Wilfred Jackson

Wilfred Jackson

Рождение : 1906-06-24, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 1988-08-07


Wilfred Jackson


Walt Disney Treasures: More Silly Symphonies
Among the many animation treasures celebrated here are the never-before-released 'Hell's Bells' and the original unedited 'Mother Goose Goes Hollywood', plus the Academy Award winning 'Three Orphan Kittens' (Best Cartoon, 1935). Enriching the collection even further are several options commentaries by some of the world's foremost animation and film music experts, who also take part in a lively conversation about the series that let Walt Disney push the envelope of animation art to unimaginable flights of fantasy.
Walt Disney Treasures: More Silly Symphonies
Among the many animation treasures celebrated here are the never-before-released 'Hell's Bells' and the original unedited 'Mother Goose Goes Hollywood', plus the Academy Award winning 'Three Orphan Kittens' (Best Cartoon, 1935). Enriching the collection even further are several options commentaries by some of the world's foremost animation and film music experts, who also take part in a lively conversation about the series that let Walt Disney push the envelope of animation art to unimaginable flights of fantasy.
Walt Disney Treasures: Silly Symphonies
Все любят Микки
Сборник классических мультфильмов Уолта Диснея о Микки Маусе, об одном из самых известных и самых любимых мультипликационных персонажей в мире. Этот сборник включает в себя такие мультфильмы как "Thru The Mirror", "Гавайский праздник", "Одинокие Призраки", "Храбрый портной", "Маленький Вихрь" и "Mickey Down Under.
Американские легенды Диснея
Дисней предлагает нам окунуться в американскую историю с помощью своей новой анимированной коллекции, куда вошли четыре короткометражки об известных американских героях Джоне Генри, Поле Банйане, Джонни Эпплсиде и, конечно, Кейси Джонсе! Каждая история предворяется вступлением известного актера Джеймса Эрла Джонса и наполнена впечатляющими персонажами, приключениями и незабываемыми песнями.
Mickey's Family Album
Mickey & Company
Donald Duck's First 50 Years
Includes: "The Wise Little Hen," "Donald and Pluto," "Don Donald," "Donald's Nephews," "Donald's Double Trouble," "Rugged Bear"
Les Chefs-d'Œuvre de Walt Disney
A Walt Disney anthology of eleven Academy-Award winning films: Flowers and Trees, The Three Little Pigs, The Tortoise and the Hare, Three Orphan Kittens, The Country Cousin, The Old Mill, Ferdinand the Bull, The Ugly Duckling, Lend a Paw, Seal Island, Water Birds.
4 Artists Paint 1 Tree: A Walt Disney 'Adventure in Art'
Four Disney artists paint their own interpretations of a tree, and explain their techniques and methods.
Tricks of Our Trade
With examples from Disney feature-length films, Walt Disney gives a behind-the-scenes look at the improvements in animation made by his studio's in-house training and research that studied real-life motion and made technical innovations.
The Great Cat Family
The Story of the Animated Drawing
Walt Disney discusses the history of animation, beginning with J. Stuart Blackton and his Humorous Phases of Funny Faces in 1906, and including Gertie the Dinosaur.
The Pre-Opening Report from Disneyland
With the grand opening of Disneyland just a matter of days away, Walt Disney brings us an update on the construction of the new magic kingdom. Winston Hibler narrates scenes depicting the construction on the attarctions and settings in the park as work speeds up to meet the deadline before opening day.
Леди и бродяга
Трогательная и захватывающая история сближения двух абсолютно разных собак — породистой комнатной неженки и бездомного дворняги. Изящная и пушистая как игрушка, коккер-спаниельша Леди была любимицей хозяев, пока в их семье не появился младенец. Надетый намордник стал последней каплей, подтолкнувшей обиженную героиню к бегству. Но на улице ее поджидала целая куча опасностей, о существовании которых она даже не подозревала. И тогда на помощь миниатюрной черноглазой красотке пришел разбитной пес Бродягя, благородство которого было не в породе, а в душе. Проявив отзывчивость и мужество, он в конце концов завоевал сердце нежной Леди.
Music Land
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
A Story of Dogs
The Disneyland Story
Walt Disney presents a preview for both his upcoming park called Disneyland and several episodes of the show to come. Then the show focuses primarily on the career of Mickey Mouse.
