Anita Todesco

Рождение : 1932-06-14, Prato, Italy


Killer Without a Face
A woman is chased onto the ramparts of a castle by a gun-toting figure. She stumbles and falls to her death. Barbara, the mentally unbalanced owner of the castle, is the main suspect. However, there is no proof against her and the murders continued. But not everything is quite as it seems. The film is set in the Balsorano Castle and is shot in expressionistic black-and-white.
A Ticket to Die
Jordan is an ex-secret agent who, after many years of service, gets the boot for "health reasons". So he plans to sell a secret and highly sought after formula - if he can locate all three pieces of paper that the formula is written on, that is. His former superiors believe that he is close to getting the formula all for himself, so they send one of his old friends to convince him to cooperate with them again.
Семь великолепных с револьверами
Молодой адвокат Тимоти наследует золотую жилу. Бандит Родригес надеется ее заполучить, убив Тимоти, но вскоре обнаруживает, что тот не одинок. Пять опытных бойцов учат молодого человека отлично ездить верхом, стрелять и пить. А когда к ним присоединяется молчаливый незнакомец, они становятся «семью великолепными пистолетами», готовыми дать отпор любым бандитам...
Viaggio di nozze all'italiana
Сделано в Италии
(segment "2 'Il Lavoro', episode 2")
Несколько смешных и грустных историй из жизни итальянцев.
The Embalmer
A mad killer is loose in Venice's catacombs. He attacks the beautiful women, releasing them into the underworld, kill them and then stop them and add them to his "collection".
Fire Over Rome
Marcus Valerius, a young consul, is assigned the mission to assist Menecrate, the leader of the Pretorian Guard, in the arrest and execution of as many Christians as possible. While raiding the Catacombs he has the surprise to find among the Christians the woman he loves, Giulia, who has been converted secretly to the banned religion. He helps her to escape and trouble soon follows. Stripped of his rank and arrested for defending the rebels he is condemned to fight as a gladiator...
Veneri al sole
The lover of boxing (segment "Come conquistare le donne")
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Oh! Those Most Secret Agents
Dark-haired woman
Franco and Ciccio are two simple-minded Italian guys whom are mistaken by KGB spies by government agents from their government and other foreign governments.
Il Tramontana
Adultero lui, adultera lei
Lina, a young woman now tired of the constant betrayals from her husband, decides to cheat on him with a mutual friend, Piero.
The Saracens
Marco Trevisan returns to his hometown hoping to be greeted with a welcome party but is instead attacked and captured by Turkish pirates led by the brutal Rabanek.
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Carmelina Pepitone (segment "I Promessi Sposi")
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
Семь шпаг мстителя
Испания, конец XVI века. Три года провоевав с Францией в армии Филиппа III, граф Карлос де Базан возвращается в родовой замок. Там он узнает, что отец его умер, а имущество передано его кузену, герцогу де Сааведре, который обещает все ему возместить. Дону Карлосу становится известно о заговоре против Филиппа III. Уцелев после нескольких покушений и смертной казни (по несправедливому обвинению в убийстве первого министра), Базан тратит все силы на борьбу с заговорщиками, во главе которых стоит герцог де Сааведра. Те же планируют заманить в замок Базана короля, который способен позабыть обо всем при виде симпатичной мордашки. Филипп III не на шутку увлечен прекрасной Изабеллой, на которой дону Карлосу пришлось жениться в тюрьме...
The Fury of Achilles
Servant to Briseis
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
2 samurai per 100 geishe
Istruttrice Scuola Geishe
Two Sicilian cousins ​​are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.
Twist lolite e vitelloni
Ursus and the Tartar Princess
Peplum movie from 1961
Le magnifiche 7
The Sword of Vengeance
Revolt of the Mercenaries
Duchess Patrizia is determined to marry, although against her will, effeminate but powerful Prince Stefano. This is the only way she has found to thwart the plans of Count Keller, her aggressive neighbor, who wants to grab her land.
Scandali al mare
Morgan, the Pirate
A Welsh pirate raids up and down the Caribbean, battling the Spanish, the English and other pirates.
Assignment: Outer Space
Venus Control
Interplanetary News reporter Ray Peterson is assigned aboard a space station in the 21st Century.
The Giant of Marathon
amica di Andromeda
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
Nuvola Rosa
A gang of outlaws terrorizes Rio Ciuccio. When they kill the sheriff his wife, an old neapolitan lady, takes his place.