Luka Petrušić


Možda, kad se zaposlim
Bribed Police Officer
Для расследования серии загадочных ограблений банков и возможного заговора бывших нацистских приспешников, полицейскому детективу приходится применить нетрадиционные методы работы и прибегнуть к помощи гипнотизёра с сомнительной репутацией.
Pound for Pound
Biography about boxer Joergen 'Gamle' Hansen.
A group of trainee therapists come together for their regular group psychotherapy session, but when their normal routine is disrupted, events take an unexpected direction: as their professional masks start to slip, long repressed personal tensions soon bubble to the surface.
Simon Magus
Vegan Darko
After finding out by chance that his ex-girlfriend Mina’s mother died, Simon decides to steal her body to provoke cathartic processes in Mina. Mina hasn’t been in contact with her mother for years because of some dark family secrets. Simon plans to keep the body hidden for a few days and then revive it. He possesses the powers needed to do this. However, the body is stolen from Simon and he has great difficulty retrieving it. Unaware of Simon’s problems, Mina confronts her past and the emotional baggage she’s been carrying for years.
Zagorje Specialty
Five yuppies go on a paintball session up in the hilly area of Zagorje where they soon lose contact to one another, but they've been discovered by a family of native villagers who make a home-made delicacy. They soon find out what are the ingredients of their hosts' recipee.
Get a Move On
This film tells the story about futility of life of main character, Miro – yuppie whose life consists of repeating everyday routine. His sense tells him he is unhappy so he swamps into imagination and decides to change his life.
Лесные существа
Сотрудники хорватского маркетингового агентства отправиться на уик-энд, на командное здание в лесах, по принуждению их нового босса. Всё пошло не так, как ожидалось, и сотрудники обнаруживают, что отчаянно сражаются друг с другом, а также с неизвестными угрозами для их жизней.
The Man Under the Table
The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves, prostitutes, self-appointed security guards and other lost souls, each with their own unique ideas, passion or mania. We follow the tragicomic, mutually intertwined mini dramas of each character, as they fight to save the marketplace itself, when city planners threaten to raze it to the ground and replace it with a skyscraper.
Sorry for Kung Fu
Marko, Mirin brat
Mirjana is returning to Croatia from Germany where she spent some time as a refugee. She is pregnant. Now, when the war in Croatia is over and her visa expired, Mirjana is coming back to her family in a remote and devastated village. Her family is trying to move on with their lives after the war. They rebuild their house and they are trying to find a new husband for their pregnant daughter. Being patriarchal and devoted to their tradition they believe a woman needs to have a husband and a child has to have a father. Of course, the child and the father have to be of the same nationality. Problems start when Mirjana gives a birth to a boy with Asian features. The family and the neighbors are shocked. Mirjana¡¦s rigid father refuses to accept a grandchild of a different nationality, not to mention the one of a different race! Mirjana and her son are forced to leave. She returns only when her father falls seriously ill and requests to see his grandson before he dies.
100 Minutes of Glory
Juraj Raškaj
True story about the tragic life of a famous late 19th century deaf female Croatian watercolor painter Slava Raškaj.
I Want You
A young boy and his sister are drawn into one man's obsessive pursuit of his former lover.