Paulina, sister of Napoleon I, is married to Camillo Borghese, presented as a helpless coward. She is eager to offer herself to all the young people that propose to her, and performs naked in front of the Roman people flocking to the walls of Villa Borghese, which she turned into a private residence. She also poses half naked for the famous statue of Canova, who is also presented as a effeminate and scoundrel. When her reputation as a depraved spreads, on the advice of the Pope, she is segregated away from all the men. when the French troops deport from Rome the Pope and the cardinals as well, Paulina sees prostitution as the only way to find herself some "fresh meat". Finally after seven years villa Borghese is reopened to the public, as Paulina goes back to Paris, to the great relief of the Roman people and the clerical circles.
Archivist Pironti
Мариано Бонифаци, честный судебный следователь, занимается расследованием странной смерти одной молодой девушки. Вовлеченный в это дело Лоренцо Сантенчито, крупный промышленник, который каким-то образом использовал девушку в своих темных делах. Бонифаци делает все возможное, чтобы доказать причастность Сантенчито к данному делу.
fornaio Bragone
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
Director of the waiter agency
Парикмахер Марино Балестрини знакомится с Марисой в Риме — это любовь с первого взгляда. Они решают пожениться, но отец невесты против их брака. И это не единственное препятствие, кажется, что весь мир ополчился на них.
padre di Mario
Policarpo De Tappetti is a calligrapher who works under the orders of Don César Pancarano de Rondò. For many years, Policarpo has been seeking a promotion and a raise that never comes, and, it seems, will never come. One day, Jerónimo, the son of Don César, meets Celeste, the daughter of Polycarp, and falls in love with her. Polycarp sees in that relationship the solution to his aspirations at work, and does everything in his power to make this relationship fruitful. Don César, who presumes to be a count, sees with very bad eyes that his son meets a girl from such a different social position, and does just the opposite. But the efforts made by both parties will be of no use, since Celeste has fallen in love with Mario Marquetti, a "specialized mechanic" (typist) who is giving private lessons in the offices of the businessman Franquinet .
Three vignettes about couples trying to get together and the problems that continue to keep them apart.
The Innkeeper
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
A man turns to a life of crime after his mother's death.
During the first Napoleonic expedition into Italy, Thibaud is seriously injured before being caught up in a mystery involving his wife, her rightful inheritance and his own daughter's happiness.
Don Luigi
The kindly "Don Luigi" and his pernickety sister "Angelica" welcome a variety of needy folks to their rectory.
Sor Gigi
Two young men are training for a rowing race on the Tiber. One of them, "Marco" is distracted by a new found love.
amico di Carlo
Мара Гуалтьери, девушка легкого поведения, во время железнодорожной аварии спасает маленькую польскую девочку, родители которой погибли. Девочка напомнила Маре её умершую дочь. Мара хочет удочерить девочку, но она не может этого сделать, пока не устроится на работу. С трудом она находит работу на заводе. Случайно Мара встречает своего бывшего любовника, который был отцом её дочери. Он женат, но в семье нет детей. Он думает, что девочка - его дочь...
Another relative of Francesco's
When "Tamara" throws herself from the window of their brothel, her colleagues are made to realise that a new law will close down the source of their livelihood. The girls must now find honest work.
usciere al Ministero
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Группа людей собирается в монастыре иезуитов, чтобы в тишине и одиночестве пройти курс духовного совершенствования. Судьба сводит вместе поставщика церковных свечей, бывшего заключенного, внешне благополучных политика и романиста... Свои проблемы есть у каждого, только для мелкого воришки Дом тишины становится возможностью ускользнуть от полиции. Истории этих людей переплетаются с душевным кризисом священника, усомнившегося в своей миссии духовного наставника.
Paolo Dazzeni
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard
Padre di Adriana
В основу сюжета положен реальный факт: некий римский адвокат дал в газете объявление о том, что требуется опытная машинистка. По объявлению явилось столько женщин, что лестница старого дома рухнула под их тяжестью.
un vecchio direttore della fotografia
Le Commissaire
Three friends, a mechanic, a clockmaker, and a night warden are engaged to three sisters but are broke and cannot get married and pay the rent. They convince their future father-in-law to buy three little flats for them but the man buys them from a swindler and the friends run the risk of going to prison.
Signor Corelli
Gina is the daughter of a provincial newsstand dealer and spends her time reading pulp magazines and dreaming of a glamorous vocation on the big city. She enters a beauty contest in a nearby city, without her father's permission, and, en route, meets Franco, a salesman.
Theater Owner
История о провинциальной труппе, кочующей по итальянским местечкам и кое-как перебивающейся с хлеба на воду.
Il parroco
Главный герой — безработный глава семьи, который от отчаяния, с таким же коллегой по несчастью, угоняет машину, дабы перепродать ее в другом районе. Однако затеи мешает жена Паоло — Линда, которая вынуждает взять ее и их сына в путешествие, подлинные цели которого вскроются лишь к финалу картины. Главный герой устраивает уик-энд семье, за счет денег и машины местного нуворишa. Oн временно оказываeтся в другой социальной срeдe и понимаeт всю подлость и ничтожество бедности и стремления к материальному благополучию, в которое толкает его (бывшего до войны владельца автомастерской) и народ Италии сложившeeся положение вещей…
Claudio and Anna Tancredi, opera singers, are husband and wife. Their married life, however, is often disturbed by small misunderstandings and Anna's burning jealousy.
A young woman is murdered and robbed in broad daylight. A young man is arrested, in possession of some of the jewels of the victim. The passionate protests of his sister arouse the compassion of Za la Mort, who promises to help the girl.
Un frutivendolo
Thanks to wartime smuggling Gioconda Perfetti, a roman fruit vendor, becomes very rich. She leaves her shop and moves to a magnificent villa which once belonged to a count. She also becomes involved with some very dubious characters who profit from her ignorance and cheat her out of her money.
Il fattorino del radiogrammofono
The two drivers Giovanni and Gaetano are friends. Gaetano, bold and ruthless, thrives in the black market, while Giovanni, who is a naive and fundamentally honest worker from the North of Italy, cannot get any profit and his wife, an energetic and talkative Roman woman, can't help blaming him for his poor business skills. Returning from a trip to Naples, he brings home a little hungry orphan, Nello. At first Giovanni's wife doesn't want the boy, but then she begins to like him. The little boy does whatever he can to help the family. Nello's father, who everybody thought to have died during the war, finds his little son and, being a rich business man, he employs the good and generous Giovanni. Meanwhile the former friend Gaetano is caught by the police and convicted for his illegal trades.
Padre di Iris
Direttore del Teatro Vittoria
L'allenatore Marinoni
This featurette is a burlesque of the Moliere play, The Doctor In Spite of Himself.