Sergio Sagnotti


Blood River
A bunch of unscrupulous men make havoc of a tribe of Indians to take their land. A survivor of the massacre decides to avenge his people by killing the whole bunch one by one.
Woman Buried Alive
Master at Arms
Duke Philippe married Cristina, daughter of a fisherman. But his brothers, seeing that these after marriage they would miss out inheritance, decide to get rid of the woman by imprisoning her in a tower and making the duke believe she died.
Большая дуэль
Master at Arms
Экс-шериф Клейтон, пытается доказать невиновность некоего Вермеера, обвинённого в убийстве. Клейтону личность убийцы известна, но он не спешит её обнародовать. Вермеер же хочет не только добиться своего оправдания, но и отомстить за смерть отца. Ко всем преступлениям оказывается причастна свирепая банда Сэксонов, с которой героям и предстоит сразиться.
Night of Violence
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
Зачем опять убивать?
Классический спагетти-вестерн о справедливости и мести. Главный герой возвращается домой в пограничный городок и ищет мести убийцам своего отца....
The Hawk of the Caribbean
Master at Arms
In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?