Kim Yip Kwong-Kim


2000 AD
Judge Thomas Tsang
The Y2K Bug. Real Warfare vs Electronic Gaming. Peter Tong, a carefree Hong Kong youngster, finds himself drawn into the web of a deadly espionage conspiracy. A clandestine organization schemes to use the Y2K Bug to cause mayhem throughout Asia. To survive, Peter has to call on reserves of courage and stamina he has never needed before.
Gigolo of Chinese Hollywood
During hard times in the Hong Kong film industry, an out-of-work actor talks a producer, writer, and an actor into making a movie together. They become gigolos to raise money for the production.
В Гонг Конге объявился «Король убийц» — наемный убийца, который работает не из-за денег, и убирает только опасных преступников. Его очередной жертвой становится престарелый главарь якудза, совершенно отвратительный тип, который во время войны издевался над китайскими девушками. Проблема в том, что незадолго до смерти японец основал специальный фонд, 100 миллн. американских долларов из которого получит тот, кто отомстит убийце. Чтобы получить деньги в Гонг Конг слетаются «киллеры» со всего света, среди них оказался молодой парень по имени Фэй. Его привел агент-мошенник Нгок Ло, собирающийся чужими руками заработать большие деньги.
Midnight Zone
This film is put together by three city ghost stories that occurred after midnight. The first story describes a loud mouth slacker cop encounters after being ordered to guard a murder scene alone. The second has a couple accidentally hit someone while driving but could not find the victim's body. The third is about a bad son who is afraid his late mother would return for revenge, so he would rather spend nights playing mah jong with friends and wouldn't dare to go home, unfortunately things in this world have a way to go the opposite way......
All's Well, Ends Well '97
Hospital Doctor
Old Mr. Lo has three sons and the youngest one Lo Kung is his favorite. However, Kung does nothing but fool around all day long. Old Mr. Lo is very annoyed about this. The relationship between father and son is thus affected. So on Kung's birthday, his two brothers decide to play a joke on him. They trick him into believing he has won the lottery. Kung is so happy that he spends a tremendous amount of money. When he realizes he is in huge debt, he pretends to go insane and the whole family believes him.
Dr Kim Yip
The world's ten most influential scientists are being mysteriously killed, one by one, spontaneously combusted, microwaved to death, or otherwise. Another scientist, software prodigy Dr. Ken, searches for clues to these bizarre happenings only to see his fiancee apparently return from the dead. As indications point to the end of the world, It appears that Dr. Ken may be the only one who can save humanity.
Без компромиссов
Майк Стоун — опытнейший солдат, возглавляющий специальное подразделение по борьбе с преступностью. Но его отряд состоит из совсем еще неопытных и необстрелянных юнцов, которые не в силах справится с бесчинствующей в городе группировкой, занимающейся контрабандой наркотиков. Вся она состоит из бывших американских спецназовцев, а командует ими хитрый и жестокий убийца. На Стоуна возложена тяжелейшая задача — в кратчайшие сроки подготовить свой отряд для решающей схватки с бандитами. Он должен исключить даже малейшую возможность просчета, ведь бой пойдет не на жизнь, а на смерть.
Без компромиссов
Forensics tech
Майк Стоун — опытнейший солдат, возглавляющий специальное подразделение по борьбе с преступностью. Но его отряд состоит из совсем еще неопытных и необстрелянных юнцов, которые не в силах справится с бесчинствующей в городе группировкой, занимающейся контрабандой наркотиков. Вся она состоит из бывших американских спецназовцев, а командует ими хитрый и жестокий убийца. На Стоуна возложена тяжелейшая задача — в кратчайшие сроки подготовить свой отряд для решающей схватки с бандитами. Он должен исключить даже малейшую возможность просчета, ведь бой пойдет не на жизнь, а на смерть.
Heaven Can't Wait
Tsang Yan Kim
Foreign - Tony is a wily, pessimistic scam artist who uses an ancient superstition to build a hilariously enterprising business. Lam is his sometime business cohort and Chan is the kind-hearted boy next door who falls victim to Tony's tricks.
The Meaning of Life
Obstetrician Joey Fong helps childless couple Shiu and Lan kidnap an unloved child and then decides she wants to have a baby with heartless news reporter husband Terrence.
A Touch of Evil
Narcotics officer Shaolun (Tony Leung Ka Fai), in order to bring down the local drug kingpin King (Michael Wong), forces a female street thug with an equally sketchy past, Coco (Rosamund Kwan) to infiltrate King's organization and provide information. What no one expected was for both men to fall for Coco, and Coco for King.
