Old man Zaim is alone in the world and wants to change that. He is in love with his neighbor Munevera. Munevera doesn't want him. But there are those who do.
История боснийского поэта Хамзы, который живет со своей семьей в Сараево во время Боснийской войны. Отправив жену и дочь в Хорватию, он вскоре встречает двух братьев-сирот, сбежавших от резни в их деревне. Они пришли в боснийскую столицу в поисках давно потерянной тети. Хамза решает помочь ребятам искать родных и выживать в условиях ужасов войны и полной блокады города. После долгих поисков Хамза узнает, что их тетка перебралась в Германию. Но переправить мальчиков туда неимоверно трудно, учитывая, насколько смертельно опасны любые выходы из осажденного Сараево.
(segment "Ružina osveta")
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2: A factory worker Pantic comes to Belgrade where he befriends a waiter. Having no overnight lodge, Pantic spends the night in the bar where his new acquaintance works, and becomes a victim of group of people who start picking on him. The initially protective waiter joins their harassment, and that's when Pantic pulls out a knife. Story 3: A female reporter gets back from the province without getting job done. On her way back, she meets an abused woman who lives with her husband in a trailer, making grill. The two will run away together, facing many hazards and trials.
Ilarija Begović
After spending 13 years in prison, forty-year-old Djuka Begovic returns to his home-village in Slavonia. He promises to his mother that he will begin a new and honest life. He finds new meaning in taking care of his daughter Smilja. He tries to chase away destructive thoughts that threaten to overwhelm him by throwing himself into hard work. However, everything around him reminds him of his past and his family's tragic destiny. His family was wealthy at the beginning of the twentieth century, but was destroyed by the capitalist powers that took over the villages and broke the traditional family cooperatives. Djuka's personal life was marked by constant conflicts with his father.
After a quarrel with his wife, a man leaves their apartment with one suitcase only. Having slept in a train station, the police legitimates him and found him suspicious. Soon he'll find himself locked in a prison with several other, mostly innocent people. The true horror begins only then.
Professor Gerasim and assistant Tugomir are in a ski-resort where opportunity for cheating and love is around every corner.
A high representative goes by the narrow macadam road to the grand opening of the facility in a mountain village, another new victory of his own. In the car with him was not his wife but his mistress, a young and rather attractive girl. The car stucks in the quite large and deep puddle in the middle of the country road...
In the fifties, a young Belgrade teacher girl, after finishing her school, and by the Ministry of education order, arrives to a remote town to educate people. Unready and inexperienced, she fails in building a bridge between herself and the environment where she was brought against her will, and conflicts start. The conflict with others soon causes the conflict with herself, which causes the tragedy...
A ranger whose passion is nude painting comes to work in a remote Bosnian village. He asks the local women to pose naked for him. They are shy at first, but they eventually agree to do so. This makes their husbands furious, who think that the ranger is sleeping with their wives.
After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her daughter. However, his happiness is shattered by wife's infidelity. Driven mad by jealousy, he kills her and her lover and runs into mountains, thus escaping law for months. This film is based on the true story about Junuz Kečo, last Bosnian outlaw.
A Serbian family leaves the troubled Kosovo region after Albanians rape the daughter in front of her mother. When they leave their home after the assault, their family tombs are desecrated, and the move to northern Serbia is marked by rejection by the local people of their new community.
Adventures of an idealistic old Communist whose treasured watch is stolen by a magpie but who overcomes all difficulties.
A bitter coming-of-age story about boy who grows up in a remote Bosnian village shortly after World War II.
Starac II
Summer of 1972, a small group of fanatical Croatian nationalists, trained and equipped by extreme emigrant organizations, infiltrated the territory of former Yugoslavia with intent to organize an uprising against Tito's regime. This series, very loosely based on true events, depicts the manhunt that followed.
Действие фильма происходит в Сараево в беспокойное время (1948 — 1952гг.) после разрыва Тито со Сталиным. Трагедия людей, попавших в жернова тоталитаризма, показана с точки зрения шестилетнего мальчика.
