Lucian Read


Город Йоэля
Сам город, упомянутый в названии, — это на самом деле деревня, хасидская община на севере от Нью-Йорка, которая оказалась настолько успешной в воплощении всех 613 мицв из Торы, что теперь им попросту не хватает места, чтобы всем жить - так стало много поселенцев. Назван "город" в честь рабби Йоэля Тейтельбаума, вдохновителя всей ультраортодоксальной хасидской общины в США. Джесси Суит, бывалый документалист и кинопродюсер, который собирал деньги на фильм с помощью краудфандинга, показывает всю подноготную борьбы хасидов за земли с местными активистами, которые считают, что такое расширение может повредить окружающей среде (а хасиды, конечно, считают, что их оппоненты — антисемиты), а регион Нью-Йорка показан как новый Вавилон, где цветёт сто цветов.
Who Controls the Land
Native American actor Martin Sensmeier travels to San Juan County, Utah, to investigate the controversy over the Bears Ears National Monument. While there, he learns how the fight over the monument is just one more battle in a long-running war between the county's Native American citizens and their Mormon neighbors over who will control the future of the county. His journey reveals how voting rights denied by the Mormons have led to the marginalization of their Native neighbors and learns about the long history of looting of sacred archeological sites in the county.
Who Controls the Land
Native American actor Martin Sensmeier travels to San Juan County, Utah, to investigate the controversy over the Bears Ears National Monument. While there, he learns how the fight over the monument is just one more battle in a long-running war between the county's Native American citizens and their Mormon neighbors over who will control the future of the county. His journey reveals how voting rights denied by the Mormons have led to the marginalization of their Native neighbors and learns about the long history of looting of sacred archeological sites in the county.
Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back
An art world upstart, provocative and elusive artist Maurizio Cattelan made his career on playful and subversive works that send up the artistic establishment, until a retrospective at the Guggenheim in 2011 finally solidified his place in the contemporary art canon. Axelrod's equally playful profile leaves no stone unturned in trying to figure out: who is Maurizio Cattelan?
Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back
Director of Photography
An art world upstart, provocative and elusive artist Maurizio Cattelan made his career on playful and subversive works that send up the artistic establishment, until a retrospective at the Guggenheim in 2011 finally solidified his place in the contemporary art canon. Axelrod's equally playful profile leaves no stone unturned in trying to figure out: who is Maurizio Cattelan?
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
This award winning documentary, narrated by Lou Reed, explores the breadth and depth of Occupy Wall Street and how it quickly grew from a small park in lower Manhattan to an international movement. The film highlights why people from diverse age, ethnic and financial backgrounds support the movement and its focus of removing money from politics in order to reclaim democracy from entrenched corporate interests so that critical issues including job creation, affordable access to health and education, protecting the environment and gun safety can be fully addressed. Featuring interviews with a wide range of subjects including Occupiers, economist Jeffrey Sachs and business magnate Russell Simmons.