Mika Waltari

Mika Waltari

Рождение : 1908-09-19, Helsinki, Finland

Смерть : 1979-08-26


Mika Waltari


The King Without a Heart
The King Without a Heart is a fairytale about of a happy king who has a young daughter and a lovely wife. After the sudden death of his wife, the king becomes so sad that he wants his heart taken out of his chest. The kingdom is turned into an effective society based on reason, and there is no longer place for emotions. When she grows up, the princess tries to make her father see the importance of play and emotions.
Водка, комиссар Палму
Комиссар Палму наслаждается загородной жизнью на пенсии, опекаемый молодой женой. Вирта делает карьеру в МВД, а Кокки обзавёлся ресторанным бизнесом. Случайная встреча старых товарищей в аэропорту, где таможня прихватила Палму за контрабанду водки из Москвы, оказалась отправным пунктом для событий, в которых замешана большая политика, экономические интересы, женщины и масс-медиа. Вскоре после этого происходит убийство известного тележурналиста, многим перешедшего дорогу. Телекомпания решает произвести собственное расследование и обращается за помощью к комиссару Палму, у которого появляется возможность отвлечься от загородной идиллии и показать, что есть ещё порох в пороховницах.
The Parisian Tie
A TV movie based on the short story of the same name by Mika Waltari.
The Island of Ice
An art history student with lung disease arrives to do research on a secluded and alcoholic artist. The student is interested in why the artist's production consists of cruel subjects and how he manages to tell about real life through these. When they spend time together, they get to know each other and a love affair develops between them.
Звёзды расскажут, комиссар Палму
Убийство астронома-любителя на холме возле обсерватории приводит комиссара Палму и его бригаду в усадьбу буйного майора Ваденблика.
Theatre Play
A manager of a company has made an embezzlement just to make the sweet life possible with his lover. An office manager promises to take the blame if the manager promises to behave better.
Прибавь газу, комиссар Пальму!
Альма Скроф - жадная злая старуха. Её муж застрелился в припадке белой горячки. У него была дочь Кирсти, оставшаяся от первого брака. Госпожа Скроф воспитывала Кирсти очень строго, ребёнок был лишён всех радостей детства. И вот миллионерша Скроф погибла. Она отравилась газом при весьма подозрительных обстоятельствах. Расследование поручено комиссару Палму. Подозрение падает на нескольких персонажей, в том числе и на юную Кирсти.
Myöhästynyt hääyö
Theatre Play
Otto and Kaija have celebrated their surprise wedding, but after a coctail party nothing between them is the same as Otto does not remember what actually happened, and the mess is ready when Otto's American uncle who hates women comes for a visit.
Ошибка комиссара Палму
Хельсинки, 1930-е годы. Экстравагантный денди после странной вечеринки найден мёртвым в своей ванной. Убийство или несчастный случай? Знаменитый сыщик Палму не спеша начинает расследование. В поле его подозрений - декадентские круги крупной буржуазии…
Verta käsissämme
After returning home from being a prisoner of war Viktor gets a job from his friend Rolf with whom he had served. The men trust each other until Viktor meets Rolf’s wife Astrid.
Vieras mies
"The Stranger" - A couple who have moved from the city manage a collapsing farm. The man Alfred is an alcoholic, therefore the responsible to solve the situation is his wife Katriina. Help is provided by the former owner Hermann.
Ingen morgondag
It is in a battlefield in Karelia, Finland during the Continuation war (1941-1944). Intensive shooting between Finnish and Soviet troops takes place. The Soviet occupation is strong, and on the Finnish side it is ordered to withdraw. But Captain Viktor Aaltonen does not listen to the order but wants to shorten a wounded companion's suffering. Aaltonen is taken to the Soviet prison camp, Vorkuta, where he will spend a decade.
Kuriton sukupolvi
Theatre Play
Aging professor of mathematics completes his life's work, a research project that has taken him decades, and climbs up from the boiler room (his study) and back to real life. He can hardly recognize his rebellious teenage kids and materialistic wife who hardly seem to notice his existence. The only person who is interested in the professor's work is Marja, his son's girlfriend and freshman at the university. An innocent infatuation flares up between the old man and the young girl, while the professor's family is only interested in the prize money awarded to the professor by an international jury for his academic achievements.
