Veronica Quilligan

Veronica Quilligan

Рождение : 1956-01-01, Ireland


Veronica Quilligan


Mother Superior
Прозванный Мотыльком из-за татуировки на груди взломщик сейфов Анри совершает несколько попыток побега из тюрьмы, где отбывает пожизненное заключение. Вскоре его отправят на остров Дьявола, окруженный океаном, откуда еще никому не удавалось сбежать.
Leaving Stockholm
Rosalind Bernard
Helen was abducted as a child and kept in a basement for eight years. As a young adult, she invites a television crew to document her recovery, which threatens the fragile emotional balance between herself and her estranged mother.
Моя цинковая кровать
Талантливый поэт, который лечится от алкоголизма, находит родственную душу в лице жены своего босса, также страдающей от алкоголизма…
Ex Memoria
A film about memory, loss and survival; Eva Lipszyc is a survivor, but she is now locked away in the twilight world of Alzheimer's disease. We see the world from her point of view, at her eye level, and we see how a chance encounter with a caring young nurse breaks through the barrier
Paul Bowles: Half Moon
Three short films based on short stories by expatriate American novelist Paul Bowles capture the sense of loss and alienation so common in his works. "Merkala Beach" follows the dissolution of a friendship after a pretty face enters the picture; "Call at Corazon" traces a newlywed couple's challenges while cruising up the Amazon River; and "Allal" chronicles the extraordinary transformation of an Indian boy who befriends a cobra.
The Raggedy Rawney
During WWII a youth deserts his country's army after a combat experience, but not before wounding his commanding officer with a knife in order to escape. The young man, now very emotionally distraught, dresses in women's clothes and eventually joins a passing gypsy caravan, who think him a young girl... as well as a kind of seer, or 'rawney'. In time, however, he regains some composure and becomes attracted to one of the gypsy girls, which only leads to problems within the gypsy band, especially when the wounded commanding officer finds him.
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
Mrs Mullen
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown boarding house, who imagines she has the money to bankroll the business he hopes to open.
Against the backdrop of the bombing campaign in Britain and the Northern Ireland Hunger Strike, a young woman joins a terrorist operation which takes three people hostage. Over the days of their captivity, she questions her own involvement and the history of Ireland which has brought her to this point.
Saxophonist Danny witnesses the murder of his band manager and a deaf-mute girl after a gig. Questioned by the police, he remembers only the orthopedic shoes of the killers' leader. So begins his quest to avenge her. He seeks an answer to the simple question 'Why?' but finds only more, and deeper, questions which resonate with the wider context of 'the Troubles', the inter-communal strife gripping the modern-day Northern Ireland which is the film's setting.
The Wildcats of St. Trinian's
The girls of St. Trinian's decide they are being asked to do too much work so they go on strike.
The Vanishing Army
Career army man Bill Paterson faces discharge in this examination of the harsh treatment of British NCOs.
Red Shift
Three men at three different times in history come to Mow Top hill in search of sanctuary from their troubles. A Roman soldier, a medieval rebel and a 1970s young man. Somehow they seem linked through an energy within the hill and an axe. Is history doomed to repeat itself or can loving another person free them?
Усадьба Кенделшу
Молодая сирота Кейси (Джоди Фостер) и хитрый мошенник (Лео МакКерн) настроены найти клад. Но сначала они должены обхитрить владелецу усадьбы Кенделшу...
Робин и Мэриан
Sister Mary
После смерти короля Ричарда Львиное Сердце Робин Гуд и его неразлучный друг Маленький Джон возвращаются из крестовых походов в Англию, в Шервуд, где Робин встречает свою старую любовь Мэриан. Но старый шериф все еще на месте, и старая вражда разгорается вновь. Робин хочет только одного — он ведь уже совсем не молод — спокойно жить со своей любимой в родном лесу, но новый король отдает приказ уничтожить бунтовщиков. И тогда Робин выходит на свой последний поединок с заклятым врагом шерифом Ноттингемским.
Вульгарная вольная пародия на жизнь композитора и пианиста Ференца Листа, приправленная фаллическими образами и представляющая Листа в образе суперзвезды.
Malachi's Cove
A tough young girl lives with her aging grandfather near a cove on the coast of Cornwall. She supports herself and him by gathering seaweed to sell as fertilizer. A cocky young neighboring boy decides to help her with the work.