Piero Pastore

Рождение : 1903-04-03,

Смерть : 1968-01-08


Я, я, я... и другие
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
The Devil Also Cries
Sword of the Empire
Rome, under Commodus: intrigue, fight for power, gladiators, senators, Christians, Barbarians, slaves, Pretorians, battles, wrestles, swords and muscles in by-the-numbers Italian epic.
Hercules, Prisoner of Evil
Hercules battles an evil sorceress who turns men into werewolves. The mythic duo returns in Prisoner of Evil, where a sorceress seduces Herc and transforms him into a mindless beast. Italian horror master Antonio Margheriti directed this installment of the Hercules legend, a blend of sword-and-sandal fantasy and horror.
The Maniacs
Himself (segment "Il sport") (uncredited)
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
Голиаф и рыцарь в маске
Capo Carceriere
Чтобы сохранить мир с воинственным доном Рамиро, его сосед, дон Франсиско, соглашается отдать тому руку своей дочери Бланки, разрушив помолвку девушки с благородным доном Хуаном. Изгнанный из своих новых владений коварным Рамиро, Хуан присоединяется к табору цыган во главе с богатырём по прозвищу Голиаф. Померившись силами и оценив возможности друг друга, молодые люди становятся друзьями. Голиаф и его друзья решают помочь несправедливо униженному Хуану вернуть свою любовь и свои владения, отобранные доном Рамиро.
The Invincible Masked Rider
fratello dell'appestato
I Am Semiramis
Semiramis, a powerful and beautiful Assyrian queen, oversees the construction of the luxurious city of Babylon. She falls in love with Kir, a fallen prince turned into a slave who corresponds to her love. But a palace conspiracy will make the two lovers separate and confront each other.
Tiger of the Seven Seas
Pirate (uncredited)
Tigre is the skipper of the Santa Maria, a pirate-ship, but he feels tired and decides to leave the command of the ship. Unfortunately he has only a daughter, Consuelo. So he will leave the command and the ship to the winner of a challenge among his men. Unexpectedly Consuelo wins. The same night Tigre is killed, William is charged with the killing and is sentenced to death. But before the sentence could be executed the Spaniards of Grand Duke Inigo arrives. Consuelo escapes, however this is only the first move of Indigo's wife to get to the pirates treasure.
Il naufrago del Pacifico
Gli eroi del doppio gioco
Benito, son of a fascist mayor, returned from the countryside of Russia, rebels against the family and joins a group of partisans.
Разбойник Варавва
Библейская легенда о воре и убийце Варавве, которого помиловал Понтий Пилат. Была такая традиция в древней Иудее, когда зрители, присутствующие на массовых казнях, которые являлись своеобразным шоу, проходившими при гигантском стечении публики, могли по своему произволу выбрать одного понравившегося им преступника и освободить его от смерти. В тот раз люди выбрали Варавву…
Queen of the Seas
Redhead Mary is a girl who dresses like a man to better approach, and rob the jewels worn by the pretty ladies of her time.
The Giants of Thessaly
Cittadino di Jolco (uncredited)
In order to placate the angry gods, who have allowed Thessaly to be overrun with barbarian invaders and beset with natural disasters, King Jason takes his Argonauts on a search for the fabled Golden Fleece. Meanwhile, back at home, his scheming regent is plotting to get his hands on the kingdom--and the queen.
Генерал Делла Ровере
Prisoner (uncredited)
Действие фильма происходит во время немецкой оккупации Генуи зимой 1943-1944 годов. После того как гестаповцы случайно убивают генерала Делла Ровере, лидера итальянского Сопротивления, местный комендант убеждает Бардоне, аморального мошенника, выдавать себя за убитого генерала. Под его именем Бардоне отсылают в миланскую тюрьму, где он должен узнать лидера партизан, с которым Делла Ровере собирался встретиться перед смертью. Бардоне, однако, начинает идентифицировать себя со своими товарищами-заключенными и находит в себе недоступные ему доселе моральные силы и дух лидера Сопротивления.
The Black Archer
A mysterious archer who dresses in black is out for revenge against the bandits who killed his father.
Il mondo dei miracoli
Un altro capostazione
An actor fails to find success in the film world but falls in love with a theatre manager's daughter.
Engaged to Death
A tale of love, rivalry and passion set in the 50s, in the madcap world of motorcycle speed races, shot on the occasion of the main competitions of that time, such as Monza’s Moto GP and the last edition of the legendary Milano-Taranto race. With also very rare footage of the Moto Guzzi wind tunnel and factories. The film features, alongside popular actors Rik Battaglia and Sylva Koscina, many of the most important champions of those years: Geoffrey Duke, Libero Liberati, Bill Lomas, Enrico Lorenzetti, Reg Armstrong, Stanley Woods, Ken Cavanagh, Dickie Dale, Thomas Campbell, Pierre Monneret, Albino Milani, Walter Zeller, Bruno Francisci, all of them riding amazing Moto Guzzi, Gilera, Mondial and Norton bikes with the so charming and dangerous dustbin fairings that were going to be banned in 1958.
Operazione notte
An unemployed young man has a relationship with the mistress of a rich industrialist. In order to escape her protector, he decides to commit a robbery in the company of a friend...
Il cavaliere dalla spada nera
Suonno d'ammore
