношения с невесткой. До поры до времени ее терпят, но однажды семейные обстоятельства складываются так, что бабушку решают отправить в дом престарелых. Страшно расстроенная этой новостью, О Маль Сун бродит по городским улицам, словно прощаясь со всем этим навсегда, и попадает в странное фотоателье, где фотограф утверждает, что способен захватить в кадр момент ее молодости. Не поверив ни единому слову, героиня делает свой последний, как она считает, фотопортрет в жизни и выходит на улицу. И тут ее ждет потрясающий сюрприз...
Чтобы замять дело о пьяной драке, устроенной вспыльчивым, но весьма хорошим бейсболистом, его отправляют тренировать команду в Школе для детей с нарушениями слуха. Ким Сан-Нам не стремится найти с ребятами общий язык, ведь команда более, чем безнадежна, а сам он утратил свой энтузиазм. Но наблюдая, как искренне они стараются на пути к успеху, он вспоминает цену собственных побед и постепенно проникается к ребятам любовью.
Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle
"Le Grand Chef 2" begins with the Korean president visiting the Japanese Prime Minister and becoming involved in a heated debate over the origins of kimchi. The Japanese Prime Minister makes the bold claim that kimchi is an original Japanese dish which sets off the Korean president. Upon the Korean's president return home he sets upon a globalization plan for kimchi, which includes a nationwide "Kimchi Contest". Then, a lady named Jang-eun (Kim Jung-Eun) and her step-brother Sung-Chan (Jin Goo) compete in the Kimchi dish contest, with both siblings using their mother's kimchi recipe.
Моя любовь
Некоторые испытывают чудо любви от солнечного затмения. Си Чжин безумно влюблён в довольно странную молодую женщину по имени Чу Вон. Со Хён испытывает чувства к Чжи Ву, и от безответной любви она начинает спиваться. Чжён Сок один воспитывает сына и влюблён в Су Чон, но всё время придирается к ней. Чжин Ман спустя несколько лет возвращается в Корею, чтобы встретиться со своей бывшей возлюбленной.
Le Grand Chef
A disgraced chef tries to restore his name by competing in a culinary contest to win the knife of Korea's last royal chef.
Hearty Paws
11-year-old Chan-yi is looking after his lovely younger sister So-yi, by himself ever since their mother left them to find her own future. Despite their desperate situation of being abandoned by family and neighbors, these kids try their best to carry on life. One day, a little puppy joins this small family as Chan-yi steals it from an old couple’s kennel as a gift his sister’s birthday. Especially clever, this dog, whose name is “Ma-eum”, returns the love received from his new family with great loyalty and it seems as though their happiness would continue forever…only until a sudden accident brings them into collapse.
Spin Kick
A school director is forced to train the 'worst' students of his school to master Taekwondo as the old coach, taking along the best of his athletes, left the school.
Dig or Die
Three not-so-bright thieves decide to get rich by attempting the most audacious heist imaginable. Their plan? To raid police evidence lock-up and make off with small fortune in cash. Complications arise from the against-all-odds romance between thief Woo-Jin and lady detective Yun-Ah, computer game rivals since childhood.