Отец мальчика постоянно уезжает в командировки, и он — тот самый похотливый бабник, из-за которого страдает мать. Судьба наносит удар семье, когда отца по доносу любовницы арестовывают, а его жене и сыну приходится пережить три жутких года, полных горя и нищеты.
The story of a forced march of the first proletarian shock brigade during World War II.
Traveling salesman in a small town before WW2 makes a solemn promise to kill himself. Later he finds that the local people took him very seriously.
Thanks to his friendliness towards Nazis, Sarajevo businessman gets more and more rich during WW2. However, his infatuation towards the Jewish girl causes his downfall.
Gazija are military men who patrol the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire in mid-18th century. One such man has trouble reconciling times of peace with his Gazija standing.
The funeral in his native village evokes the main character's reminiscences from the childhood, but the bygone time exist only in his memories.
Степан — аутичный юноша из бедной семьи, на которого тяжело пьющий отец возлагает огромные надежды и регулярно обрушивает кулаки. Не наделённый никакими дарованиями, Степан не может поверить в собственную посредственность и после смерти родителя еще глубже уходит в мир своих фантазий.
Так, работая скромным фотографом, он пытается выглядеть перед соседями великим скрипачом. В результате же становится посмешищем всего Сараево и объектом жестоких издевательств. Второй главный герой картины, Менто — щуплый еврей, подкаблучник и владелец кафе «Титаник». Своё заведение он привык видеть всегда полным народу, а себя мнит капитаном знаменитого лайнера. История играет с ним дурную шутку, когда в 1941 г. Боснию оккупирует гитлеровская армия, и двое этих маленьких униженных людей, Менто и Степан, предстают друг перед другом в совершенно новых амплуа.
Refik Selman (segment "Koma")
The common motif of two stories is love and death. In the first story, a drama of love and adultery takes place with a tragic ending. In the second story, the environment of hospital asylum and the constant presence of death makes two diabetics carefully watching over an unknown man in coma.
Елена живет на небольшой ферме с двумя сыновьями — Мартином и Яковом. Мартин женат на Кате уже пять лет, но им никак не удается зачать ребенка. Мартин издевается над женой. У Якова нет жены — он спит в одной постели со своей матерью, и любит жену брата. Каждую ночь он слышит ее стоны за стеной, и однажды не выдерживает и сбегает. А утром оказывается, что Ката мертва… Потом на ферму приезжает двое людей: пожилой мужчина, который объявляет, что он отец Мартина и намерен остаться жить на ферме, и девушка, которая вскоре становится новой невестой Мартина…
The leftover disbanded partisan battalion draws Chetniks' attention, who push their plans of attacking the partisan headquarters aside and start hunting them instead.
Žandar Rašula
Sfaira (1971-1984) dedicated to Pythagoras and Plato is a homage to two of his favourite spheroids: the Earth and the Sun.
A comedy mocking the self-management system - the workers become owners of a luxury hotel on the Adriatic coast.
A greedy trader who becomes convinced that a house is hidden in the wall of a house, decides to buy the house at all costs.
The story begins in 1941 and shows one of the people who which were actually, very brave and proudly fought against the Ustasha, Germans and other butchers, not related to that ideology was tied. The film is about Dr. Mladen Stojanovic legend of Kozara and Krajina, great man, humanist, friend, and finally the commander one of a the proud partisan detachment, which is that area brought for a moment bring much desired freedom.
A young journalist is sent to a small Bosnian town to interview people on happiness. He mixes up with local affair and has a romance with a student. He gets a shock when he finds out that he is going to be important due to childhood mumps.
Due to fighting against the Germans and the Ustashas, the partisans in central Bosnia decide to strike the salt pans, and take the much needed salt for the people and army. After serious attacks and heavy losses, they complete their mission successfully.
A coal miner works harder than everything else to make his country proud.
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
The tribulations of a hardy shepherd and a young boy fighting local peasants in order to have the right to graze his sheep. The old man is killed by some enraged peasants but the young boy carries on his work and battle.
