Maurice Good


The Wars
Robert Ross (Brent Carver) lives a protected adolescence in a well-off Toronto suburb. Secretive and withdrawn, he shares his thoughts only with his sister Rowena (Anne-Marie MacDonald) who is mentally disabled. He feels compassion for his weak and conventional father. He avoids any confrontation with his mother (Martha Henry), a dominating woman whose despondency at having given birth to a handicapped child has turned to bitterness. Rowena occupies a central position in Robert's existence of daydreams and make-believe. When she dies, Robert clashes openly with his family, and decides to take himself in hand. It's 1914. He enrolls in the Canadian army, and, after training in Alberta and Montreal, he finds himself in England and France. The war becomes another way for him to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions--his wars.
Anthropologist Dr. Brockton unearths a primitive troglodyte -- an Ice Age "missing link": half-caveman, half-ape -- in a local cave. Through medical experimentation, she manages to communicate with him and domesticate him before he's let loose by an irate land developer and goes on a rampage, terrorizing the local citizenry.
Куотермасс и колодец
Sergeant Cleghorn
Работы в лондонском метрополитене приводят к обнаружению космического корабля, прибывшего с Марса пять миллионов лет тому назад. Внутри ученые обнаруживают странные кости и черепа, принадлежащие обезьяноподобным существам. По мнению профессора Куотермасса, именно инопланетяне были источником пробуждения интеллекта на Земле. Тем временем, один рабочий утверждает, что видел некое зеленоватое существо, пересекшее внутренний отсек корабля. Неужели марсиане все еще находятся на нашей планете? Может быть, это они придумали легенду про дьявола, чтобы зло проникло в наше подсознание?
Они прибыли из другого пространства
Agent Stilwell
Ученые, исследующие упавшие в сельской местности метеориты, становятся одержимы инопланетной силой.
Doctor Who: The Gunfighters
Phineas Clanton
Arriving in the town of Tombstone, the First Doctor finds himself involved with gunmen out to kill Doc Holliday...
The Skull
Pierre, Phrenologist
An occult investigator buys the 150-year-old skull of the Marquis de Sade, which turns out to be possessed by evil spirits.
Traitor's Gate
A businessman organises a caper to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.
Самое жуткое убийство
George Rowton
Присяжные почти единодушно признают подсудимого виновным в убийстве. Не согласна только мисс Марпл. Чтобы доказать его невиновность, она сама берется за расследование. Фильм снят по повести Агаты Кристи "Смерть миссис МакГинти".
Bomb in the High Street
Thieves disguised as soldiers plan to use a bomb scare as part of their plan to rob a bank.
The Siege of Sidney Street
A police inspector (Donald Sinden) tracks down Russian anarchist Peter the Painter (Peter Wyngarde) and his gang in circa-1911 London.
The Rising of the Moon
Constable O'Grady
Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.