In the year 198X, a young screenwriter, Ryohei Shimura, has been in a slump lately. Then an opportunity arises. He is asked to write a script for the comeback film of Akiko Ryuzoji, the legendary beauty who was known as Japan's Cleopatra. Ryohei met Akiko right away, but he couldn't believe his eyes. Akiko was young and good-looking, even though she was already an old woman. Ryohei moved into Akiko's house to work on his scenario. A film director, Mizumori, who lives with Akiko at the mansion, warns Ryohei, “Don't sleep with Akiko,” he says. In fact, Ryohei was chosen for the job for a surprising reason...
A male student tries to rape his female teacher in the science room. She uses chemicals to fight him off but they mix and cause her body to disappear. Her disembodied head looks to be reunited with her body.
On the way home from a small assault incident at a love hotel in Tokyo, Shuntaro Katagiri playfully entered the love hotel with his friend Iwanaka. When I fell asleep, I screamed and screamed from the room. Katagiri, who was full of blood, jumped out of the room after hearing the noise. A running girl, a bloody man, and a muscle man, a yakuza, a mysterious woman. The corridor of the hotel turned into a shambles for a moment, but Katagiri, a karate master, he slammed the place and he broke it. A strange space-This was his first encounter with the girl
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
Главный герой фильма японский кореец-таксист Чунънам не испытывает особого рвения в работе, его не интересует проблемы объединения двух Корей, а единственное, что его интересует это молоденькие и симпатичные девушки. Как-то раз в одном баре, которым владеет его мать, он знакомится с филипинкой Кони. Чуньнам предпринимает самые разные попытки сблизиться с девушкой, но непреклонная Кони на них никак не реагирует. В конце концов он чуть ли не силой овладевает Кони и по собственной инициативе переезжает к ней на квартиру, где они начинают жить вместе.
Three cute, sexy ninjas, around the age of 20, have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes apparent when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes.
Set in decadent, chaotic Hong Kong and Tokyo, the film tells the story of a young woman caught up in a mysterious turn of events. A young tour guide, 23-year-old Mamiko who's had her heart set on Paris, finds herself swept off to booming Hong Kong where she is thrown into the midst of a high-profile burglary case.
A hardened gangster encounters by chance a woman he hasn't seen since childhood. They are both engulfed in the underground world of intergang warfare.
A mahjong neophyte loses everything to game master only to hone his skills, take on all challenges and plan for an ultimate revenge match.
Prize Shop Owner
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.