Zuhal Olcay
Рождение : 1957-08-10, Üsküdar, İstanbul, Turkey
Nevra Kültür
Мерве выбрала богемную жизнь, но та не ответила взаимностью. После выселения она устраивается на новую работу и вступает в пикантные отношения с начальником.
An unforgettable love that overcomes all obstacles, even time, distance and falling apart.
Konuk Oyuncu
Сын богатого землевладельца-националиста Бехчет по желанию своего отца и благодаря его связям окунается в политическую жизнь. Пусть некоторые вещи в мире и не соответствуют его моральным нормам, но в целом он находит правильной свою националистическую позицию. Бехчет верит, что турецкая нация взята в осаду Западом, ясный пример чему события на Кипре. Посреди всего этого политического, а также благодаря отцу еще и личного напряжения он влюбляется в свою соседку гречанку Элену, проститутку для чиновников высшего ранга...
What if the unexpected becomes your faith? Would you lay claim to it and stay or would you run away? International Performer Yasar Nur has arrived in London the night before her concert and a few days away from the New Year. A formidable destination for Yasar, and one that will resurface a history best left forgotten, on a night that can change it all. Pain, responsibility, decision and courage get Yasar through the night in her hotel room where communication becomes hope for everyone involved. What will happen when an old friend is forced to give Yasar a great responsibility she may be unable to handle, or when a disturbed and powerful fan decides to change his life by meeting his obsession face to face, or when a disheartened husband makes a drastic decision to end his pain and set his wife free? The actions of one young man will bring these characters together and force them to communicate firstly with themselves, and then with each other, and only some will survive
Sükran's son Veysel works in a factory. Suffering as a result of her husband's political actions, she tries to save her son from the same fate.
During the period of the Wealth Tax, where many non-Muslims in Turkey were forced to pay higher taxes, often in an arbitrary and unrealistic way. Nimet and Durmuş migrate from Niğde to Istanbul and take shelter with Durmuş's friend Bekir, who finds Durmuş a job at the inn. However, making a living by serving as a porter is not in line with Durmuş's ambitions. He wants everything Halit Bey has, the inn owner. Halit Bey begins to dispose of his property in order to pay the tax stipulated to his beloved wife Nora, who was treated in a nursing home. Wealth Tax has begun to affect everyone's destiny.
Kösem Sultan
Стамбул, 17-век, времена правления молодого султана Мурада IV. Два друга, Хезарфен Ахмет Челеби и Хасан Лагари Челеби одержимы идеей летать. Хасан строит ракеты, наращивая их мощность и надеясь долететь до луны, полагая, что до нее не так уж и далеко. Ахмет же одержим иным планом – летать подобно птицам. Используя попавшие к нему в руки бумаги Леонардо да Винчи, он строит балансирный планер. А их друг, журналист и летописец Эвлия Челеби записывает все это в свои хроники, благодаря которым имена этих людей сохранились до наших дней. Но на дворе все-таки 17-й век..
The story of a group of former activist friends who came together after September 12 and questioned the past.
A prostitute lays a rape charge against a politician and an unexpected friendship develops between her and the politician's wife.
Based on a short story from Kara Kitap (The Black Book) by Orhan Pamuk, with Pamuk writing the screenplay, Gizli Yüz takes the viewer on a mystical journey where time becomes an important leitmotif.
After martial law is declared, Sibel is taken in. Sibel, who has completely lost her self after the torture, tries to hold on to life. But her husband Atilla's questions about what happened in Sibel's custody will become frequent.
Ironies abound in this extremely sad melodrama about Elif (Zuhal Olcay), a Turkish immigrant in Germany who has been sent to prison for murdering her abusive husband. At the time of her imprisonment, she has never ventured outside the Turkish community, and even there has had no friends because of the demands her husband placed on her. She speaks no German. Now, in a place which most people find to be hell on earth, she gains a never-before known taste of freedom among these strangers, who don't even speak her own language. Unfortunately, as a "guest worker," she is horrified to discover that she is soon to be transferred to the horrific prisons of Turkey and will stand trial there for her crime, which will be much less understandingly dealt with in her home country than it would have been in Germany. The false paradise she must say goodbye to is her German prison.
A confused script writer takes refuge in the ruins of a Byzantine church at a remote village while looking for locations for his next film.
Directed by Ömer Kavur.