Takamitsu Watanabe


Годзилла против Мехагодзиллы
Alien Henchman # 1
Желая завоевать планету, инопланетный разум создаёт и посылает на землю механического двойника Годзиллы. Чтобы помочь «земному» Годзилле одолеть монстра, люди призывают другое легендарное существо — Короля Сизера.
Город зверей
Арима мечтал получить образование и посвятить себя науке, но неверный менеджмент университета лишил его возможности получить диплом. В этот момент президент фармацевтической компании Исихама делает ему лестное предложение. Исихама важно иметь под рукой человека, который отлично стреляет. Скоро это его умение очень пригодится. Но шантаж, вымогательство, предательство правят людьми, и маленький человек не способен изменить этот мир.
Konto 55: Mankind's Weaknesses
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
Shigeo Koyama
Japanese mystery film directed by Michiyoshi Doi.
Tokaido hijokeikai
Crime film directed by Tatsuo Yamada for Shintoho.
A group of sinners involved in interconnected tales of murder, revenge, deceit and adultery all meet at the Gates of Hell.
Ghost of the Pearl Divers
Brutal Woman
Tired of poverty, Keiko leaves home and soon takes a lover, but leads a wanton life without paying heed to his advice. However, the younger sister Yoshiko, is an innocent and kind girl. One day, with the sudden death of their mother in a car accident, Keiko learns that she and Yoshiko are actually stepsisters, and that she is the daughter of a murderer. She now plans extortion from Yoshiko's true father who is the president of a well-known trading company.
Decisive Battle at Kuroda Castle
After the massacre of Christians at Shimabara, followers of Amakusa Shiro band together in a plot to overthrow the shogunate in order to exact revenge on the Tokugawa. At the same time there is a succession dispute in the Kuroda clan, as one faction tried to usurp the rightful heir and take over the honored clan. Before his untimely death, the lord of the Kuroda bestowed “Nihongo”, a magnificent spear, on his finest warrior, which ultimately brings him into contact with two of Japan’s most famous historical figures, Yagyu Jubei and Miyamoto Musashi. Can the three masters of martial art join forces to defeat their enemies and save the nation?
Shintoho crime film.
Death Row Woman
Muto, the driver
Arrested for the murder of her wealthy businessman father, convicted on false evidence and sentenced to death, Kyoko is determined to prove her innocence.
Basement of Death
Shintoho crime film directed by Kyotaro Namiki.
Stormy Virtue
Yamano Securities employee
Yuri is looking forward to marrying her fiancé Minoru. However, a few days before the wedding she falls victim to his brother Takehiko, and against her will, she becomes Takehiko's wife. The day after the wedding, Yuri begins her silent revenge by not talking to her husband. She retains her love for Minoru and never gives herself to Takehiko's embrace again. She also contributes large sums of money from Takehiko's fortune to charity.
The Lady Vampire
Tamio takes Itsuko to an art gallery and the two find one painting is a nude portrait of Itsuko's mother, who disappeared twenty years ago when she was just a baby. No one knows the first thing about the artist who painted it, but he goes by the name Shiro Sofue, and he's always wearing shades in the daytime...