Stelvio Rosi

Stelvio Rosi

Рождение : 1938-08-01, Rome, Italy

Смерть : 2018-12-19


Stelvio Rosi


Line Producer
Команда исследователей отправляется на поиски затерянных индейских племен в самое сердце таинственных джунглей Амазонки. Наслаждаясь пейзажами великой реки, они не подозревают, что их проводник — сумасшедший охотник, помешавшийся на идее поймать гигантскую змею. Никто не верит его рассказам о мистическом хищнике, пока не появляется первая жертва, и их путешествие превращается в борьбу за выживание. Анаконда не ждет охотников, она сама — охотник.
O Estranho Vício do Dr. Cornélio
Cornélio, an aged man and famous baritone, marries the young Angelica, who plans with her ex-boyfriend Bruno, to kill the husband with contaminated oysters, but she ends up the one who gets sick. In the hospital, she demands Bruno's presence and he becomes a Cornelio friend, even though his continued attempts to kill the oldman.
O Homem da Cabeça de Ouro
Alberto and Daniel are friends with opposite tempers. Alberto is a family man, two childrens, and keep his love affairs in the shadows. Daniel is not discreet at all and after unsuccessfully tries to conquers Lurdinha, Alberto's secretary and his former mistress, ask her to marry him. But Lurdinha still have feelings for her boss.
Costinha, o Rei da Selva
Quando as Mulheres Querem Provas
Оргия живых мертвецов
Serge Chekov
Молодой человек Сергей Чехов наследует старинный готический замок где-то в Шотландии. Он обнаруживает, что в нем проживают две женщины, молодая вдова Надя и ее дочь Мэри, а также безумный ученый, доктор Леон, занимающийся оживлением мертвецов. Вскоре в близлежащей деревеньке начинают происходить зловещие убийства. Полицейский инспектор считает, что к этому причастен новый владелец замка…
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattro
Yet another adventure of the famous musketeers engaged as usual to help the needy. Cardinal Richelieu is always hindering their task.
Da Scaramouche or se vuoi l'assoluzione baciar devi sto... cordone!
Scaramouche, a skilled swordsman, goes to the Este court to steal a letter.
Go Away! Trinity Has Arrived in Eldorado
This comical spaghetti western inspired by the success of Lo Chiamavano Trinita and its sequels benefits from expansive cinematography by future cult filmmaker Aristide Massaccesi (a.k.a. Joe D'Amato). Stan Cooper and Gordon Mitchell star as a pair of bumbling conmen who wander through the West looking to make a fast buck. Their plans go awry when they run into a blustering, foul-tempered Mexican general who wants them eliminated.
Pirates of Blood Island
Capitano Manuel Mallory
Former pirate chief MacDonald has gone to England and won amnesty for his band of buccaneers, promising to reform them into peaceful colonial ways. But what follows is an engaging and ruthless tale of deceit and treachery as MacDonald faces ruin due to traitors who plot to overthrow him and seize Blood Island whose waters contain a valuable treasure.
You're Jinxed, Friend, You've Met Sacramento
Hike (as Stan Cooper)
This fast-moving tale revolves around the kidnaping of a boxer's daughter. The boxer pays the ransom money but the girl is still not released. Her boyfriend decides to get her back his own way.
Great Treasure Hunt
Sam Madison
This dark, dusty western concerns a wealthy criminal, a blind man, and four mercenaries. The blind man wants to get his mitts on the crooks' gold. He can't do it alone, so he hires the quartet of soldiers-of-fortune to help him. There's bloodshed in abundance in pursuit of that goal.
It's a Woman's War
Ambrogio Martinelli
A girl is drafted due to a misunderstanding and this gives her the occasion to check on her boy-friend, whom she believes to be a womanizer.
Something Creeping in the Dark
Dr. Williams
A group of stranded travelers takes refuge in an old abandoned house, only to find out that they are not the only residents of the building.
More Dollars for the MacGregors
Ross Steward
Robert MacGregor and Gladys MacGregor is a marriage that is dedicated to hunting outlaws wanted by the justice. But instead of delivering them alive, kill them in order to steal from them and also collect the reward. She deceives them and he kills treason, winning the love of great gunslinger. But ambition leads them to face a cruel and cunning murderer who kills for Donna. However, a mysterious stranger appears, Ross Stewart which initially appears to be from Robert. However, when the latter's wife dies, he unveiled plans stranger ...
Midnight of Love
Paths of War
Tenente Martin
Two Sicilian royalist soldiers flee the island in a trunk at the arrival of Garibaldi's republican troops. They end up in the Far West with the army fighting the Indians and with their ineptitude they contribute to the army's defeat.
Lisa with the Blue Eyes
A university student, Mario Buongiovanni, tries to do various jobs to pay for his studies: selling encyclopedias, singing in night clubs, being a tour guide. He then became a science teacher in a female college, where he met Lisa, the daughter of a Lombard industrialist, whom he fell in love with. But Lisa's father, unfortunately, already has in mind for her a marriage with a very rich suitor ...
Pensiero d'amore
В год господень
ufficiale guardie
В 1825 году верховная власть в Риме и окрестностях принадлежит папе Льву XII, проявившему себя крайним реакционером как в духовных, так и в светских вопросах и подавлявшему любые признаки инакомыслия. И всё-таки искры недовольства тлеют в притихшем городе. Таинственный обличитель, скрывающийся под именем Паскуино, будоражит умы едкими антиправительственными эпиграммами, а мечтающие о политических переменах римляне объединяются в тайные общества.