Питер Пэн
Уолт Дисней зовет нас с собой в волшебную страну Неверленд, где живет удивительный мальчик, который умеет летать и отказывается взрослеть. Это веселый выдумщик, храбрец и проказник Питер Пэн!Однажды в поисках собственной тени Питер попадает в Лондон нашего мира и становится другом маленькой Венди и ее братьев Майкла и Джона, и, конечно же, он берет своих ночных друзей с собой в Неверленд, навстречу потрясающим приключениям.Героям предстоит встретиться с феей Тинкербелл и дружной ватагой Питера Пэна, спасти индейскую принцессу Тигровую Лилию из лап пиратов и сразиться с их демоническим главарем капитаном Крюком!..
The Little House
A small house has to try to compete with progress and the encroaching press of the big city.
Алиса в стране чудес
Убежав из дома, Алиса увидела под старой яблоней большого белого кролика, одетого в куртку и жилет. Достав из кармана часы, кролик торопливо скрылся в подозрительно темной норе. Набравшись смелости, Алиса шагнула вслед за ним... и попала в чудесный сказочный мир, где сбываются самые несбыточные фантазии. Чтобы попасть обратно домой, Алисе придется совершить путешествие через весь этот странный и причудливый мир, в котором ее поджидают совершенно невероятные приключения и совершенно фантастические существа...
Золушка — бедная сиротка, которую злая мачеха и ее вздорные дочки, заставляют тяжко работать с утра до ночи. Она так хочет попасть на королевский бал. На помощь бедняжке приходит Добрая фея! Силой волшебства она наделяет Золушку роскошной каретой, чудесным платьем и необыкновенными хрустальными башмачками.
Время мелодий
Яркие музыкальные истории, насыщенные добром, романтикой и трогательной любовью несут заряд хорошего и веселого настроения. Под звуки джаза, блюза, мотивов кантри и самбы можно почувствовать ностальгическую атмосферу Америки 40-х годов и познакомится с ее легендами и балладами.
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed
Dennis Day tells the story of Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), narrated by The Old Settler. He's an apple farmer who sees people going west and thinks he can't join them, until an angel appears to him and sings the virtues of apples, convincing Johnny he has a mission. He sets off without a knife or gun; at first, the animals mistrust him, but when he even treats a skunk kindly, they all take to him.
Песня Юга
Дядюшка Римус рассказывает свои забавные истории о Братце Кролике маленькому Джонни, чтобы помочь ему справиться с разводом его родителей и новой жизнью на плантации.
A Feather in His Collar
Made for the Community Chests of America, Pluto demonstrates his community spirit by donating his collection of bones.
Салют, друзья!
Дональд Дак, Гуфи и попугай Жозе Кариока приглашают вас в Латинскую Америку! Музыка, танцы, песни удачно переплетаются с чудесными видами озера Титикака, Бразилии, Уругвая и других латиноамериканских стран.
Aquarela do Brasil
José Carioca, showing Donald Duck around South America and introducing him to the samba
Дональд Дак: Боевой дух
Агитационный анимационный фильм, на примере Дональда Дака призывающий американских граждан вовремя платить подоходные налоги, которые идут на нужды военной промышленности и приближают победу над врагом.
История о маленьком слоненке из цирка, родившемся с очень большими ушами, что было рассмотрено как позорное явление среди цирковых слонов. Но зато он научился летать.
Дональд Дак: Золотые яйца
Дональду трудно добывать яйца из курятника, поэтому он замаскировался под курицу, чтобы получить их.
Необычайный, поражающий воображение мультконцерт, небывалое ранее единение музыки и мультипликации. Дисней и знаменитый дирижер Леопольд Стоковски решили воспроизвести на экране фантазии, возникающие в сознании людей при прослушивании музыкальных шедевров.Картина состоит из 8 классических композиций, проиллюстрированных сюжетными инсценировками и ритмичными абстракциями, предвосхищающими чудеса компьютерной графики.
Волшебная звёздная ночь... Гепетто хочет достать самую яркую волшебную звезду с неба. Его единственное желание - создать деревянного человечка Пиноккио, который бы превратился в настоящего мальчика и стал его сыном, которого у него никогда не было. Той ночью, красивая Синяя Фея коснулась Пиноккио своей волшебной палочкой, и он ожил. Сбылась самая заветная мечта Гепетто. Хотя Пиноккио и ожил, Фея сообщает ему о том, что он сможет стать настоящим, если докажет, что он храбрый, правдивый и бескорыстный. Благодаря умному сверчку Джимини Крикет, Пиноккио учится различать, что правильно, а что нет. Пиноккио отправляется в школу... Вот тут-то и начинаются невероятные приключения...
