Leoš Karen

Рождение : 1927-03-20,

Смерть : 2012-07-06


Production Design
Степной волк
Art Direction
Главный герой фильма — Гарри Галлер, одинокий уже стареющий человек — ему исполнилось 50 лет. Он живёт один без семьи, ему как степному волку она не нужна. Он презирает мещанство, но с другой стороны ему волей-неволей приходится использовать все прелести мещанской жизни — деньги, одежду, а иногда и развлечения. Гарри страдает своеобразным раздвоением личности. Он борется с самим собой, считая себя сверхличностью и боясь скатиться к мещанству. В этой борьбе он почти доходит до самоубийства, от которого его случайно спасает девушка по имени Гермина. Сможет ли новая знакомая изменить внутренний мир Гарри?
Angels Who Burn Their Wings
Art Direction
Munich at night: Robert Susmeit, a 16-year-old teenager who is jealously obsessed with his mother Hilde, traces her and her latest lover at a mundane apartment building where he kills the man in the heat of the moment at a swimming pool. His fatal outburst is secretly witnessed by Moni Dingeldey, a girl of the same age as his. Fascinated by the shaken and devastated strange boy who she hopes to be a soul-mate, she hides Robert in her mother's apartment. Meanwhile, a crowd of policemen and reporters frantically comb through the building in search a murderer whose identity is known only to Robert's parents who are searching as well...
Production Design
Даже спустя пятнадцать лет героя преследует студенческая шутка, за которую он в 50-х гг. был исключен из института и как враг народа отправлен на службу в штрафном батальоне. Он намеревается отомстить доценту-карьеристу, одному из тех, кто был причиной его несчастий. Но у его мести горький привкус.
Christmas with Elisabeth
Production Design
Surly solitary truck driver is given an assistant for his daily rounds: a young woman with a fondness for mini-skirts and boys, fresh out of prison.
Zázračný hlavolam
Production Design
Sedm žen Alfonse Karáska aneb Když holky berou, já nevím kterou
Production Design
King and Women
Production Design
The Nun's Night
Production Design
A dark fable set in an early 1950s Czech village, a time of Soviet-style socialism which saw the implementation of collectivized agriculture and the mass closure of monasteries and convents.
Five Girls Around the Neck
Production Design
Five Girls Around the Neck, in 1967, set out to explore that critical age of adolescence when a person's character is formed for good or evil. Schorm examined a girl's problems of being giving too much. She tries to buy the goodwill of her less fortunate friends; her intentions are pure, but in the difficulty of communicating she learns envy and deceit, and must decide if she will submit to double dealing or steel her life against self-deception and mediocrity. In addition to the relationship between the girl and her friends, Schorm introduces a teenage romance and the broader relationship between the girl's parents - neatly tied together with segments of Weber's opera "Der Freischütz". He reveals himself as a skilled psychological director with a wide range of knowledge about people.
Повозка в Вену
Production Design
Женщина, только что похоронившая своего мужа, казнённого фашистами, вынуждена под дулом винтовки везти в своей повозке двух солдат гитлеровской армии (одного тяжело раненого) к границе с Австрией. Постепенно разоружая своих спутников (незаметно для них): избавляясь то от пистолета, то от штыка — она словно пытается уравнять шансы (готовя месть) — если начнётся борьба, с другой же стороны, словно боясь искушения этим оружием воспользоваться (каждый раз выбрасывая обмундирование, она читает молитву).
Katya and the Crocodile
Production Design
It is the summer holiday and little Mísa Horák has taken a few animals from the school's so-called "Corner of Living Nature" home to care for. But when he brings home two Angora rabbits, a starling, a little monkey, a tortoise and a small crocodile, his parents order him to take them away. He is helped by Káta, who offers to place the animals in the child's room of her family's apartment. Mísa leaves for her friend where the animals will hopefully be able to stay. Káta goes shopping. In the meantime, Káta's younger sister Minka wakes up and begins to play with the animals, who gradually run off in disarray.
Nápady čtenáře detektivek
Production Design
Long Live the Republic
Production Design
Oldrich is the runt of his village, beaten by his father, bullied by the other boys. But he has imagination of his side, and a wiry toughness they can’t defeat. The village is in turmoil, because the Nazi occupiers have just retreated and the Red Army is advancing. Oldrich dodges amid the mayhem and panic, taking his share of blows but always managing to stay one step ahead. Beautifully shot and darkly ironic, Karel Kachyna’s forgotten masterpiece jumbles reality, memory and fantasy to capture the intensity and confusion of childhood in a war zone.
Strakatí andělé
Production Design
Production Design
The High Wall
Production Design
Jitka is a 12-year-old girl who feels the first stirring of love. She becomes friends with a young man who is hospitalized with paralysis. Jitka visits the man every day and witnesses his slow recovery, but she is unaware that she could have deeper feelings for him.
The Hope
Production Design
A group of outcasts, including a vagabond and a prostitute, gather at the outskirts of the industrial area of a large Czech city, one of the things that helps some of them survive is alcohol.
Okurkový hrdina
Production Design
Para quién baila La Habana
Production Design
Dva z onoho světa
Production Design
Барон Мюнхгаузен
Assistant Production Design
Барон Мюнхгаузен, Сирано де Бержерак и жюль-верновский герой Бирбикен встретились на Луне с молодым ученым-астрономом, нашим современником...
Hledá se táta!
Production Design
Production Design
По одноименному произведению Карела Чапека. Кинокомедия, направленная против религиозного мракобесия, эгоизма и алчности, высмеивает церковные "чудеса", а заодно и тех, кто на них наживается и кто им верит.
Spadla s měsíce
Production Design