A Touch of Evil
Narcotics officer Shaolun (Tony Leung Ka Fai), in order to bring down the local drug kingpin King (Michael Wong), forces a female street thug with an equally sketchy past, Coco (Rosamund Kwan) to infiltrate King's organization and provide information. What no one expected was for both men to fall for Coco, and Coco for King.
A Touch of Evil
Narcotics officer Shaolun (Tony Leung Ka Fai), in order to bring down the local drug kingpin King (Michael Wong), forces a female street thug with an equally sketchy past, Coco (Rosamund Kwan) to infiltrate King's organization and provide information. What no one expected was for both men to fall for Coco, and Coco for King.
Кулак легенды
В начале XX века во время японской оккупации Китая самураи, кичившиеся своим непобедимым каратэ, жестоко убили миролюбивого учителя кунг-фу Хо. Деморализованный народ даже не помышлял о сопротивлении. Устрашились все, кроме Жень Чена, самого одаренного ученика погибшего мастера. Узнав о случившемся, герой клянется во что бы то ни стало отомстить убийцам. И когда приходит час возмездия, стонущий под пятой захватчиков Шанхай превращается в поле грандиозной битвы между дерзким одиночкой и сонмом опаснейших врагов.
He & She
Tony Leung Ka-Fai stars as a gay man who helps the spiritedly Anita Yuen through her single motherhood when her married boyfriend (Lawrence Cheng) impregnates and abandons her. Tony and Anita share the burden of parenthood, despite all of life's persistent issues (love, money, etc.).
He & She
Tony Leung Ka-Fai stars as a gay man who helps the spiritedly Anita Yuen through her single motherhood when her married boyfriend (Lawrence Cheng) impregnates and abandons her. Tony and Anita share the burden of parenthood, despite all of life's persistent issues (love, money, etc.).
The Final Option
A look at the SDU in the Royal Hong Kong Police Force - how members are selected, how they are trained, their lives, what they think, the relationships between SDU members and their friends and the pressures they face.
I've Got You, Babe!!!
Marriage is a tomb of love? This film depicts the struggle of modern man to choose between bachelorhood and marriage. A sensitive yet comical look at love and commitment between men and women in the '90s. Chronicling the lives of a typical yuppie couple, Charcoal (Lau Ching-Wan) and Veronica (Ron for short) (Anita Yuen). Anita's goal in life is to have a baby, which certainly is not Charcoal's goal. Anita's best friend Ada (Lai Mei-Han) and her husband (Dayo Wong) are having a baby at the same time. However, Dayo surprisingly is a womanizer which leads to problems between the couple. In addition, Charcoal's ex-fiance Joyce (Annabelle Hui) is always around the corner.
Over the Rainbow, Under the Skirt
Trumpet player in pub
In this sequel to Yesterday You, Yesterday Me, Bobby looks back on his youthful dreams -- the joys of love and the pain of separation. He also remembers the summer of 1985 when he was smitten with a woman named Sharon.
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Father
Dr. Chi (Zhivago)/Bass player/rickshawman
Yuen scorns his father, who he thinks is too generous and forgiving. Through a flashback/time travel gimmick, Yuen meets his parents during their joyous courtship. Yuen comes to understand and admire his dad, and reflect on his own moral defects.
Два воина
Древние стены монастыря Шаолинь хранят эту легенду не одно столетие… Двое друзей-монахов, мастера боевых искусств, были изгнаны из монастыря за применение оружия. За стенами Шаолиня дороги бывших друзей разошлись. Предавший товарища Тиньбяо примкнул к войскам злобного правителя, а Юньбяо выступил на стороне повстанцев. Товарищи вчера, а ныне враги, герои теперь находятся по разные стороны баррикад. Их новая встреча неизбежна, но произойдет она только на поле битвы. Грядет последний, страшный бой, который равно может окончиться как торжеством справедливости, так и победой самого черного зла.
A Roof with a View
Softcore star Veronica Yip Yuk-hing stars in this mainstream romantic melodrama, directed by Tony Au, as Hiu-tung, a naïve young wife who is forced to raise her child alone after her gangster husband skips town for Taiwan. Her next-door neighbor is Ching-man (Tony Leung Kar-fai), a cop still coming to terms with his partner's sudden, inexplicable suicide. Inevitably, the two begin to find solace in each other's company -- Ching-man even acting as a sort of surrogate father for her son -- and soon in each other's arms. Just as true love seems about to bloom, Hiu-tung's thuggish husband returns.
Lawyer Jessica Yau finds out about her husband's money laundering scheme and gets shot in the head. She survives, but loses her memory. She is cared for by Mei Mei Chen, a nurse she screwed over in a lawsuit before being shot.
Lawyer Jessica Yau finds out about her husband's money laundering scheme and gets shot in the head. She survives, but loses her memory. She is cared for by Mei Mei Chen, a nurse she screwed over in a lawsuit before being shot.
