Ryszard Ordyński


Быть или не быть
Technical Supervisor
Действие происходит в Польше до и во время немецкой оккупации. В одном театре Варшавы работают муж и жена — Йосиф и Мария Тура. Ставят антинацистскую пьесу, но ее запрещают, и приходится играть «Гамлета». Чрезвычайно тщеславный и ранимый Йосиф Тура играет самого принца датского, один из зрителей, молодой и красивый летчик, встает и уходит из зала в самый ответственный для артиста момент, когда произносится знаменитый монолог «Быть или не быть». Откуда знать актеру, что именно эти слова были для офицера паролем, указывающим, что можно идти в гримерную красавицы Марии Тура…
The Banner of Freedom
The life of Józef Klemens Piłsudski.
10 Condemned
A young man joins the revolutionary movement in 1905, aimed at Tsarist occupiers of Poland. The members of the secret organization conspire to take the life of a noted Russian general.
Janko Muzykant
A talented violin-playing country boy struggles to get acceptance for his love for music.
Pan Tadeusz
Pan Tadeusz (film 1928) is a Polish historical film directed by Ryszard Ordynski based on the national epic of Poland, an 1834 poem by Adam Mickiewicz.
Mogila nieznanego zolnierza
A young married couple is torn apart by WW1. When the news comes of her husband's death, Wanda marries another man, not knowing that her loved one is somewhere deep in the east.
Mogila nieznanego zolnierza
A young married couple is torn apart by WW1. When the news comes of her husband's death, Wanda marries another man, not knowing that her loved one is somewhere deep in the east.
The Rose Of Blood
Lisza Tapenko (Bara) is governess in the household of Prince Arbasoff (Charles Clary). After the death of his wife, Lisza and he become involved, but because of the difference in social station he refuses to marry her. Lisza's former lover, Vassya (Richard Ordynski), convinces her to join the revolution and she goes off to the group headquarters in Switzerland. But the prince's little boy begs to have Lisza come back, so he goes after her and marries her.
Slave of Her Senses
Pola is a beautiful but poor girl, a locksmith's daughter. Unexpectedly, she's successful as a stage dancer. After her success, she breaks with her fiancé and becomes the lover of a rich admirer. However, the fiancé does not accept her departure.