Philip Hurlic
Рождение : 1927-12-20, Los Angeles, California, USA
Смерть : 2014-07-07
Moses ("Mose")
A teenage horse trainer fears she'll lose her beloved horses when the stables where she works is sold.
A young boy seeks love and understanding from his cold, demanding father.
Black Boy at Tree
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Boy Ranger (uncredited)
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
Black Boy
Addie Fippany, her father Jean Paul Batiste Fippany, her mother Josephine and her sister Cecile roam the country-side in a mule-drawn wagon, trading trinkets to farmers for chickens which they sell in the cities. Addie and her father love the care-free life, but Mrs. Fippany and Cecile want to settle down in New York City. As soon as the "chicken wagon family" reaches New York, Addie gets into mischief and a policeman, Matt Hibbard, helps her and falls in love with Cecile. He helps the family settle into a deserted firehouse which is up for public sale.
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
Alfalfa introduces his prissy, snooty cousin Wilbur to the gang. He instantly gets on everyone's bad side. Especially Alfalfa.
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
Black Boy Bringing Uniform
A boozy former veterinarian and a teenage orphan team together with dreams of entering a broken-down horse in the big race.
When a young boy disappears, a man desperate for the offered reward money turns up with an identical child.
It's Mr. Hood's birthday and he's looking forward to a quiet celebration with his family. But Darla's friends show up with living presents, eat his dinner, argue about Tarzan and Alfalfa croons a special song for the unhappy man.
Erronens (uncredited)
1852-й год. Новый Орлеан. Великосветская красавица Джули Марсден готовится выйти замуж за молодого политика и банкира Престона Дилларда. Однако, поругавшись с ним, Джулии назло своему жениху появляется в красном платье на ежегодном, престижном «Олимпийском» балу. Поскольку незамужние девушки в свет должны выходить только в белом, светское общество шокировано выходкой Джули. Престон расторгает помолвку и уезжает на Север. Спустя год, он возвращается в Нью-Орлеан с молодой женой. В городе бушует эпидемия желтой лихорадки, общество парализовано паникой и страхом, а у Джули появляется шанс доказать Престону свою любовь…
Vermin Washington
Penrod Schofield's mischievous dog, Duke, is falsely accused of biting Penrod's spoiled friend, Rodney.
Little Jim
Это четвертая адаптация на экране знаменитого романа Марка и первая снятая в цвете. Типичная для Голливуда, хотя, оригинальная сюжетная линия Твена иногда изменена для усиления драматической линии. Например, в фильме индеец Джо падает в пропасть, куда его ногой толкает Том, а в романе, индеец Джо теряется в пещере и умирает от голода к сожалению, некоторые сцены с глубоким юмором из романа, например, когда Гекельбери Финн, дает Тому свою трубку, чтобы тот покурил, не была использована в фильме из-за страха цензуры.
Robert Lee
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Verman Diggs
A boy (Billy Mauch) and his gang catch bank robbers using their clubhouse as a hide-out.
Black Baby Cupid
College students rally to save a struggling hotel from closing. Comedy.
Napoleon Bonaparte's younger brother, visiting the United States, falls madly in love with a young woman he meets in Baltimore.
Shirley acts as a rich "gold digger" trying to elect a cowboy politician to the office.
Dampsey's Cornerman
Diaper Dampsey must defend his diaper-weight championship, but someone has kidnapped his girlfriend to make him lose!
Shirley gets kidnapped by Indians, but by the end there is a big pie fight.
Black Boy
A group of soldiers in a café watch a dancer as she entertains them, but later two of them become rivals over her.