Vivian Chan

Vivian Chan

Рождение : 1974-05-01, Taiwan


Vivian Chan


Lost in the Forest
Asheng, once a gang member of the Zhongshan District, was sent to jail for 12 years after saving his friend Shaou. He is released and returns to Linsen North Road, his old turf, finding it familiar yet perplexing after being away for so many years. Shaou is now a mob boss with his own turf. When the son of Seagull’s patron, Mr. Xiao, is murdered, the evidence points to up-and-coming mobster Monkey. Shauo tries to ambush Monkey and fails, getting shot by the drugged up gangster instead. Asheng, who initially refused to help Shaou, is now filled with rage and decides to avenge his friend.
Lost in the Forest
Asheng, once a gang member of the Zhongshan District, was sent to jail for 12 years after saving his friend Shaou. He is released and returns to Linsen North Road, his old turf, finding it familiar yet perplexing after being away for so many years. Shaou is now a mob boss with his own turf. When the son of Seagull’s patron, Mr. Xiao, is murdered, the evidence points to up-and-coming mobster Monkey. Shauo tries to ambush Monkey and fails, getting shot by the drugged up gangster instead. Asheng, who initially refused to help Shaou, is now filled with rage and decides to avenge his friend.
Смертельный рейд
Judicial Police
Спустя 20 лет после кровопролитной перестрелки выжившая мадам Фун возглавляет новый отряд в погоне за безрассудными молодыми анархистами, терроризирующими Макао. Ещё один выживший после того рокового дня устраивает финальный поединок с воинственными женщинами-полицейскими из отряда мадам Фун.
Мисс Пуля
Fashion Designer
Участница конкурса красоты Глория становится свидетельницей жестокой бандитской расправы и попадает в руки харизматичного наркобарона. С помощью шантажа и угроз он использует отчаянную красавицу как пешку в своей игре против ЦРУ и УБН.
My Kitchen Lover
Eating crayfish is more about eating crayfish, do you know? Divided into old school and new school. The representative of the old school is an old self-proclaimed lobster physiotherapist. He created lobster to soothe the mind, and the secret recipe of love treats all kinds of unhappiness. The representative of the new school is the post-90s light rain, which is famous for the red lobster. Great stall style. The old school and the new school coexist in harmony and jointly run a restaurant called Geek Lobster.
Guia In Love
Chan Ka Sing, Choi Kai Kwong and Lee Yuk Lan had been best friends since they were young. They hung out all the time at the lighthouse. Everything was fine until Ka Sing and Kai Kwong both fell in love for Yuk Lan. Compared to ambitious Kwong, Yuk Lan chose Ka Sing.
Hero the Great
Chao is a powerful man who controls many martial arts societies. After a long battle that lasts a whole day and night, the SHAOLIN abbot MERCY defeats him. MOON comes to Shaolin to invite Mercy to her father's 50th birthday ceremony. Dragon and Pride accompany Moon back to her hometown only to find that her father has been killed.
Всего раз в жизни
Через много лет Кей-Он (Лау Чинг-Ван) встречает свою школьную любовь, Цзин-И (Вивиан Чан) – правда, та не знает, что Кей-Он когда-то был в нее влюблен. Теперь у Цзин-И есть жених (Кеннет Чан), но его не оказывается рядом, когда мать девушки (Лили Ли) попадает в больницу, поэтому Цзин-И приходится выдать за него Кей-Она. И когда мать говорит, что больше всего хочет побывать на их свадьбе, в запале эту самую свадьбу обещает. Кей-Ону нечего делать, кроме как подыгрывать, но вскоре умирает его мать, и ее похороны назначают на тот же день, что и свадьбу…
Королевский бродяга 2
Small Twin
Оболтус и прощелыга Уилсон Бонд попадает в сложное положение, получая неожиданно для себя боевую силу кунг-фу. Ему приходится обучаться владению силой, чтобы противостоять сильным противникам...
Casino Tycoon II
Ho Tien Erh
It is 20 years on and Ho Hsin is now the proud and powerful owner of a chain of casinos in Macau. Unfortunately, he is also the target of many enemies, some of whom are in dangerously close proximity to him. But Ho has faced adversity before and is not about to just roll over and die.
Королевский бродяга
Проходимец Уилсон Бонд спасает от королевских войск опасного повстанца, который вербует его на опасное задание - проникнуть в императорский дворец в Запретный Город и помочь изнутри сбросить династию Цин. Однако внутри его вербует советник императора, имеющий виды на могущественную книгу «сорока двух движений», хранящуюся у вдовствующей императрицы. Одно за одним, на бедного Бонда сыплются двойные и тройные поручения, которые должен выполнять он один.
Вечеринка многочисленной семьи
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
The Twin Bracelets
Two teenage girls make a pledge to each other to be as "man and wife" in a small Chinese fishing town. The notions of women's rights or sexual freedom are absent in their oppressive minority culture, and when one becomes happily married to a stranger, the other is cruelly betrothed to the abusive son of a wealthy family. Seeking to free herself from a lifetime of abuse, Hui-hua desperately looks for a way out. ----by J L (New York City)
Look Out, Officer!
After police officer Piao is murdered, his soul cannot be at rest for his murder has been written off as a suicide. Therefore the heavens send him back to Earth as a spirit to find his 'savior' who will help him clear his name. Hsing, a rookie officer, is the savior and in return for finding Piao's killer, Piao must get him a girlfriend and a promotion.
Peony Birds
Explores the relationship of a mother and daughter, both of whom are embittered by their lives.
Dangerous Choices
The film explores the friendship between two school girls balanced on the cups between childhood and the adult world. The break between them comes when Leah, the headstrong and fearless of the two, severs the already fragile bonds of family and school life and rushes headlong into a darker world where, if pressures still exist, the players are at least less judgmental. Meanwhile, Sarah, timid and more plant by nature, nevertheless rebels against her friend's choice and is at first relegated to spectator while Leah is almost willingly made the pawn of the destructive man she loves. As Leah slides deeper into the surreal, we watch as Sarah makes her own extraordinarily dangerous choices to save her friend from certain destruction.