Frédéric Quiring

Frédéric Quiring


Frédéric Quiring


Notre tout petit petit mariage
Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!
Notre tout petit petit mariage
Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!
Two Much for the Job
After five years enduring horrible work conditions, Sophia finally gets chosen for a long-awaited transfer from her thankless teaching job at a rough middle school. Ecstatic to start a new life teaching at the French Lycée in Barcelona, her hopes are dashed to bits when a well- connected, over-qualified teacher at an upscale Paris school cuts in to take the position. Determined to stand her ground, Sophia and her clever neighbour Mr. Picard join forces to sabotage her competitor’s candidacy.
Two Much for the Job
After five years enduring horrible work conditions, Sophia finally gets chosen for a long-awaited transfer from her thankless teaching job at a rough middle school. Ecstatic to start a new life teaching at the French Lycée in Barcelona, her hopes are dashed to bits when a well- connected, over-qualified teacher at an upscale Paris school cuts in to take the position. Determined to stand her ground, Sophia and her clever neighbour Mr. Picard join forces to sabotage her competitor’s candidacy.
Jean-Marc Benamou
Since his sensational arrival at the head of the 20 Hours, Cédric Saint Guérande, known as "CSG" is THE favorite presenter of the French. His insolent audiences stoke the jealousy even within La Grande Chaîne which he is the undisputed star. His thirst for power is limitless, which displeases the new president of the chain. The war is declared between the two men for the great pleasure of CSG. Power games, networking, manipulations and low shots: the fight will be merciless, and the outcome necessarily spectacular. Welcome to the media circus games.
Mad Mom
Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"
Mad Mom
Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"
Dirty Kids
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
Dirty Kids
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
Clément Leprince
Давид Руссо — довольно известный в Париже писатель. Кандис Лесёр — красивая блондинка родом из французской провинции, убеждённая в том, что в прошлой жизни она была Мэрилин Монро. Они снова встретятся в Муте, самом холодном городишке Франции: он − в полном творческом упадке, она − уже мертвая. «Самоубийство», − сказано в полицейском заключении, − Предположительно, от снотворного». Но Давид Руссо так не считает. Погружаясь в прошлое Кандис Лекёр, он находит вдохновение для нового романа…
Désobéir (Aristides de Sousa Mendes)
Возвращение любви
Для издания первой книги молодой журналистке Элизе, необходима подпись бывшего бойфренда, что он не против упоминания его имени и подробностей личной жизни в данном издании. За заветным росчерком она, ее подруга и юрист издательства отправляются в далекую и «дремучую» Канаду. Именно там всплывают все подробности истории любви Франсуа и Элизы. Прекрасные лесные пейзажи и чистый воздух делают свое дело. Каждый получает то, чего желал…
Kingdom of Felony
Duc d'Anjou
Diane of Meridor, aged 23 years, lives a happy country life with her father. For the first time, Diana has her coming out ball, organized by the count of Monsoreau, who, in spite of being much older than her, wants to make her his wife, having a possessive and jealous love for the young woman. The duke of Anjou takes Diana in the ball, and tries to abuse of her exercising his prerogatives of being the brother of the king. Monsoreau will take advantage of this fact in his favor, and kidnaps de lady. He explains her father that Duke of Anjou, a known seducer, has kidnapped her. In order to safe her honor, he offers to marry her. Her father consents to it, with his heart broken by his sorrow. Diana of Meridor is forced to marry the damnable count of Monsoreau. Since then, she will know the Court and will live closely the various plots to betray the king, and discovers all around her the awful taste of deceit...
H.B. Human Bomb - Maternelle en otage
Nicolas Sarkozy
le père adoptif de David
Аврил - имя девушки, воспитанницы монастыря. Считаясь круглой сиротой и с рождения живя в стенах монастыря с его строжайшими правилами и уставом она не помышляет о другой жизни, однако незадолго до своего пострига узнает от одной из сестер, что у нее есть брат, с которым ее разлучили при рождении. Она отправляется повидаться с братом, в этом путешествии она познает мир, любовь и в конце долгого пути примет важное решение. Фильм удивительно тонкий, нежный, по-французски эротичный, и одновременно светлый и чистый.
Le pays des ours
The commercial field
La vie au grand air
Juliette has fought to keep her family's oyster business, called La Claire, afloat. She is ready to fight even harder, now that her heritage is threatened. On her Breton island, Juliette has to face developers who want to occupy her production site at any price to build a thalassotherapy center. Despite their tempting offers, Juliette refuses to sell and inevitably attracts the enmity of the industrialists who only think in terms of profitability and easy money. The conflict becomes more and more radical, each side sticks to its position and the confrontation risks going beyond the legal framework.
Место преступления
Pierre - Montpellier Police Officer
Двое полицейских из отдела убийств, Фабиан и Гомес, расследуют исчезновение девушки Мари. Это дело выводит их на след серийного убийцы. Чем ближе они к раскрытию страшной правды, тем больше их жизнь наполняется грязью и извращенностью окружающего мира. Фабиан и Гомес были друзьями и партнерами в течение многих лет, но это расследование станет их последним совместным делом.
Life Doesn't Scare Me
We follow how four ordinary little girls learn about life, love and all that sort of things.
Love Tangles
Lionel has a way with women. His sexual exploits make his friends jealous. One of them, Alain, challenges him to seduce a beautiful woman picked at random, fall in love with her and spend a night with her — but abstain from making love.
Autre chose à foutre qu'aimer
In this short and uneven film about a single mother and her brood, the difficulties and obstacles involved in loving someone are presented with sympathy and fine sentiment, yet the film is slow in parts and although short, could have been advantageously edited to a still briefer length.
Don't Forget You're Going to Die
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Those Were the Days
The grueling, emotionally torturous world of French preparatory schools provides the framework for this mystery. The deliberately rigorous courses are designed to prepare students to take the brutal examinations for entry into the elite Grand Ecoles, where a select few will gain the skills and education needed to insure a bright, prosperous future for themselves. The story centers on Delphine, a girl from the lower classes, and the upper class Claude. Both young women aspire to attend the Ecole Normale Superieure on the Rue d'Ulm. Delphine lives in humble public housing with her dull mother and two young brothers while Claude, who considers herself a Communist, lives in luxury with her own servant; she is sexually involved with fellow- student, Axel, who thinks himself a fascist.
Nobody Loves Me
Several lives intersect when a middle-aged woman is left by her husband, and she decides to trek him down with the help of her equally troubled sister.
Olivier, Olivier
Olivier, the nine-year-old son of Elisabeth and Serge, a country veterinarian, vanishes one afternoon on the way to his grandmother's house. The emotional aftermath of his disappearance sends his father packing and nearly destroys his mother.