Domenico Maggio


Seagulls Fly Low
(as Mimmo Maggio)
An ex-Vietnam vet is forced to become a hit-man and gets caught in the middle of a conspiracy.
La sorprendente eredità del tontodimammà
(as Mimmo Maggio)
italian movie
Жаркие ночи Калигулы
На празднике Калигула должен продемонстрировать народу свою мужественность. Будучи импотентом, он обращается к помощи немецкого врача и преподавателя гимнастики...
Удар в тростнике
Silvera Henchman
Девушка по имени Нора, работающая стюардессой, прилетает с очередным рейсом в Неаполь, и против своей воли оказывается вовлеченной в борьбу между соперничающими бандами.
Silence the Witness
Il cancelliere (as Mimmo Maggio)
De Luca is killed by Marchetti's chauffeur. Marchetti ordered the murder because he was to be accused by De Luca. The two have a car accident while going home to get an alibi. There is a witness, Sironi, who calls the police. But when the police arrive the car has gone and so have the two men. Inspector Santi and young judge Novelli look into the strange case. Marchetti, however, is a powerful man and Sironi and his family begin to be obsessed first by threats then by assaults.
Ku Fu? Dalla Sicilia con furore
The Sicilian Franco is a sort of imitation of Bruce Lee that Don Vito, a Chinese expelled from his country because he smuggled rice from Palermo to Beijing, tries to train in the art of kung-fu with disastrous results.
Черная рука
Антонио, итальянский иммигрант в Нью-Йорке, оказывается втянутым в авантюру с мафией, когда его возможности ограничены, и его желание создать новую жизнь для себя становится все более трудным.
Diary of a Roman Virgin
Trinity and Sartana Are Coming
Tiger's Man
Sartana and Trinity set out on a grudging relationship hell bent for gold and comic brawls. - East West DVD sleeve
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death...
Black Killer
Slide O'Hara
The town of Tombstone is overrun by Ramon, Pedro, Miguel, Ryan and Slide -- five outlaw brothers who are taken on by gunslinger Burt Collins and a deadly lawyer.
Four Gunmen of the Holy Trinity
Arms trafficking with the Indians on the one hand and acquiring documents concerning the ownership of a goldmine on the other are the principal interests of Quin and Gomez, the highly suspicious guests at Papa Martinez' inn. The unexpected arrival of the sheriff Thomas, and the journalist, George, upsets the plans of the two unsavoury allies and they have to try every kind of trick to win out against such adversaries.
Red Roses for the Fuhrer
James Daly is an American special soldier who goes behind enemy territory during WWII. His Objective: to steal top secret SS document that can change the course of the war.
Джанго убивает нежно
El Santo (comme Mimmo Maggio)
Молодой ковбой Билл приходит на выручку каравану поселенцев, отстреливающемуся от шайки мексиканцев. В ходе стычки Билл спасает Линду, которая потом рассказывает ему, что её отец был убит неким контрабандистом Томпсоном. Билл решает помочь девушке отомстить за смерь отца.
Maciste, Avenger of the Mayans
Fire Over Rome
Marcus Valerius, a young consul, is assigned the mission to assist Menecrate, the leader of the Pretorian Guard, in the arrest and execution of as many Christians as possible. While raiding the Catacombs he has the surprise to find among the Christians the woman he loves, Giulia, who has been converted secretly to the banned religion. He helps her to escape and trouble soon follows. Stripped of his rank and arrested for defending the rebels he is condemned to fight as a gladiator...
Sword of the Empire
Rome, under Commodus: intrigue, fight for power, gladiators, senators, Christians, Barbarians, slaves, Pretorians, battles, wrestles, swords and muscles in by-the-numbers Italian epic.
The Fall of Rome
After the death of Emperor Constantine in Rome, the persecutions of the Christians threaten the centurion Marco forced to become a gladiator.
Повесть о бедных влюблённых
В основу сюжета фильма положен роман Васко Пратолини. Действие фильма происходит в густонаселенном районе Флоренции — Вико де Корно. Фильм воспроизводит политическую атмосферу Италии 20-х годов и рассказывает о молодой вдове Милене, чей муж погиб от рук фашистов, циничной проститутке Элизе и одинокой, но обеспеченной женщине-инвалиде Джезине. Они встречают на своем пути разных людей и ищут одного-единственного.