Zum Zum Zum 2
While happily engaged to Rosalia, Tony has the misfortune of falling for a vibrant pilot named Valeria — and that’s just the beginning of his problems.
Il suo nome è Donna Rosa
Giorgio De Barberis
Andrea falls in love with the beautiful Rosetta, but the girl's father pushes her into the arms of the rich Giorgio. Al Bano and Romina in a musicarello of extraordinary success.
Hell Commandos
Sgt. Arthur Nolan
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
Битва последнего танка
Lt. Hunter
Пока на свете будет существовать хотя бы два человека, то всегда между ними может возникнуть война. Иногда между противоборствующими сторонами возникает зона, в которой устанавливался мир, и она называлась ничейная земля. Именно на такой ничейной земле и разыгралась история, в которой группа нацистских танкистов со своим танком под номером 71, пытается выжить. После столкновения с американскими силами, они отправились в путь, пройти который фактически невозможно. Одержав победу над гитлеровцами на ключевом участке французского фронта, американские солдаты уже собираются отпраздновать конец войны, но к их удивлению единственный уцелевший немецкий танк под командованием фанатичного лейтенанта отказывается сдаться и упорно продолжает боевые действия.
Dead End
Sergio's Friend
Rebellious teen Sergio decides to isolate himself from society by living near the shore of a desolate lake. But he's unable to live freely once police show up and accuse him of murdering a young girl he was briefly acquainted with. This psychological drama with giallo elements appears to have been out of circulation since its theatrical run.
Colpo sensazionale al servizio del Sifar
Lt. Robert Rava
Stasera mi butto
Summer Late sixties, Want to sing, Of Sun. Of golden skin from tanning. Of endless beaches. And relaxing baths. For everyone: young and old. Singles and couples. In the endless consumption of flirtation and new knowledge, the musical background goes crazy with the famous screamer. Famous personalities like Lola Falana emerge from famous people. They get confused. They are inserted between these alleged stars. But above all, they have fun like crazy ...
Киноальманах, снятый итальянскими режиссерами, повествует о хитрости и вероломстве женщин, а также о глупости мужчин.
Don't Ever Leave Me
A young singer secretly gets married since he does not want to let his fans down. After a while the gutter press make up a love story which seriously worries his young bride.
I'm Not Worthy of You
Giorgio Di Bassano
In the sequel of "In ginocchio da te", the engagement of Gianni and Carla is threatened by Giorgio.
Soldati e caporali
Gino Zangheri
So In Love
Giorgio Di Bassano
During his military service, the young singer Gianni Traimonti falls in love with Carla, the marshal's daughter.
What Ever Happened to Baby Toto?
ospite della villa
A pair of brothers, Baby Toto and Pietro, sons of different mothers, live stealing suitcases at the Termini Station in Rome. After a theft they discover that the stolen suitcase they got from an apparent sweet old lady actually contains a corpse. In an attempt to discard the suitcase they mistakenly exchange it with the one of two German hitchhikers, Helga and Inga. Forced to retrieve the "corpus delicti" they are discovered by Count Mischa who blackmail them: in exchange for his silence with the police, they will help him to kill his rich wife. After killing the woman, and following a binge of marjuana mistaken for lettuce by the brothers, Baby Toto will turn into a sadist serial killer. After killing the Count and a half-dozen people, he will soon start torturing his brother.
Canzoni, bulli e pupe
Giorgio Bonetti
In order to promote a plumcake an adman associates with a mad scientist who has found a way to interfere with TV broadcasts.
Full Hearts and Empty Pockets
A young German comes to Rome on vacation and is not slow to win female hearts. When the game become dangerous due to a possible marriage, the young man returns to his homeland.
Gli onorevoli
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
Maskenball bei Scotland Yard
Giorgio Bonetti
В мае 1860 года в Италии разгорается гражданская война между республиканцами, сторонниками Гарибальди, и приверженцами правящей династии Бурбонов. Князь Фабрицио ди Салина, сицилийский феодал, образованный и мудрый аристократ-интеллектуал, с пониманием и пессимизмом относится к происходящим переменам. Поэтому, когда его молодой племянник Танкреди сначала вступает в ряды мятежников-гарибальдийцев, а затем становится офицером короля Савойского, дон Фабрицио не осуждает его. Сам князь Салина не хочет активно участвовать в политической борьбе. Он прекрасно осознает неизбежность происходящих больших перемен и чувствует, что его время «леопардов» и «львов» — уходит. «Я принадлежу к уходящему классу, я свободен от иллюзий и не способен к самообману, — говорит он. Мы — леопарды, львы. Те, кто придет на смену, будут шакалишками, гиенами».
Самый короткий день
Soldato austriaco (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
Eighteen in the Sun
An Italian variation on the Frankie & Annette-Gidget beach party movies that were all the rage in North America in the early 60s. Nicole Molino (Catherine Spaak) and Nicola Molino (Gianni Garko) are not related to one another. In fact, they don’t even know each other until both are inadvertently assigned the same hotel room on the island of Ischia. Nicole isn’t interested in any hanky-panky, so Nicola reluctantly promises to keep his hands to himself.
Crazy Desire
amico biondo di Francesca
A middle-aged businessman meets a band of rowdy youths and is smitten by one, named Francesca.
The Orderly
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.