Manohar Singh


Ragini is a blind but talented young woman well-versed in all household chores and has a golden voice. Her mother is anxious to get her married. Rajan Swamy enters her life and they fall in love and soon get married. Rajan goes out of town. Weeks pass by and Rajan does not return. Ragini finds out that her bank account has been cleaned out.
Chaudhary Veer Singh
The film set in the 1940s, in a fictitious village in the Shekhavati region in Rajasthan, where no girl child survives beyond the age of seven. It deals with larger issues of communalism and caste system through four inter-related stories.
Ничто не остановит любовь
Sardar Saab
Рама влюбляется в парня по имени Джай. Однако друг Джая Оберой также влюбляется в Раму. Молодой человек всеми силами пытается сойтись с ней, используя любые, даже самые грязные методы. Оберой постоянно строит молодым людям козни, пытаясь рассорить их. Парень никак не может понять, что на руинах чужого счастья он не сможет построить своё. Оберой продолжает гнуть свою линию, постепенно пополняя перечень своих грязных уловок шантажом и предательством.
Central Minister Jeevanlal Tandel
After having witnessed the gruesome murder of his father, Harish's plans for revenge go for a toss when he is framed by the same mafia boss who killed his father.
Karamati Coat
Karamati Coat is an award winning children's movie, directed by National School of Drama alumni, Ajay Karthik. The movie revolves around Raju, a poor rag-picker, and his magical coat with a secret attached to it which changed his life. Soon, the secret is out to Raju's brother-in-law, who conspires to steal the coat even at the cost of harming Raju.
A taxi driver with a tragic past sees an opportunity for redemption when he encounters a woman sold into prostitution. Wanting to help her escape, he has to deal with the wrath of the brothel madam.
Мгновения любви
Kothiwale Thakur
Вирен впервые приезжает в Индию в свое поместье и там знакомиться с молодой и красивой соседкой Паллави. Вирен влюбляется в нее, но у девушки уже есть жених, за которого она и выходит замуж. Счастье их было недолгим, муж погибает. Умирает и Паллави, дав жизнь дочери. В память о своей любви Вирен, живущий в Лондоне, становится опекуном девочки. Их встреча происходит лишь через много лет, и оказывается, что девушка Пуджа как две капли воды похожа на свою мать... По иронии судьбы Пуджа влюбляется в своего опекуна. Вирен бежит от этой любви, но проделки Пуджи, ее молодость и преданность покоряют сердце Вирена.
Каменные цветы
Balraj Khanna
Он — юный Рембо, мстящий за отца. Она — ослепительная Джульетта, дочь крупного мафиози. Музыка, танцы, криминальный сюжет с крутыми американскими драками и погонями не оставляют без напряжения ни на одну минуту...
The story centers around a small town entrepreneur named Maniram who makes a major profit by cheating people and selling them tainted food. His business is run by his daughter-in-law Tejo, who is married to Maniram's mentally challenged younger son. When Maniram's elder son comes back into town to get married, things start to go awry. He runs away from his wife after their marriage night and ends up being arrested in Delhi. The police, with further investigation, start to crack down on Maniram's corrupt business all the while Tejo starts to become mad with power and greed.
Udup Pandit
Circa British Rule in India, a man vows to make his only surviving son, Narayan, alias Nani, a Brahmachari to atone for the deaths of five of his children. He takes this child to a remote village in Karnataka, South India, where he leaves his 11 year old son in the care of a learned Archarya, Udup Pandit. Here Nani gets to meet two other disciples of the Archarya, as well as his widowed daughter, Yamuna, and another male by the name of Shrikar Upadhyay, who also teaches the British how to read and write in Hindi. The Archarya goes away for a few days, and when he returns nothing is the same anymore. His daughter is pregnant, the villagers are all set to remove her from the village, they are also angry with him for refusing Yamuna to follow the traditional way of a Hindu widow.
Я свободен
Журналистка Субхашини Сайгал пишет статьи, направленные против коррумпированных политиков в ежедневной газете. Понимая, что может потерять работу после смены руководства, она решает излить свой яд, опубликовав письмо, которое якобы написал ей некто по имени Азад (azaad /आज़ाद / свободный, независимый, свободомыслящий). Автор письма сообщает, что прыгнет с крыши многоэтажного здания в День Республики, если определенные условия не будут выполнены.
Suddenly, One Day
Neeta's uncle
Shasanka is a retired teacher who lives with his wife and two daughters. The family is thrown into an uproar after he goes out for a walk and disappears from their lives. Each member of the family reviews her final hours and days with him to try and discover what, if anything led to his disappearance.
Красавица Чандни и сын богача Рохит влюбляются друг в друга, но перед свадьбой Рохит становится инвалидом. Он прогоняет Чандни, не желая быть ей обузой. Она уезжает в другой город, где знакомится с богатым вдовцом Лалитом. Когда Чандни соглашается стать его женой, возвращается вполне здоровый Рохит...
Pooja has been brought up by her grandparents, and has no recollection of her mom and dad. She is told by her grandpa, Kantaprasad, that her dad had passed away. Years later, Pooja has now grown up. She starts getting mysterious phone calls from a male who merely says "I love you", and hangs-up. When her grandpa has these phone calls traced, the caller is Anand, Pooja's dad. Kantaprasad has him beaten up, and warns him against contacting Pooja again. When Pooja is being molested by a male in her apartment building, Anand comes to her rescue, and it is then Pooja comes to know that this shabby, alcoholic man is her dad. Will Pooja accept him, or will she follow her grandpa's advise and continue on with her life.
This Is Not Our Destination
1987 Hindi drama film written and directed by Sudhir Mishra, in a directorial debut. It starred Manohar Singh, Habib Tanvir, B. M. Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Sushmita Mukherjee and Naseeruddin Shah in lead roles
Нью-Дели Таймс
Jagannath Poddar
Шантаж, угрозы, подкуп и физические расправы — именно такие методы борьбы предпочитают те, с кем пришлось столкнуться в своем расследовании журналисту Викасу. Не будучи ни политическим борцом, ни сторонником радикальных преобразований в обществе, Викас, оставаясь честным и порядочным человеком, в своей работе не может позволить себе пойти на ту грязную сделку, которую предлагают ему сильные мира сего, связанные с преступниками. Привлеченный возможностью сделать сенсационный материал, Викас вначале даже не представляет себе, насколько опасным может оказаться рядовое задание редактора..
Damul (Bonded Until Death) highlights the ill effects of the Bonded Labour System while narrating the story of a bonded labor who is left with no choice but to steal by his landlord.
Divakar Barve (Award Receipient)
A party is held in honor of the recipient of a literary prize, which attracts the cultural elite of the town. Missing is Amrit, a writer who left a promising literary career to become an activist among the tribals. His attempt to bridge the chasm between words and deed haunts those at the party. Based on a Marathi play by Mahesh Elkunchwa.
Kissaa Kursee Kaa
President Gangaram 'Gangu'
The plot revolved around a corrupt and evil politician Gangaram or Gangu, trying to woo personified public, depicted as mute and helpless looking. The movie is a humorous comment over the system and the selfishness of the politicians regarded as a motion picture version of the cartoonist columns that are the most brutal taunt over the politics.