Maria Klejdysz

Maria Klejdysz

Рождение : 1927-03-05, Katowice, Polska

Смерть : 2009-11-21


Maria Klejdysz
Maria Klejdysz


Babcia Anastazja
A single mobile phone links disparate lives as mishaps take it from a tabloid journalist, to a rehab facility, a war veteran — and beyond.
Последняя акция
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
A Few People, a Little Time
The unusual bond between a blind female writer and an acclaimed poet changes their lives and forms an exceptional creative cooperation, free of politics and the complexities of mundane life.
Heaven Hell
Babcia Marty
A young priest comes to a town to help the old provost in pastoral ministry. It early May, the parish prepares for the First Communion. Unexpectedly, the provost is admitted to hospital with a heart attack. Priest Piotr is on his own now in a completely new place. At a catechesis, one of the girls catches his attention. She’s sad, introvert and sometimes even aggressive. Marta is a daughter of the richest man in the town. During her confession, the priest feels she’s hiding something. When the time of Sacrament reception comes, Marta runs away from the altar. After hours of searching, priest Piotr finds her hidden in a vestry. The girl tells him the horrible truth.
Dwudziestosześcioletni Łukasz, niesłusznie posądzony o napad na starszą kobietę, trafia do aresztu śledczego. Adwokat wynajęty przez matkę bezskutecznie próbuje go stamtąd wydostać. Pod wpływem dramatycznych wydarzeń w celi przejściowej Łukasz za wszelką cenę chce znaleźć się wśród grypsującej części więźniów. Świat gitów wymaga jednak przestrzegania panujących tu twardych zasad. Reżyser uzyskał zgodę Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych na realizację zdjęć w więzieniu na Białołęce.
staruszka popełniająca samobójstwo
The Book of Great Wishes
Anna's friend
Following a fire at an orphanage, the kids are moved into a seniors' home. A young girl tries to befriend and cheer up an elderly man who is full of regrets at the end of his life.
The Story About Master Twardowski
baba u Twardowskiego
The Case of Bronek Pekosinski
pani Bukowska
Bronek Pekosinski lives in Zamosc, Poland. He is probably 83 years old. He has no family and does not really know who he is. Everything about his life is fictitious: symbolic is the date of birth - the day World War II broke out, as well as his surname - after PKOS, an abbreviation of a charitable institution, and the place of birth - the Nazi concentration camp, from where his mother threw him over a barbed wire fence. Even his friends and guardians turned out to be false. Only his loneliness and his hump seem to be authentic. Two great powers have vied for young Bronek's soul: Roman-Catholic church and a totalitarian state. He fell into alcoholism. Partially paralyzed as the effect of cerebral hemorrhage, he is fired with an ambition of acquiring a mastery in a game of chess.
Warszawskie gołębie
Angel in the Wardrobe
Librarian Olga Nowak
About a sound designer for films who years ago, while in bed with his mistress, failed to respond to calls for help outside his door. Now during the recording of the audio track for a new film he begins to hear strange noises on his headphones.
Killing Auntie
A grotesque fairy tale of fantasies in a 21-year old's mind. First he confesses to a priest about killing his aunt. Then he is sending parcels from the post office. Just when it appears that he is going to be arrested, the aunt appears alive and well from her trip. This time though, he decides to go for it...
uczestniczka zjazdu (nie występuje w napisach)
Two old friends meet at a mountain shelter and remember their teenage years. Midroń and Świdrycki are mature, intelligent men, experiencing a crisis of faith in the meaning of life, in their abilities, as well as fear of death. The next day, their wives join them. Although they have not had the opportunity to get to know each other so far, they become friends very quickly.
Praksowia Iwanowna
(w napisach: Maria Kleydysz)
С гениальным хирургом Рафалом Вильчуром происходит трагедия, изменившая всю его жизнь. Уходят жена и дочь, в тот же день он оказывается на улице без денег и документов. Ему приходится пережить несколько лет скитаний и горя. И все-таки судьба поворачивается к нему лицом. Найдя приют в семье мельника, он спасает его больного сына и становится членом семьи. Молва о «знахаре» расходится по всей округе… А вскоре он встречает и красивую девушку, похожую на жену…
The Lynx
Córka Sieradzkiego
Set during the German occupation of Poland during WWII. A priest in a small village meets a revolutionary who is on an assignment to kill a supposed Nazi collaborator.
Утренние звезды
Январь 1945 года. Через маленькую деревушку, к которой все ближе подступает линия фронта, проходят автоколонны фашистов, отступающих под натиском советских войск. Неожиданно в деревню въезжает советский танк, который случайно вырвался вперед и оторвался от своей колонны. Командира танка Михаила Лаврова и его товарищей укрывает в своем доме семья Валендовских. С их помощью удается спрятать и танк. После боевой вылазки танкистов, уничтоживших опорный немецкий пункт, фашисты решают расправиться с жителями деревни, если те не укажут местонахождение русских. И Лавров делает единственно возможное в этой ситуации — жертвует собой во имя спасения мирных жителей.
Roman and Magda
A moral action drama showing a crisis and breakup of a married couple from the perspective of the both spouses, Roman and Magda. Through flashbacks the film reveals a shocking study of the disintegration of the relationship between two adult people and their gradual dehumanization.
You Will Not Have Peace
After leaving prison, Tolek plans to get revenge on his former girlfriend.
Sam na sam
Anna's Mother
"Alone"- A psychological and moral drama dealing with the crisis of feelings in interpersonal relations. Young heroes, basing their relationship on a program-based resignation from emotional involvement, under the influence of a tragic accident, change the rules of past coexistence.
Where the Water Is Pure and the Grass Is Green
The young Kuriata takes the position of the secretary of the City Committee in Grodów, where a corrupt clique ruled for many years. Kuriata begins to introduce competent people to managerial functions, which is enthusiastically received by workers who want changes for the better.
Before the Day Breaks
A boy escapes from a reformatory, but comes again into conflict with the law. During a robbery he hits a woman with a bottle on the head. He is convinced he killed her and because of his past thinks that nothing matters anymore. Only when he finds out that the victim did not die, he reveals the truth about what happened.
Wielki układ
Maria, matka Kołodziejskiego
40-year-old engineer Marek Kołodziejski comes to his hometown after fifteen years. He wants to take revenge on his friends who kicked him out of the band for appropriating the authorship of the project.
The Leaves Have Fallen
Henryk's mother
Young former partisan recalls his war experience during a trip to the sea.
Her Portrait
Złote koło
Безмолвные следы
Польша 1946 год. Банда Перуна, совершающая жестокие грабежи и убийства, терроризирует население крупной территории, неизменно уходя от справедливого возмездия. Пленный в ходе допроса сообщает капитану безопасности Морва, что у Перуна есть хорошо информированный осведомитель среди его преследователей. Капитан придумывает хитроумный план, в результате которого обезврежен Перун с сообщниками и предатель из группы Морва.
Zagubione uczucia
Zofia Stańczakowa
One day in the miserable life of a female factory worker and single mother of four children. One of her sons - ridiculed by his peers - leaves home and gets into trouble.