Tom, Dick and Hairy
Tom Chan, Dick Ching and his older cousin Hairy Mo live in the same tenement building but each of their love life is different.
Saviour Of The Soul II
Ching-yan lives with his young protege Tim and an inventor referred to only as The Doctor. One day they decide to embark on a quest to the Snowy Mountain in hopes of finding a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality. The evil Devil King also wants the ice, but Ching-yan thinks that it contains the secret to meeting a woman who appears in his dreams and attempts to keep it for himself.
Never Ending Summer
When Chan comes to Vancouver to be with his wife, he finds her sleeping with a local cop, as well as discovering that the deed to his house has been sold. Devastated, he wanders the streets, and is eventually helped by a no-nonsense woman who is the sister of Chan's high-school friend. The two start an odd romance, which is periodically interrupted by the ghost of Chan's friend.
Клетка тигра 2
Молодой юрист Девид отмывает деньги для главаря одной из банд Чайнтауна. Когда он перевозит наличные в Гонконг, его грабят, а напарника убивают. Жизнь Девида висит на волоске, и, если он не вернет деньги, — ему смерть. Ситуация осложняется еще больше, когда кто-то организует массовые разборки, между поделившими Чайнтаун группировками. В этом аду Девид, кажется находит след «тигра-одиночки», развязавшего бойню…
При исполнении 5: Посредник
Морской пехотинец Дэвид, двоюродный брат крутой полицейской дамы Янг, во время служебного отпуска оказывается втянутым в международный скандал со шпионажем. Сестра помогает ему скрываться от мафии, полиции и ЦРУ, попутно выясняя, чьи грехи повесили на Дэвида.
Love Is Love
Shui (Stephen Chow) and Ti (Sandra Ng) elope off, against the wishes of Ti's father (Shing Fui-On). They live the life of a struggling young couple. Shui finds a job at a jewelry importer and his hard work is noticed by the boss lady (Suki Kwan). As Shui moves up the corporate ladder, the chasm between Shui and Ti starts to widen, and the bond between Suki and Shui tightens.
Heart Into Hearts
Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?
При исполнении 4: Свидетель
Двое американских полицейских расследуют дело о поставке через ЦРУ наркотиков. При исполнении погибает их напарник, и единственным подозреваемым и свидетелем одновременно становится рабочий доков, которому перед смертью убитый отдает пленку с компроматом на высокопоставленных лиц. Тот, правда, теряет ее, и поэтому совсем не понимает, что от него хотят как полиция, так и наемные убийцы мафии, от которых он еле успевает отбиваться.
Mr. Fortune
Toy designer Yau (Anthony Chan) is always bullied by boss (Wong Wan Si) and ex-girlfriend (Money Lo). One day, Yau runs into a beautiful but rebellious girl named Ching (Chingmy Yau), who tells him she is the target of triad harassment. Yau is determined to help her, and he resigns from his job at the encouragement of Ching. The two take low-pay jobs at a fast food chain, and gradually fall in love with each other. But their relationship is threatened when Ching's true identity as the daughter of a tycoon (Roy Chiao) is exposed.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World III
The Biu Family collects their lottery winnings in Canada and returns to Hong Kong to start a new life together, minus the second daughter due to a family quarrel of her involvement with her boyfriend. After Mrs. Biu shows off her money to her old friends at her bank, she loses it all in a robbery. Now, void of their new found wealth, the Biu Family must start over from scratch again.
При исполнении 3
Двое вооруженных грабителей проникают на выставку всемирно известного ювелира Ямато в Токио и крадут самые ценные экспонаты. Ограбление заканчивается убийством — грабители стреляют в помощника инспектора полиции. Кто стоит за этим дерзким ограблением, может, сам ювелир? Следы преступников ведут в Гонконг, и полицейские двух стран объединяются против общего врага.
Клетка тигра
Специальный отдел полиции готовит разоблачение крупной банды, но каждый раз бандитам удается ускользнуть сквозь расставленные сети. Становится ясно, что происходит утечка информации внутри отдела, а вскоре известен и информатор. Это Майк – начальник отдела, а точнее тот, кто возглавляет банду. Пытаясь уйти от возмездия, Майк организует серию убийств, убирая свидетелей. Он действует, как затравленный ТИГР. Остановить его можно, только загнав в КЛЕТКУ…
Liu and Keung are competent constables and good partners. But Keung is fired just because of a minor mistake. Gradually falling into a financial crisis, Keung is forced to commit crimes. Liu wants to help but he himself is trapped and has to face internal investigations. As his young brother Raymond is assigned to arrest Keung's gang, Liu is put in a dilemma. Finally, Keung promises Liu he'll give himself up. But the gang won't let them stay alive for long.