Мама Гусыня едет в Голливуд
Семейная короткометражная лента, представляющая вольную интерпретацию известных сказок. Персонажам детской литературы — стихов, считалок и сказок — предстоит совершить приключение в Новый Свет и ощутить на себе влияние манящих огней большого города. Мультфильм «Матушка-Гусыня едет в Голливуд» представляет рассказ о популярных героях сказок. Это и маленький Бо Пип, потерявший овец, и Старый король Коул, и даже Дональд Дак. Они живут на страницах книги, во главе которой — на титульном листе — восседает Матушка-Гусыня.
Белоснежка и семь гномов
Экранизация знаменитой немецкой сказки братьев Гримм о Белоснежке, жившей в замке со злой мачехой-королевой, которая очень гордилась своей красотой. Узнав от волшебного зеркальца, что Белоснежка стала самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, завистница решила погубить прелестную падчерицу. Но бедная девушка не погибла в лесу, а наоборот, встретила там настоящих друзей — забавных семерых гномов: Профессора, Ворчуна, Весельчака, Скромника, Чихоню, Соню и Молчуна…
Белоснежка и семь гномов
Sequence Supervisor
Экранизация знаменитой немецкой сказки братьев Гримм о Белоснежке, жившей в замке со злой мачехой-королевой, которая очень гордилась своей красотой. Узнав от волшебного зеркальца, что Белоснежка стала самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, завистница решила погубить прелестную падчерицу. Но бедная девушка не погибла в лесу, а наоборот, встретила там настоящих друзей — забавных семерых гномов: Профессора, Ворчуна, Весельчака, Скромника, Чихоню, Соню и Молчуна…
Старая мельница
Много разной живности поселилось на старой мельнице, стоящей на берегу пруда. Это и мышки, и мудрая сова, и голуби. Днем в пруду плавают утята, а по ночам лягушки устраивают хоровое пение.
La Revue de Mickey
A Mickey Mouse theatrical anthology with Mickey's Grand Opera, More Kittens, The Worm Turns, Mickey's Rival and Little Hiawatha
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons
A compilation of five Oscar-winning Disney shorts, released to help promote the upcoming release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Namely: FLOWERS AND TREES (1932), THREE LITTLE PIGS (1933), THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE (1934), THREE ORPHAN KITTENS (1935), and THE COUNTRY COUSIN (1936). Additionally, four extra shorts are included from the 1966 release. Namely: THE OLD MILL (1937), FERDINAND AND THE BULL (1938), THE UGLY DUCKLING (1939), and LEND A PAW (1941).
Woodland Café
Bugs of all kinds convene on a jazz club for an evening of fun.
Mother Pluto
Pluto accidentally hatches a bunch of chickens and looks after them until the hen returns.
Toby Tortoise Returns
Toby Tortoise is back, and this time he and Max Hare box instead of racing.
Микки Маус: Соперник Микки
Minnie's old friend, Mortimer Mouse, drops in on Mickey and Minnie's picnic. His practical jokes and coming on to Minnie soon have Mickey stewing, and their car isn't happy either. When Mortimer gets a nearby bull enraged and takes off, the car comes to the rescue after Mickey gets tangled up in a red blanket.
Слон Элмер
Слоненок Элмер приходит на день рождения к тигрице Тили, но звери смеются над его длинным хоботом и ему приходится уйти. А в это время домик Тили охватывает пожар, и верные друзья Элмер, жираф и пеликаны спешат на помощь.
Микки Маус: Большая опера Микки
Микки Маус руководит оперой. Он дает большое представление, но нежданно на сцене появляется Плуто, и трагедия превращается в комедию…
Music Land
Musical instruments are the stars of a romantic fable set in the Land of Symphony and the Isle of Jazz, two islands separated by the Sea of Discord. The violin princess and the saxophone prince fall in love, but must meet secretly in order to avoid the wrath of their parents, the Symphony queen and the Jazz king. The queen finds the boy saxophone on her island, attempting to woo her daughter. She has him locked in the metronome, but the young lover manages to send a note - in fact, several musical notes on sheet music - that conveys the message that he has been imprisoned. The Isle of Jazz declares war by blasting musical notes across the sea. The only thing that can bring peace and harmony to the Sea of Discord is love.
Микки Маус: В саду у Микки
Микки сражается с огромными насекомыми после того, как надышался спрея, ухаживая за своим садом.
Water Babies
A colony of nymph babies bathe and play in a river.
