Betsy Baker

Betsy Baker

Рождение : 1955-05-08, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA


Betsy Baker is an American stage, film and television actress, best known for playing Linda in the cult classic feature film The Evil Dead.


Betsy Baker
Betsy Baker
Betsy Baker
Betsy Baker


Dinner with Leatherface
A look at poet, author, filmmaker, actor, and horror icon Gunnar Hansen—the original Leatherface in the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Including perspectives ffrom friends, colleagues, filmmakers, actors, and anyone else who knew one of the nicest people affiliated with the horror genre.
Secret Agent Dingledorf and His Trusty Dog Splat
Overcoming bullies and his own loser mentality, 10-year-old Bernie Dingledorf must destroy Dr. Chuckles’s diabolical Laugh Generator before it sends the world into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
Baggage Claim Clerk
Олд Долио 26 лет, и она выросла в семье хиппи-мошенников, которые видели в дочери прежде всего потенциальную подельницу и обучили её разным воровским премудростям. И вот девушка впервые самостоятельно придумывает мошенническую схему в надежде получить от родителей любовь и внимание. Но они внезапно подключают к делу новую сообщницу, заставляя Олд Долио почувствовать себя ненужной.
Hail to the Deadites
Through interviews with the cast, crew, collectors, fans, freaks and geeks, Hail to the Deadites seeks to illuminate the darkest reaches of the Evil Dead franchise's undying and still-growing popularity, a popularity that has spawned four films, a TV series, comic books, figurines, and surpassed even its creator's wildest dreams. Hail to the Deadites puts the spotlight on the fans that cultivated and spread this groovy pop-culture infection!
The Premonition
Miss Hooper
It is Halloween night and the kiddies are out trick-or-treating when an unexpected guest comes a-knocking.
A Girl Followed
Dr. Tocaro
A resentful 14-year-old girl is drawn into a seemingly innocent friendship with an older man, but the relationship turns sinister.
Margot Vrbronski
A penniless hermit, a straight-laced telemarketer, and a sinister astronaut road trip their way across the country.
96 Souls
Juror #3
A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.
Озеро Эри
Молодая вдова переезжает в старый дом на озере Эри, чтобы оправиться от внезапной потери своего мужа. Тем не менее, она вскоре обнаруживает страшную тайну, и что она не одна.
Some Are Born
Amanda Fairweather
A lonely young man enters college and quickly finds comfort in two mysterious filmmakers that have manipulative plans of their own.
The Perfect Boyfriend
A charming but devious man conspires to bilk a wealthy veterinarian of her money.
Оз: Великий и ужасный
Quadling Woman
Когда ураган забрасывает циркового фокусника Оскара Диггса из пыльного Канзаса в волшебную страну Оз, склонный к мошенничеству циркач полагает, что он поймал удачу за хвост - ведь с помощью своих трюков он с легкостью может добыть в новых землях и славу и богатство. Однако его ждёт встреча с тремя чародейками, Теодорой, Эванорой и Глендой, которые сомневаются в том, тот ли это великий волшебник, появления которого ждали легковерные жители страны Оз. Волей-неволей, пришелец оказывается втянутым в противостояние эпического масштаба, и ему приходится использовать весь свой "магический" арсенал, с добавлением толики настоящего волшебства. В ситуации выбора между Добром и Злом, Оскару Диггсу предстоит не только стать Великим и Ужасным Волшебником из Страны Оз, но и немного измениться к лучшему.
Loretta Meyerson
What happens when a bartender on a mission to find her cheating boyfriend gets stuck driving a drunk high-schooler home? Trans Am, emergency room, strip club, showdown, vomit, sunrise. Yeah.
Brutal Massacre: A Comedy
Harry Penderecki, a once heralded horror auteur, finds himself on the outside looking in at Hollywood. He hasn't had a hit film in years, and most in the industry, including his close friends, think he's washed up. Harry is given one last chance to redeem himself with what could be his best or last picture. Brutal Massacre becomes just that, as the cast and crew find themselves battling one mishap after another as Harry struggles to keep his sanity against overwhelming resistance to finish the picture and find himself at the top once again.
The Ladies of the Evil Dead Meet Bruce Campbell
Interview with the female cast of The Evil Dead and lead Bruce Campbell.
One by One We Will Take You: The Untold Saga of The Evil Dead
Cast and crew, as well as some famous fans, recall the insanity that was the making of the ultimate experience of grueling terror that is The Evil Dead.
Witches' Night
Halloween weekend. A jilted groom. A hastily-organized canoe trip. A pristine river. A deep, dark forest. The strange old woman behind the bait shop should've been a warning, but too much beer dulls the senses. When they stumble upon four beautiful women deep in the woods, it all seems too good to be true. And slowly they realize they'll be lucky to escape alive.
A drama centering on the joys, conflicts, and crises on a middle-class family and on its ex-football star father's efforts to keep it on track and intact despite the death of a child and the strain between his wife and father.
Зловещие мертвецы
Молодые люди снимают на выходные загородный дом. Находится он в непролазной глуши, выглядит мрачно, а кругом — ни души. Аренда стоит копейки, но не потому, что он того и гляди развалится… Раньше здесь жил археолог, после которого в подвале остались различные мистические артефакты. Например, книга мёртвых, предметы неизвестных магических культов и магнитофон с записью заклинания на непонятном языке. Ребята запись прослушали… С наступлением темноты им предстоит встретиться с духами, которых они разбудили!
Word of Honor
Denise McNeil
A reporter refuses to reveal his source in the case of the murder of a young girl. As a result, he and his family are shunned by the residents of the small town in which they live. Virtually no one comes to his daughter's wedding, and at his office, the police search his desk, and his boss threatens to fire him.
Social Norm
Norm and his three misfit brothers have ninety days to save their childhood home while trying to escape the memories of their past.
Blood Moon
Fortune Teller
After witnessing a murder in the Colorado wilderness, travel photographer Kyle Williamson seeks out local law enforcement only to find that the small mountain town is not what it seems.