Sek Gong


Боец с шестом
Tartar general
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Yong Zheng's bodyguard
Во времена империи Цин за право стать следующим правителем Китая борются двое сыновей императора, четвёртый наследник Юнчжэн и четырнадцатый — Иньти. Чтобы склонить чашу весов в свою сторону, Юнчжэн получает помощь повстанца Люй Люляна, чья племянница Люй Сынян помогает найти завещание императора с целью исправить его.
My Rebellious Son
Here Chang Siu Tai is the son of Master Chang, a renowned chiropractor bone-setter operating a clinic in a poor neighborhood in an unidentified city in early 20th century China. Siu Tai works for his father and studies bone-setting and kung fu under him, but gets into lots of trouble, especially after white foreigners and their westernized Chinese enablers descend on the town in hopes of acquiring a valuable statue of the Goddess of Mercy on display at a local Buddhist temple.
Cat vs. Rat
Emperor's bodyguard
Pai 'The Rat' always gets into trouble with Chan 'The Cat'. They always try to outsmart each other even when it threatens the lives of other people.
The Fake Ghost Catchers
Mr Lin
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.
Human Lanterns
A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.
Блудный сын
Angry Kungfu Master's Disciple
A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.
Martial Club
Chen Zhong
Wong Fei Hung and his friend are constantly having contests to see who has the better martial arts skill. After getting in trouble with their fathers, Wong Fei Hung settles down and starts to train seriously, while his friend still horses around. After his friend is hurt by a rival school, Wong goes to the school for retribution. Instead his skill is tested through a series of events which climax with him taking on a Northern martial artist. In an excellent battle of skill, he earns the respect of the rival school. Also stars Mai Te Lo and Hui Ying Hung.
Masked Avengers
Long Congfeng
Philip Kwok plays a repentant killer who vows to destroy the masked gang of which he was a member. A young fighter and his martial arts brothers come to the town to catch the killers, but one of them is not to be trusted!
The Duel of the Century
Fake Ye Gucheng
This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.
Свидание со смертью
Tao Yao
Фильм о меченосце, который, защищая сундук с золотом, пускается в опасное путешествие.
Возвращение к 36 ступеням Шаолиня
Boss Wang's thug
Картина повествует историю жизни небольшой общины красильщиков во время маньчжурского владычества над Китаем. Один из работников красильни, возмущенный тем, что их босс, наняв маньчжурских работников, урезал зарплаты рабочим на 20%, устраивает забастовку и говорит, что рабочие не вернутся на красильню, пока зарплата не станет прежней. Однако им не удается уйти, так как нанятые маньчжуры, обученные боевому искусству, по приказу босса избивают рабочих шестами. Поневоле работники соглашаются на новые условия.
Пять боевых машин Шаолиня
Deadly Valley's Thug
Отряд имперских воинов сопровождает повозку с золотом для голодающей провинции. Разбойники из банды Чи Са бросают им открытый вызов, предупредив о своем намерении прибрать это золото к своим рукам. Отныне засада может скрываться за каждым углом, так как про врага ничего не известно, кроме имен их вожаков, каковых всего четверо — Серебряное Копье, Железная Роба, Медный Лоб и их непобедимый предводитель Золотые Руки. К счастью, командир Ян тоже не одинок. В пути через лесную чащу у него появляется несколько случайных помощников. Это братья Большой и Малый Топор, жаждущий возмездия за свое отравление меченосец Ли и его сестра, а также бомж Хайто, который на самом деле совсем не бомж, а правительственный агент и мастер стиля пьяного кулака.
The Proud Twins
Jiang Fung
After his parents are murdered, Jiang Xiao Yu is separated from his twin as a baby and taken by a family friend to Villains Valley, where he is raised to be a villain by a host of outlaws, each of whom has a special skill. When he's old enough, he devises clever means to trap each of his uncles and escape the valley to head off into the outside world. A chance encounter with a beautiful girl dressed as a man leads to a treasure hunt and eventually a confrontation with the Princess of Yi Hua Palace, the one who murdered Xiao's parents in the first place. Eventually, a reunion with his twin will occur.
To Kill A Mastermind
3rd Chief Liang Ying
A powerful crime syndicate known as the Chi Sha clan is a vast network of deadly criminals proficient in martial arts. Growing in number at an alarming rate, the Imperial Court orders Yang Chen-yu and his followers to wipe them out at all costs. Doing this proves difficult as no one knows the identity of the mastermind behind the Chi Sha, not even its own members. Spies infiltrate the organization in an effort to destroy them from within. But then, no one knows who the spies are and after a few ambushes and security breaches, the clan deputies begin suspecting one another of being traitors. With the Chi Sha dwindling in numbers, it's a matter of time before the mastermind must reveal himself.