Концерт оркестра
Микки организовал концерт уличного оркестра, а Дональд на пару с пчелой и ураганом его чуть было не сорвал.
Заяц и черепаха
Кто быстрее: быстрый заяц или умная черепаха?
The Goddess of Spring
The goddess is greeted by dancing flowers and fairies. The devil comes and takes her away to be his queen. She's despondent, as winter settles in above ground. But the devil isn't happy either, and offers anything to make her happy. They reach an agreement: she'll spend six months above ground and six below. Thus we have seasons.
Забавные пингвины
Пингвин Питер встречает пингвиниху Полли и начинает за ней ухаживать…
The Wise Little Hen
Join Donald Duck in his debut in the classic animated short The Wise Little Hen. The Little Hen is planting corn and would like to have help from Peter Pig and Donald Duck, but they refuse stating they each have a "tummy ache." When it comes time to harvest the corn, Peter Pig and Donald still refuse to help the Hen, so she and her chicks do the harvest by themselves. Finally, the hen cooks the corn and offers some to Donald and Peter Pig, but when they look more carefully they discover a surprise.
Funny Little Bunnies
We see bunny rabbits preparing for Easter, by making chocolate eggs and rabbits, decorating eggs, and weaving and filling baskets.
Camping Out
The gang is sitting around their campsite when a mosquito spoils their fun. And then he gets hundreds of his friends and they really cause trouble. Horace squirts some with molasses, which helps a bit. Everyone retreats to the tent, where they still get stung but can fight back a bit, eventually trapping all the mosquitoes in a pair of bloomers and sending them on their way.
Кузнечик и муравьи
Веселая история по басне Лафонтена. Кузнечик все лето веселится и играет на скрипке, а трудолюбивые муравьи делают запасы на зиму. Но что же случится, когда наступит зима…
The China Shop
The elderly owner of a china shop leaves for the night, and the various figurines and decorated mugs come to life. A demonic figure captures an upper-class lady and does battle with her lord, damaging much of the shop. But the demon proves to have a glass jaw and, literally, a yellow streak, and the happy couple is soon reunited. No dialogue, but some signs are in English, particularly the final punch-line.
The Night Before Christmas
A narrator sings the opening stanzas of the classic poem while we see the house at rest. Santa lands on the roof, comes down the chimney, and opens his bag. The toys march out and decorate the tree, with the toy soldiers shooting balls from their cannon, a toy airplane stringing a garland like skywriting, and the toy firemen applying snow. A blimp delivers the star to the top. Meanwhile, Santa fills the stockings. His laughter awakens the children, who sneak out. The toys rush to their places, and Santa escapes up the chimney just in time.
The Pet Store
Mickey Mouse's new job at Tony's Pet Store is jeopardized when Beppo the Gorilla escapes and kidnaps Minnie. Mickey fights back with the help of the other animals in the store.
The Pied Piper
The people of Hamelin, overrun with rats, offer a bag of gold to anyone who can get rid of the rats. A piper offers to do the job, and successfully lures the rats into a mirage of cheese, which disappears. The citizens, disappointed that all he did was play a tune, offer only pocket change. The piper, angered, plays a new tune that has all the children of the city follow him, even the new twins the stork is preparing to deliver.
Puppy Love
Mickey's in trouble when Pluto and Fifi eat Minnie's chocolates.
Lullaby Land
A baby is transported to Lullaby Land, where pacifiers grow on trees, diapers, bottles, and potty chairs march on parade, and the gingham dog comes to life. He wanders into the "keep out" cave, full of things like scissors, knives, and fountain pens that are not for baby and begins smashing watches with hammers and playing with giant matches. The matches chase after him; baby escapes by riding a bar of soap across a pond, but the smoke from the matches turns into boogey-men. The benevolent sandman, dressed as a wizard, spots baby hiding and works his magic, bringing us back to the real nursery.
Mickey's Mechanical Man
Mickey has built a robot to compete in the boxing ring against the giant gorilla, the Kongo Killer. Whenever it hears Minnie's car horn, it goes crazy and starts punching any picture of Killer that it sees, even if it's on a brick wall, thus hurting itself. Mickey manages to barely patch his robot together to take on Killer, but after some early success, it gets pummeled by the ape. Minnie fetches the car horn, which brings it back, and it trounces Killer, then flies apart.
Father Noah's Ark
Noah, his family (wife, 3 sons, their wives), and various animals all help build the ark. The rains come, and the skunks barely miss the boat (not that anyone was particularly looking for them), but they manage to swim to it. After the rain and many lamentations by the humans, the sun returns, to the great joy of all. The ground appears, and the animals (and many new babies) disembark.
