Fernanda Morais


4 чашки
Set Decoration
Диана живет с отцом Габриэлем и мачехой Мадалиной. В один прекрасный день она узнает, что Мадалина поддерживает отношения с другим мужчиной, и продолжает играть роль преданной супруги. Именно на этом этапе Диана решает вмешаться и поговорить с любовником Мадалины...
Portugal S.A.
Set Decoration
The story of the CEO of a recently privatized company.
Der Gläserne Blick
Art Direction
A policeman lunching with his daughter is present when a dead body washes up on shore. He investigates, leading him down a twisted and muddled path of nefarious connections reflecting, somewhat, his own life.
Production Design
Young Jesus is taken on a vacation by his parents (Rita Blanco, Adriano Luz) to a deserted beach resort. They accidentally fall into overnight wealth after Jesus digs in the sand, uncovering a large drug stash. Others characters intersecting here include an alcoholic actress, a philandering banker, a general trafficking in arms, priests who close their church and head north as hitchhikers, politicians who watch an all-girl production of Julius Caesar, and beggars who recite a children's story in a huge heap of trash.
Production Design
Five women, all in their forties, try to find out what's important for them in life.
About love and death, between a man and a woman.