David Ossman


Пять тысяч
Abner Wilhelm
После ограбления поезда за голову Джаспера Мадда назначают награду. Но ему удается убить выследившего его маршала. Завладев значком и документами убитого, Джаспер рассчитывает ускользнуть от возмездия. Однако теперь за ним по пятам следует куда более опасный охотник за головами...
Приключения Флика
Cornelius (voice)
Вместе с забавным муравьём Фликом вы совершите путешествие в поисках храброго отряда воинов! Флик ищет добровольцев, готовых помочь ему победить агрессивных кузнечиков, угрожающих покою его большой семьи. Когда вместо воинов Флик находит лишь неуклюжую труппу цирковых жуков, единственной его надеждой на победу остаётся крепкая дружба и потрясающая сила воображения.
The Commission
The Narrator
This work is Woody's first entry into the narrative sphere, whereby the "story" is continually undermined with the aid of various anti-narrative strategies: In each of the eleven segments of this "electronic opera", different effects are used. Fascinated with the remarkable personality of infamous violinist Niccola Paganini and his complicated relationship to Hector Berlioz (played by artists Ernie Gusella and Robert Ashley, respectively), the author meditates over the intricacies of artistic geniality as connected not only with fame but also with the necessity of painful survival under the pressures of the art market.
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Sherrif Luger Axehandle / NURGI Clockwork Film narrrator / Prof. Archer / Art Wholeflaffer / Gen.
"Dogs flew space ships! The Aztecs invented the vacation! Men and Women are the same sex! Our forefathers took drugs! Your brain is not the boss!". Great news! Famed dare-demon Reebus Cannibus is going to perform his greatest stunt ever! A leap down the bottomless comet pit to the center of the Earth! Join the fabulous Firesign Theatre for another of their mind-bending journeys as they explore the alien uprising in our midst! Dr. Happy Harry Cox is our guide under the watchful eye of mild-mannered trailer park manager, and member of the Funny Name Club of America, Art Wholeflaffer, as he presents all seekers (one born every minute!) with the key evidence proving the thesis that Everything You Know is Wrong!
Everything You Know Is Wrong
"Dogs flew space ships! The Aztecs invented the vacation! Men and Women are the same sex! Our forefathers took drugs! Your brain is not the boss!". Great news! Famed dare-demon Reebus Cannibus is going to perform his greatest stunt ever! A leap down the bottomless comet pit to the center of the Earth! Join the fabulous Firesign Theatre for another of their mind-bending journeys as they explore the alien uprising in our midst! Dr. Happy Harry Cox is our guide under the watchful eye of mild-mannered trailer park manager, and member of the Funny Name Club of America, Art Wholeflaffer, as he presents all seekers (one born every minute!) with the key evidence proving the thesis that Everything You Know is Wrong!
Everything You Know Is Wrong
"Dogs flew space ships! The Aztecs invented the vacation! Men and Women are the same sex! Our forefathers took drugs! Your brain is not the boss!". Great news! Famed dare-demon Reebus Cannibus is going to perform his greatest stunt ever! A leap down the bottomless comet pit to the center of the Earth! Join the fabulous Firesign Theatre for another of their mind-bending journeys as they explore the alien uprising in our midst! Dr. Happy Harry Cox is our guide under the watchful eye of mild-mannered trailer park manager, and member of the Funny Name Club of America, Art Wholeflaffer, as he presents all seekers (one born every minute!) with the key evidence proving the thesis that Everything You Know is Wrong!
Everything You Know Is Wrong
"Dogs flew space ships! The Aztecs invented the vacation! Men and Women are the same sex! Our forefathers took drugs! Your brain is not the boss!". Great news! Famed dare-demon Reebus Cannibus is going to perform his greatest stunt ever! A leap down the bottomless comet pit to the center of the Earth! Join the fabulous Firesign Theatre for another of their mind-bending journeys as they explore the alien uprising in our midst! Dr. Happy Harry Cox is our guide under the watchful eye of mild-mannered trailer park manager, and member of the Funny Name Club of America, Art Wholeflaffer, as he presents all seekers (one born every minute!) with the key evidence proving the thesis that Everything You Know is Wrong!
Two gunfighters separate and experience surreal visions on their journey through the west.