Paolo Sansoni


Rido perché ti amo
Production Design
Цена безопасности
Production Design
После того как в прибрежном городке происходит нападение на молодую женщину, местный эксперт по безопасности и его семья оказываются втянуты в паутину тайн и лжи.
Production Design
Lodo is twenty years old and lives the difficulties of his age, between a difficult relationship with his father and the attempt to conquer Giulia, his roommate with whom he is madly in love. He performs with the MOB, an indie band, in a legendary Roman club: the Morrison. One day, by chance, Lodo's path crosses that of Libero Ferri, a former rock star with a stalemate career, who tries to find success but ends up withdrawing more and more in himself, neglecting his beautiful wife Luna and living isolated in his luxurious villa full of memories. Between dreams, failures, friendship, tormented loves and curious characters, their meeting will become a mutual stimulus to move forward, but at times also a difficult comparison between generations and very different ways of being.
Holiday on Mars
Production Design
We are in 2030, and on vacation we go to Mars! Having made his wife and son Giulio lose his tracks for years, Fabio (Christian De Sica) is about to marry the wealthy Bea on Mars. But what could happen if during an excursion into space, something goes wrong and Giulio suddenly becomes a sprightly old man (Massimo Boldi)? Between hilarious unexpected events and amusing misunderstandings, Fabio will find himself dealing with a seventy-year-old son and a marriage that is in danger of jumping ...
Начать с нуля
Production Design
Джулия — менеджер по маркетингу в компании, где босс не ценит верных сотрудников. Бойфренд Джулии, Раф — свободный художник, который ничего не делает по дому. Ее бывший, Оттавио, собирается сыграть свадьбу, но продолжает отправлять ей сообщения по ночам. А подруга Ванесса нагло пользуется ее безотказностью. Когда на работе появляется 20-летняя блогерша с миллионом фолловеров, 40-летняя Джулия понимает, что ее отодвигают на второй план. Устав от своей бестолковой жизни, она решает: «Начну с нуля!»
Appena un minuto
Production Design
Parents in Progress
Production Design
Simona is a single mother in her early ‘40s who is wholly devoted to her son, Filippo. To get over her insecurities as a parent and make her son happy on his eighth birthday, she decides to throw him a birthday party in their small flat and invite over his school friends and their parents. For Simona, this birthday is about to pose quite the surprising dilemma between allowing her son to embrace his true self and a mother’s fierce desire to protect her child from their potentially cruel surroundings. This is the last conundrum she was expecting to have to face on a day that is already rife with anxiety.
Amici come prima
Production Design
Cesare Proietti is the esteemed manager of the Relais Colombo, a luxury hotel in Milan. When a group of new Chinese business partners want to revolutionize everything, the hotel owner's daughter, Luciana, decides to fire Cesare. When Cesare discovers Luciana is looking for a caregiver who can look after her father, he decides to dress up as a charming woman to apply for the role.
Let Me Introduce You To Sofia
Production Design
Gabriele is a divorced dad who owns a music store and is completely focused on taking care of his 10-year-old daughter Sofia who spends time with both parents. One day he bumps into his old friend Mara who - for the first time since his separation - reignites his desire to be in a relationship. There is only one problem, Mara hates children!
Omicidio all'italiana
Scenic Artist
To save his small town from being left by the last inhabitants, the Mayor organizes a false case of murder to attract media attention. His plan initially succeeds, but soon the situation will go out of control.
Italiano medio
Production Design
A committed environmentalist whose hyperfixation with everything that's wrong with the world is taking a toll on his marriage tries a pill that reduces human mental skills from 20% to 2%.
Fuga di cervelli
Production Design
Five deadbeat friends forge their resume to enroll in the prestigious University of Oxford to help one of them end up with the girl he's in love with.
Самое худшее Рождество в моей жизни
Production Design
Паоло и его семья получают приглашение встретить Рождество в замке. Героев ожидает масса приключений и недоразумений.
Худшая неделя в моей жизни
За неделю до свадьбы Паоло и Маргериты. Паоло 40 лет, он живет в Милане, имеет работу, которая ему нравится, и друга Ивана, который будет свидетелем на свадьбе. Маргерите 30 лет и она выросла в обеспеченной семье среднего класса родителей снобов. Опасаясь не понравиться им и безумно волнуясь, Паоло попадает в целый вихрь трагикомических событий. Все, что он делает для того, чтобы угодить родителям Маргериты, оборачивается полной катастрофой, грозящей окончательно и бесповоротно разрушить их брак.