Percy Jackson
Sylvia Walton returns from Harlem to take over a Jamaican plantation from her vindictive half-sister, amid the growing sound of drums.
'Windy' Butler
Henry Jackson, known as Little Dynamite, is a Golden Gloves champion, who agrees to turn professional when approached by fight manager Ed Watson, despite the opposition raised by his father and Fanny Singleton, his sweetheart.
Presbee Peabody
In this all-black short musical comedy, a woman has a husband so lazy she can stick a pin in him without him waking up... but announcing lunch gets him up pretty fast. She's also saddled with a bevy of his lazy relatives. Four more come by and sing as a quartet. After the wife learns they had been traveling men, she advises them to keep traveling and kicks them out...
A fantasy satire on politics in which a little boy dreams that he becomes President of the U.S. and his 'mammy' is Vice President. The film spotlights two now legendary performers much earlier in their careers: Ethel Waters and Sammy Davis Jr. In his first screen appearance, around the age of seven, pint-sized Davis sings, dances and clowns. Nicknamed 'the beanpole' slim and slinky Waters looks far different from the heavier figure she displayed in Pinky (1949) and Member of the Wedding (1953). Statuesque in a long glamorous white gown, she sings her big hit "Am I Blue." Davis, in turn sings "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You." (Separate Cinema)
In this short film, musical and dance acts perform, first at a night club, then at a "rent party".
Судно Сэма Уалана бросает якорь в карибском порту Тимариндо. Напившись на берегу, Сэм возвращается на корабль и обнаруживает, что кто-то подбросил на борт маленького мальчика. Он принимает решение отвезти ребенка в Нью-Йорк и нанимает ему няню, девушку по имени Салли Кларк. Хотя на самом деле Салли работала в дансинг-холле, она представляется Сэму дочерью недавно умершего миссионера.