Mickey's Mellerdrammer
Mickey Mouse and his friends stage their own production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Santa's Workshop
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
The Klondike Kid
Mickey plays piano in the Klondike Bar. He rescues a depressed, half-frozen Minnie. Pegleg Pierre comes storming in and steals her away, after a gun battle. A dogsled chase follows, with Pluto pulling Mickey's sled. There's a battle at Pete's cabin that features a sequence with Pete and Mickey wearing bedsprings and bouncing. Meanwhile, Pluto, chasing a rabbit, makes a giant snowball that sends the cabin downhill and eventually traps Pete.
Touchdown Mickey
Mickey's Manglers get a couple of last-quarter touchdowns and tie the football game with the Alley Cats, 96 to 96. Can Mickey score the winning touchdown at the last second? An early Goofy is the radio announcer; Pluto is the water-dog.
The Whoopee Party
A house party. While Minnie plays piano and the guests dance, Mickey, Goofy, and Horace prepare a snack, which is brought out to much fanfare and immediately devoured. A band forms and plays Scott Joplin's The Entertainer; Mickey dances with Patricia Pig and various inanimate objects also dance, while all cry "Whoopee!" from time to time. The police come to break up the party.
Mickey in Arabia
Mickey and Minnie are touring Arabia when she catches the eye of sheik Pete.
The Bears and Bees
Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.
The Musical Farmer
Mickey performs all his chores while whistling or singing. The big excitement is when Fanny the hen, who hasn't laid an egg in some time, lays a super-giant egg.
Mickey's Revue
Mickey Mouse conducts an orchestra, while the rest of the Disney menagerie of the era provides a dance recital, with Horace Horsecollar as stage manager, and Pluto continually sneaking on stage.
Barnyard Olympics
Mickey and his friends are staging a sort of olympics in a makeshift stadium on his farm. The main event is a sort of quadrathlon, with running, pole vaulting, rowing, and cycling. Mickey gets a late start due to some foul play by Pete, and that's not the only foul play.
The Grocery Boy
Mickey (and Pluto) are delivering a grocery order to Minnie. She pretends not to notice for a while, but when he gets hit on the head by an iron, she drops her pretense and rushes to his side. Mickey then helps with the dinner preparations, but Pluto steals the turkey, and a chase ensues. There's also a 4-layer cake that you just know is going to get ruined spectacularly.
The Bird Store
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
The Ugly Duckling
The film begins with a mother hen sitting on her eggs from which six baby chicks are born. Though initially overjoyed, her mood changes to disgust when the final egg hatches out a duckling. Though the duckling desperately attempts to win his foster family's acceptance, the mother hen is adamant in her refusal to care for an infant that isn't even her species, let alone not even hers.
The Fox Hunt
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
The Spider and the Fly
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
The Clock Store
The various clocks and watches in a clock store dance, ring alarms musically, and otherwise entertain us in an after hours presentation.
Egyptian Melodies
A spider gets lost inside the sphinx.
The Cat's Out
A cat, being sent out for the night, begins to make trouble for some birds. He later has a nightmare that the birds grow and begin to extract their revenge.
The Cat's Out
A cat, being sent out for the night, begins to make trouble for some birds. He later has a nightmare that the birds grow and begin to extract their revenge.
The China Plate
An old plate tells the tale of the Emperor of China, whose palace was disrupted by some children.
The Castaway
Mickey, apparently shipwrecked, is on a raft; he washes up on a tropical island, where a banana tree takes care of his hunger. He then discovers a piano that washed ashore, and begins playing it. The animals come around; a gorilla, after playing a 4-hands piece with his feet, destroys the piano. Mickey runs away and accidentally wakes a lion. The lion chases Mickey to a stream, where he jumps onto a rock that turns out to be right next to a crocodile.
The Birthday Party
Mickey's friends throw him a surprise birthday party at Minnie's house. The chef brings out the cake (with 2 candles); Mickey manages to blow all the cake onto the chef's face, while the candles stay lit. He unwraps his present: a miniature piano. He plays a duet of I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby with Minnie, followed by an instrumental version of The Darktown Strutter's Ball, which everyone dances to (including Mickey and Minnie, while the piano stools keep playing). Mickey then plays There's No Place Like Home on the xylophone, then accompanies Minnie on another piece, after which the xylophone gets frisky and eventually dumps Mickey in the fish bowl.