Pikku Ilona ja hänen karitsansa
Jokin ihmisessä
Pitch-noir melodrama about young Kauko's endless obsession and love-hate-relationship with Osmi, a girl he has known since childhood. Standing at her death bed, Kauko reminisces his years spent as a sailor, prisoner, smuggler, and a soldier in the Second World War, while Osmi manages to evolve from prostitution to a seemingly happy family life with someone else.
Rakas lurjus
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Rakas lurjus
Theatre Play
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Египет, XIV век до нашей эры. Страной правит фараон Аменхотеп IV, решивший изменить религию многобожия на поклонение единому божеству Атону. Культ Атона не был принят ни священнослужителями, ни жителями Египта и вызвал огромное негодование. В это же время молодой египтянин Синух выбирает профессию врача, и волею судьбы назначается лекарем самого Фараона. Он становится невольным участником дворцовых интриг, заговоров и предательств.
Huhtikuu tulee
Theatre Play
Frustrated housewife Elisabet Avovirta has a spring romance with a younger man, journalist Jaakko Huhtikuu. Love sprinkles in the rays of the spring sun and eventually bubbles over the edges.
Huhtikuu tulee
Frustrated housewife Elisabet Avovirta has a spring romance with a younger man, journalist Jaakko Huhtikuu. Love sprinkles in the rays of the spring sun and eventually bubbles over the edges.
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Unexpected romance is in the air when a young woman from Finnish boarding school meets an American millionaire. This is the only Finnish film starring Miss Universe 1952 Armi Kuusela.
The Witch
Theatre Play
An archaeological team unearths a body of a young woman, who was told to be a witch buried in the bog some 300 years ago. Soon a naked woman appears and drives the men of the village crazy...
Omena putoaa…
Omena putoaa…
Theatre Play
Gabriel, tule takaisin
Theatre Play
A handsome young womanizer deceive tender women by first charming them and then taking their money.
Tanssi yli hautojen
In the early 1800s, Finnish governor's daughter first detests but soon falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander I who has just taken Finland over from Sweden's rule.
Tanssi yli hautojen
In the early 1800s, Finnish governor's daughter first detests but soon falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander I who has just taken Finland over from Sweden's rule.
Nainen on valttia
A famous operette star Kirsti Kalpa escapes her busy and selfish fiance and hides as maid to house of 3 bachelors ( professor, composer and butler) , who basically hate women.
Nuoria ihmisiä
Tyttö astuu elämään
Onni pyörii
Story about about a young man who was raised in an orphanage. Kauko goes to Helsinki to work as a store help. The living the big city is not so easy as Kauko expects and not so grand.
Kulkurin valssi
St.Petersburg, 1830. An arrogant Finnish baron is playing cards with a Russian officer. Needless to say, the Finn wins and the Russian gets extremely annoyed. The situation is not helped by the fact that the baron has been seeing a girl that the Russian officer has also set his eyes on. They decide to have a duel and after the Finn wins fair and square, he has to escape because the untrustworthy Russians are after him.
Oi, kallis Suomenmaa
Seitsemän veljestä
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Helmikuun manifesti
February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Vieras mies tuli taloon
Vieras mies tuli taloon
Kuriton sukupolvi
Kuriton sukupolvi
Theatre Play
Coast guard battles the bootleggers who smuggle booze across the Gulf of Finland during the prohibition law.
Sininen varjo
Valentin Vaala's first sound film. Only fragments survive.
Inspector Palmu
Inspector Palmu gets to solve a new case, when a wealthy real estate millionaire connected to Germany is murdered in Kaivopuisto, middle of post-war Helsinki. The murder is only beginning for the events that will shake the city even more violently than Soviet bombers during the war.
Inspector Palmu
Original Story
Inspector Palmu gets to solve a new case, when a wealthy real estate millionaire connected to Germany is murdered in Kaivopuisto, middle of post-war Helsinki. The murder is only beginning for the events that will shake the city even more violently than Soviet bombers during the war.