Tom O'Loughlin


Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink
Background Designer
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin.
Vitamin Pink
Background Designer
On the Western frontier, the Pink Panther is a traveling vendor of pep pills. He unwittingly sells some pills to a frail criminal, who gains the strength to rob every bank in a nearby town! Thus, the panther is in as much trouble with the law as the robber and must act to apprehend the scoundrel.
Corn on the Cop
Background Designer
It's Halloween, and an elderly lady, Granny, is leaving a grocery store with her treats for the children...
The Wild Chase
Background Designer
Ever wonder who was the fastest Road Runner or Speedy Gonzales? This cartoon aimed to answer that all-important question between two of Warner Brothers' speediest characters. Of course, the race (set in an American desert) wouldn't be interesting without Wile E. Coyote or Sylvester trying to nab the bird and mouse. Both the hard-luck coyote and the puddy tat use a variety of tactics to grap their respective dinners, all which (of course) fail. In the end, Wile E. and Sylvester use a supersonic jet to pass their prey at the finish line (and "win" the race), but their vehicle quickly careens over the cliff. The poor puddy tat fall down over the cliff, just like Wile E. has so many times.
Розовый пройдоха
Background Designer
Анимационный фильм, получивший премию «Оскар» в 1965 году. В очередном мультфильме о похождениях невозмутимой Розовой Пантеры приключения сами находят хвостатого персонажа. Будь то постройка дома или его последующая покраска. На этот раз старый знакомый Пантеры — безымянный усач — не находит с ней общий язык по поводу цвета будущего жилища. Оппоненты вступают в горячие споры и соревнуются в ловкости. Декоратор-усач пытается выкрасить здание в голубой, но у Пантеры свои представления о прекрасном. Само собой, розовый пройдоха выбирает свой любимый цвет, и скоро все в округе окрашивается в розовые тона.
Немой патруль
Art Designer
Biplane battles over France in World War I between Bugs and Baron (Yosemite) Sam Von Shamm.
Сделка с дьяволом
Background Designer
Another in a series of Warner's economy cartoons featuring clips from previous Bugs Bunny-Yosemite Sam cartoons. After Sam is killed in each pursuit, he meets with the devil, who goads him into continuing to chase the bunny. Eventually, Sam balks and, donning a devil's outfit, tells the devil, "If you want him, you can get him yourself! I'm staying!"
Деньги любимой
Background Designer
Yosemite Sam marries a widow for her money, and once the honeymoon is over, the woman reveals her real bossy...
Quackodile Tears
Background Designer
Daffy Duck is ordered by his loud-mouthed wife to sit on their egg in a nest. When Daffy adjusts the nest to make it more comfortable, the egg rolls away from him and into a crocodile hatchery, where it is indistinguishable from all the other eggs. When Daffy picks what he think is his egg from the crocodile hatchery, a male crocodile gives chase and does battle with Daffy for the egg.
The Last Hungry Cat
Background Designer
Sylvester Cat tumbles and falls dazed to the floor when making a grab for Tweety Bird. He comes to and thinks he has killed and swallowed the little canary and that he's wanted for murder.
Палочка Банни
Background Designer
Bugs conducts the Warner Brothers Symphony in Franz von Suppé's "Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna" while reacting to a bothersome fly.
Спокойный рыцарь Багз
Background Designer
Приключения веселого кролика Багса Банни, который вдруг «заделался» рыцарем. Королевство Артура и рыцарей Круглого Стола переживает не лучшие времена, потому что Темный рыцарь похитил Поющий меч и оставил его под надежной защитой огнедышащего дракона. Придворный шут – кролик Багс – замечает, что лишь дураку придет в голову отправиться за мечом в логово дракона, поэтому король отправляет его самого на поиски ценной вещицы. Доблестный-доблестный Багс решительно направляется к замку Темного рыцаря, готовый застать противника врасплох и выполнить волю короля. И все идет хорошо, пока не просыпается дракон.