Documentary feature film about the life and work of renowned philosopher Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996). Christoph Rüter gives the word to three of Blumenberg's former students, who today work in very different sectors: As a taxi driver, an ad writer and a philosopher. They give a very personal account of how Blumenberg's thoughts and ideas have informed and inspired them.
Documentary feature film about the life and work of renowned philosopher Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996). Christoph Rüter gives the word to three of Blumenberg's former students, who today work in very different sectors: As a taxi driver, an ad writer and a philosopher. They give a very personal account of how Blumenberg's thoughts and ideas have informed and inspired them.
Documentary feature film about the life and work of renowned philosopher Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996). Christoph Rüter gives the word to three of Blumenberg's former students, who today work in very different sectors: As a taxi driver, an ad writer and a philosopher. They give a very personal account of how Blumenberg's thoughts and ideas have informed and inspired them.
Intimate portrait of writer, poet and filmmaker Thomas Brasch.
Intimate portrait of writer, poet and filmmaker Thomas Brasch.
This film not only illuminates Heiner Müller's life and works, it is more about questioning the "Sphinx" of the East and its saying about the loss of utopias and examining whether Heiner Müller's texts, as he himself said, were messages in a bottle for the future or not.
Portrait of German actress Angela Winkler.
Portrait of German actress Angela Winkler.
Klaus Kinski is one of the few German actors who has achieved international fame. He made headlines. And disappeared behind them. Kinski lived his parts 24/7. This film tells the story of a man who no longer could understand the difference or distinguish between fantasy and reality.
Klaus Kinski is one of the few German actors who has achieved international fame. He made headlines. And disappeared behind them. Kinski lived his parts 24/7. This film tells the story of a man who no longer could understand the difference or distinguish between fantasy and reality.
Portrait of German theatre director Klaus Michael Grüber.
Имя Месмера, наделенного сверхъестественными способностями, известно всем, интересующимся темой необычного и мистического. Он жил в XVIII в., для одних был магом и волшебником, а другие считали его обманщиком и шарлатаном. Куча венских врачей занималась тем, чтобы либо доказать его несостоятельность, либо объяснить успех. Ему сопутствовали богатство и слава великого провидца. Рассказ о его любви к своей пациентке, прекрасной Марии Терезе, слепой дочери богатого бизнесмена, положен в основу этой исторической мелодрамы...