Playful Pan
The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.
Pioneer Days
Mickey and Minnie are on a wagon train; they camp for the night, unaware that Indians have spotted them and are doing a war dance. The attack comes, and Minnie is captured.
In the last of the Silly Symphonies season cycle, bears hibernate (or try to), raccoons sneeze, moose swim, and pretty much everyone ice skates. Everyone gathers around the groundhog to see what happens.
The Gorilla Mystery
A gorilla has escaped; Mickey, panicked, calls Minnie, but she plays a song to show she is not afraid. That is, until the gorilla comes up behind her and grabs her. Mickey rushes right over to save her.
Monkey Melodies
The monkeys are swinging; their song and dance routine has other jungle creatures joining in. And two monkeys in love chase and kiss. But the hungry crocodiles lie in wait (and dance the soft shoe).
The Chain Gang
Mickey Mouse and several other characters are on a prison chain gang, guarded by Pegleg Pete. They break rocks for a while, then Mickey breaks out a harmonica and everyone starts making music and/or dancing. Soon there's a jail-break, and Mickey's on the run, tracked by bloodhounds (including his future pet, Pluto, in his first appearance). He falls off a cliff and right into a jail cell.
The Fire Fighters
Mickey and others are firemen; they slide down an ostrich's neck when the alarm sounds. A squealing cat whose tail Mickey pulls acts as the siren. The nearest hydrant isn't working too well, so Horace Horsecollar takes drinks from a pond and uses that water to put out the fire. Minnie is trapped on an upper floor; Mickey climbs the neighboring building fire escape and uses a clothesline to cross to Minnie's building.
The moon and two owls sing to the Blue Danube Waltz, celebrating the night. Moths dance around a candle flame, fireflies glow, frogs chorus, and so forth.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Arctic Antics
A collection of arctic animals (seals, walruses, polar bears, penguins) float by on ice floes and on shore, performing various musical numbers.
Frolicking Fish
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
Cannibal Capers
A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!
The season series of Silly Symphonies continues, with squirrels storing nuts and corn, crows stealing it, beavers building a dam, ducks migrating, and the like, as the first snows fall.
In the logical sequel to Springtime, a new set of insects (mostly) dances to a new set of tunes, while doing summer activities. The insects include dung beetles, dragonflies, butterflies, a walking stick, bees, and various other beetles and flies.
The Merry Dwarfs
A village of dwarfs dance and play through their day. A blacksmith shoes a centipede, a street-cleaner sweeps, a marching-band strikes up and the townsmen roll out beer barrels.
Hell's Bells
The demons of hell play music for Satan, whose delight turns to wrath when an insubordinate refuses to become food for Cerberus.
Flowers, insects, and a crow family all dance to a jaunty tune celebrating spring. After a brief storm, grasshoppers, frogs, and spiders cavort to the Dance of the Hours.
El Terrible Toreador
A barmaid, a Mexican officer and a terrible toreador form a love triangle, as they dance, skip, kiss, punch and slap to the tune of Bizet's "Carmen." Later, the barmaid cheers her lover, and the officer razzes him, during the big bullfight. The toreador and the bull are not above clowning, but never doubt they are two fearsome opponents striving toward a gruesome climax.
Танец скелетов
Ночь обещает быть страшной. Вспыхивает молния. Воет ветер. Ветвь дерева в форме руки словно хватается за испуганную сову, которая кружит головой, как волчок. Часы на церковной башне пробивают полночь, и летучие мыши вылетают из колокольни. Две кошки на надгробиях дерутся, натягивая друг другу носы, как ириски. Скелет вырастает из-за надгробия, отпугивая кошек. Но уханье совы пугает его, и он в ответ бросает череп и сбивает с птицы перья. Пора скелетам танцевать и они действуют так, как не могут никакие живые существа.
Mickey's Follies
Mickey puts on a show in his barnyard. A short dramatic scene by a chicken and rooster; an operatic ode by Patricia Pig, and then the main attraction: Mickey sings and plays his theme song, then dances to it.
Микки Маус: Пароходик Уилли
Микки Маус стоит за штурвалом, управляя пароходом, плывущим по реке, и представляет себя капитаном. Он насвистывает веселую мелодию, но вскоре появляется настоящий капитан.
Микки Маус: Пароходик Уилли
Микки Маус стоит за штурвалом, управляя пароходом, плывущим по реке, и представляет себя капитаном. Он насвистывает веселую мелодию, но вскоре появляется настоящий капитан.