Искусство устраиваться
История начинается в двадцатых годах на Сицилии. Секретарь мэра Катании Розарио Шимони любит две вещи в жизни: женщин и деньги. Этот беспринципный и обаятельный человек хочет любым способом преуспеть в жизни и для достижения своих целей становится то коммунистом, то фашистом, выгодно женится, затевает аферы с кино и недвижимостью...
Аттила завоеватель
Capo tribale
Древние пророчества гласили, что однажды появится человек, который сможет объединить племена свирепых воинов и бросить вызов непобедимой Римской империи, которая веками правила античным миром. Имя этого человека стало легендарным и навсегда вошло в историю человечества: Аттила - бесстрашный повелитель гуннов. Нам предстоит стать свидетелями противостояния двух самых могущественных людей своего времени и их армий: непокорного Аттилы и прославленного римского полководца Флавия...
Il cardinale Lambertini
Il messo papale
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
Хлеб, любовь и ревность
Командир карабинеров сержант Антонио решается уйти в отставку, чтобы жениться на Аннареле. Неугомонная Берсальера устраивается работать прислугой в доме у Антонио, тем самым давая повод для очередных сплетен...
Loves of Three Queens
Simone (segment: The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships)
At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.
Easy Years
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Trouble for the Legion
Il Baro ai Dadi
Римские каникулы
Faceless Man on the Barge (uncredited)
В Рим с официальным визитом прибывает юная принцесса Анна. Дни её расписаны по минутам — приемы, посещения фабрик, интервью… в общем, тоска! Она совсем девчонка, ей хочется свободы и она убегает из дворца на улицу, где гуляют, поют и целуются жители Вечного города.Увы, незадолго до побега доктор сделал ей укол снотворного и принцесса засыпает на скамейке. А мимо проходит возвращающийся домой после вечера за карточным столом американский журналист Джо Брэдли. Рано утром по заданию редактора он должен быть на пресс-конференции у принцессы Анны, которую он в глаза никогда не видел…
I tre corsari
Capitano del galeone
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
Il segreto delle tre punte
Riccardo Albertini
Red Shirts - Anita Garibaldi
Pietro Fadini
The story of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1849 campaign to free Italy from Austrian domination.
Il bivio
Arrigo De Vecchi
After the war, Aldo and his men became gangster. But now the times are changing and Aldo decides to became a policeman to help better his men in crime. He meets Giovanna and falls for her. But he begins liking his new job and after their first robbery, Aldo tries to leave his old accomplices...
Behind Closed Shutters
Sandra searches her missing sister. For this, she enters the morally degraded seaside of Genoa.
Il monello della strada
11 men and a ball
Aquila Nera
An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a French teacher.
In High Places
Bottarini, il calciatore
In High Places is a 1943 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Soldati and starring Adriana Benetti, Massimo Serato and Nerio Bernardi. It is based on a play by Jean Anouilh. The film portrays the rise into high society of an immoral young man.
The Man with the Cross
Ukraine, 1942. Italian troops are fighting against the Soviet Union. A military chaplain volunteers to stay behind with a badly wounded Italian soldier, even though this means certain capture.
The Italian troops at Giarabub defend themselves against the British.
Oro nero
The Siege of the Alcazar
Set during the Spanish civil war, the story of a commander of a fort Alcazar in Toledo, faithful to general Franco.
An Adventure of Salvator Rosa
Il quarto contadino
Everything unfolds in Naples seventeenth century, when a mysterious masked swordsman who calls Salvador Rossa becomes champion of the needy and lonely struggle against the cruel tyrant that frightens the country.
I, His Father
An ex-boxer has trained his own son and leads him on to win the middle-weight championship of Italy. But the boy falls easy prey to a woman of light morals and renounces the hard work of sport to follow her to a winter luxury resort and at a certain moment, offers to marry her but she, not wanting to give up an advantageous connection, turns him down, advising the youth to not change the nature of their relationship. Then, the boy feeling the entire baseness of his situation, returns home to his parents who welcome him back with joy and takes up again a commitment to sport.
Under the Southern Cross
Venice Film Festival 1938
Tonight at Eleven
A comedy poking fun at earlier 1930s American crime films: A society lady goes after a gang of outlaws and lands up becoming involved romantically with a gangster.
Milizia territoriale
Il soldato Grotta
Salvatore - il fidanzato di Maria
Directed by Amleto Palermi
Mario Velini
In the huge steel factories in Terni (Umbria, Italy), two friends: Mario and Pietro, fight for the love of the same girl, Gina. Pietro dies because of a work accident at the factory. The other workers think Mario is responsible for the death of his friend. Mario, who is innocent, is forced to quit, but his love for Gina and his dedication to his job help him out of his crisis.
The legend of Wally
A young girl flees from her father to be able to marry her true love.
Ninna nanna delle 12 mamme