Yuki Kuroda


Yuki Kuroda is a Japanese film and voice actor.


La Morsure
Production Director
A Catholic schoolgirl is convinced tonight is her last night on Earth and decides to attend a costume party with her best friend.
Goodbye Mio-Chan
Moosic Lab 2018 film featuring up-and-coming rock band Goodbye Mio-chan, youtuber Yuki Yomichi, and dancer Reina Kuju
Школьные полуночники
Sony (voice)
История происходит в стенах начальной школы под названием Сент-Клер. Трое девочек дошколят - Мако, Мико и Муцуко, также известные как МММ, попадают туда на день открытых дверей, когда родители осматривают школу перед тем, как отдать в нее детей. Блуждая по коридорам, оторвавшиеся от мам и пап девочки попадают в заброшенный научный кабинет. Там они находят анатомическую модель человека, ту самую, у которой отсутствует часть кожи, видны мышцы, вынимаются внутренности и глаза. Совершенно потрясенные девочки решают сделать несчастного немного покрасивее... Но кто мог знать, что каждую ночь этот муляж оживает...
Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace
Junichi Shimura / Kamen Rider Glaive
Four years after an alternate ending to the series, in which Blade seals the Joker, the characters have moved on with their lives: Kenzaki is a garbage man, Mutsuki has graduated high school, and Kotarō has published a book about the Kamen Riders to great success. The Undead have been re-released, and a new trio of Kamen Riders—Glaive, Larc and Lance—have emerged from BOARD, now led by Tachibana. After recapturing two of the Category Aces, Kenzaki and Mutsuki join with the new Riders. When all the Undead are sealed once more, Glaive reveals himself to be the Albino Joker, a white version of the original Joker, and captures Kotarō's niece to obtain the ultimate power, sealing her in the Vanity Card. In order to free Amane from the card, Hajime is unsealed from the Joker Card and the four Riders are again united, intent on saving Amane and stopping the Albino Joker.
Gessai's Son
В одном из уединенных монастырей, путем жесткого отбора и специальных тренировок создавалась каста профессиональных убийц. Десять выпускников сошлись в смертельной схватке. В живых останутся лучшие. Ей предназначена миссия по предотвращению гражданской войны путем уничтожения правителей трех провинций. Но время было упущено и теперь Азуми предстоит сражение с огромной армией последнего правителя…
Sakuya: The Slayer of Demons
The eruption of Mt. Fuji in 1707 released hordes of demons from deep inside the earth. Sakuya, the young daughter of a samurai killed fighting these demons, accepts a mission to travel to Mt. Fuji and defeat the evil spirits. Accompanying her on her journey are two veteran warriors who served her father, and Tarō, a young kappa, or river spirit, whom she has adopted as her little brother. Along the way, the two warriors have doubts about Tarō’s loyalties, and the young kappa himself must decide if he will stand with his own species or with the humans who have cared for him.
A Class to Remember III: The New Voyage
A widow who has single-handedly raised her autistic son loses her job and begins attending a technical college to gain new qualifications. She meets others looking for a new start in life, including a former salaryman with whom she begins a furtive romance...
Masayuki meets Nanami, who is on a journey with a refrigerator named Ullie. Nanami's Iranian friend Amir is helping her haul the refrigerator which contains Nanami's dead boyfriend. Masayuki joins the journey.