Mitar Zmijanjac
The film tells of devastating earthquake in Banja Luka in 1969 and follows a group of prisoners in prison during devastating earthquake and people and residents of Banja Luka. Fate of prisoners,the fate of the city and residents of Banja Luka, are light motive of this movie.
Yugoslavia, 1948, the year of Inform Bureau's resolution and Tito's break-up with Stalin. The story takes place during a wedding in the Dalmatian inland in Croatia. Ante marries a much younger woman, Visnja; the groom's godfather is Andrija, the partisan war hero born in this very village, and a member of the new Communist political establishment. Two members of the Yugoslav State Security crash the traditional wedding ceremony. In the growing atmosphere of fear nobody knows who will be arrested.
The story concerns the Yugoslavian holiday of two toothsome Swedish girls. One of the girls, played by Maria Liljedahl, is (metaphorically speaking) a world-champion in the promiscuity sweepstakes, bedding men (and women) in great profusion. Somehow, the movie also manages to be about film reviewers and film directors. Variety) commented '...the film's inherently good visual and physical qualities are themselves dissipated in [the director's] cynicism, ennui, and involuted intellectual mirror tricks.'
Stanko, ranjenik
After the war, a partisan hospital is set up in a monastery, with the nuns working as nurses. A beautiful young nun, Maria, becomes very fond of the partisan leader, Commissar Nenad.
Borisov otac
After completing his military service, Boris Horvat finds himself at the crossroads. He thinks about enrolling at the faculty, but the job of a clerk at a bank where his father worked is already waiting for him. Boris falls in love with a female artist, but soon gets involved in another love affair, this time with his female colleague at work.
A story of a farmer and his calf, the only survivors of the German WW2 punitive expeditions that passed through their village. While evading before the dangers of war, the farmer develops a deep attachment to his calf and tries to save it at all costs, but it wouldn't be much easier for them even after the liberation day.
A young man, left to himself, thrown out of a village, comes to a large town whe re he looks for the meaning of existence.
Five boys befriend a young loner who becomes their teacher of the adult world.
After the end of WW2 a blonde boy arrives at an orphanage made for the children of Partizans or people being killed in the war. The headmaster knows that the boy's parents were Nazis but conceals that fact from others, fearing violence by vengeful children. He invents the boy's life story, but the other children get suspicious.
Kajo Sicilijani
An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bloodshed and horror on the Eve of Italian occupation of the country.
Вторая мировая война. Партизанский отряд, действующий в горах Югославии, был окружен фашистами. Немецкие самолеты обстреливали партизан несколько раз в день. Выбраться из окружения можно было только одной дорогой, которая также обстреливалась с самолетов. Тогда командир отряда посылает группу партизан с диверсионным заданием - уничтожить самолеты прямо на аэродроме. Диверсионная группа после многих происшествий выполнила это задание.
A group of WW2 orphans, now young people in their late teens, find out that one of them is a child of a war criminal. They are determined to discover his identity, even though this person could be any of them.
Starešina sela Nikola
In a Serbian village on Christmas Day in 1943, the Chetniks accept two downed American pilots and give them hospitality. However, finding out that the Germans are looking for pilots, the Chetniks change their attitude towards them.
The mother of a national hero Nikoletina Bursac leads an imaginary conversation with the statue of her deceased son. We follow events from Nikoletina's life and war: his joining of the partisans together with his neighbor Jovica Jez, meeting with the small Jewish girl Erna who survived the slaughter of her village, constant quarrels and friendship with commander Pirgo and commissar Zlatko, meeting with Curetak and their unsuccessful love relationship.
Jefto Karanfil
Farmers and their families, engineers, technicians, criminals and prostitutes were acquired on the construction of industrial facilities in Zenica. Siba tries to help them, working with dedication and love that goes beyond his duty. It is difficult to satisfy everyone and achieve more in this scorching city and Siba makes mistakes, carried by desire to achieve the impossible. With great effort, the builders manage to overcome the maelstrom after the dam burst, and while the first iron runs from the new furnace, Siba, dismissed because of errors committed, leaves a boom town of Zenica.