Bullseye Black
Hell bent on avenging the death of his father, Johnny Black vows to gun down Brett Clayton and becomes a wanted man in the process while posing as a preacher in a small mining town that's been taken over by a notorious Land Baron.
A quartet of elderly best friends decide to live life to the fullest by taking a wild trip to the Super Bowl LI to see their hero Tom Brady play.
A small-town sheriff investigates a gruesome string of missing persons cases with the help of his medical examiner friend.
Культурный критик и историк Элвис Митчелл рассказывает об эволюции (и революции) кино о чернокожих людях от его истоков до эпохи знаменитых фильмов 1970-х годов.
Executive Producer
A documentary film about the life, times and experiences of eight theatre artists and a theatre critic in the theatre of New York City.
Once-incarcerated Marcus Cowans is trying to turn over a new leaf with the support of his loving family. Upon discovering that one of his brothers may have been involved in a horrific crime, Marcus grapples with the limits of brotherhood and loyalty. He and his family, increasingly weary of the justice system’s failings, end up in the crosshairs of a seasoned but jaded detective.
An intimate look at the Oscar-nominated actor’s incomparable artistry, and the acting process which informed his transformative performances. Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, Spike Lee, George C. Wolfe, Branford Marsalis, Phylicia Rashad and more take us behind the scenes to explore Boseman's extraordinary commitment to his craft.
Self - Presenter
Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, George C. Wolfe and more share the heart, soul and history that brought August Wilson's timeless play to the screen.
Чикаго, 1927 год. История легенды американского блюза Ма Рейни, карьера которой оказалась под угрозой, когда её менеджеры захотели забрать права на всю ею музыку. Помочь Ма вызвался трубач Ливи, имевший виды на подругу певицы и желающий занять свою нишу в музыкальной индустрии Америки.
Джек Каннингэм в школе был восходящей баскетбольной звездой, но в какой-то момент покончил со спортом. Из-за пристрастия к таблеткам и алкоголю он в одночасье лишился всего — славы, денег и семьи. Вскоре жизнь даёт Джеку второй шанс — он берётся тренировать баскетбольную команду своей родной школы, которую все считают откровенными неудачниками.
Будущий отец выясняет, что он — шестерняшка, и отправляется на поиски братьев и сестёр. Новообретённые родственники оказываются один страннее другого.
Executive Producer
A woman dealing with the loss of her husband, the struggle of parenthood and finding work in a new state finds solace in her relationship with an 8 year old physically disabled girl named Justine who she takes care of.
Papa Don
A woman dealing with the loss of her husband, the struggle of parenthood and finding work in a new state finds solace in her relationship with an 8 year old physically disabled girl named Justine who she takes care of.
After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant.
General Whalen
1987 год. Скрываясь от преследования, Бамблби находит убежище на автомобильной свалке в калифорнийском городке, где живет Чарли. Девушке скоро исполнится 18, она стремится найти свое место в жизни. И именно она наталкивается на покореженного и сломленного Бамблби. Приведя его в чувство, Чарли моментально осознает: на ее пути оказался не простой желтый Фольксваген Жук…
Clay (Pastor Davis)
Following the death of her father, a 17-year-old girl is sent to live with her estranged family and finds comfort in a questionable friendship with a self-destructive neighbor, leading both on a startling path to self discovery.
A documentary on making the movie JD'S REVENGE.
On March 11, 1959, Lorraine Hansberry’s 'A Raisin in the Sun' opened on Broadway and changed the face of American theater forever. As the first-ever black woman to author a play performed on Broadway, she did not shy away from richly drawn characters and unprecedented subject matter. The play attracted record crowds and earned the coveted top prize from the New York Drama Critics’ Circle. While the play is seen as a groundbreaking work of art, the timely story of Hansberry’s life is far less known.
Documentary film on events that happened on August 28th in African-American history, shown at the Smithsonian African-American History Museum.
Kelly Lofton is a young, successful dentist who has all the material things a woman could ask for. However, Kelly has struggled to find time for love in her busy schedule, so when her younger sister Susan gets engaged to a seemingly perfect man and organizes an extravagant engagement party, Kelly panics.
Detective Lawrence 'Morgan Freeman' Appleton
Новый препарат, наркотик, наводнил улицы, его действие — просто сумашествие, но есть один страшный побочный эффект — после употребления не все возвращаются в реальный мир людьми… Два друга, Джон и Дэвид, оказываются ввязаны в историю с адским препаратом и вынуждены противостоять надвигающемуся ужасу так спешащему выбраться в наш мир через эту дрянь.
Slim Sugar
A serious health scare ignites John Thomas, an insurance salesman in his 50s, to take a closer look at his life. Motivated by a misguided obsession with getting Barack Obama elected, John takes an overwhelming involvement in the Presidential campaign. While John becomes obsessed with the ideal of change that Obama represents for Americans, he has in turn neglected to create positive change in his own life, particularly with regard to his health and familial relationships. John hides his health problems from his strong, yet supportive wife, Molly, creating a strain on their marriage. John seeks the support of a Republican relative, MLK, who initially starkly resists supporting a Democratic candidate. John's son, Kalil, rebels against his father's avid support of Obama by supporting the Republican candidate as well. John neglects to support his daughter, Tamika, at a crucial moment in her life...
After paying his debt to society, a convicted man is redeemed, called by God to become the pastor of a disgraced church and lead it back to glory. But his past catches up with him and stirs up resentment from his enemies, who launch an assault on his career & his life, getting him put on trial and thrown in jail. Will he resort to his old criminal ways, or stand with God and fight for righteousness?
Dr. Woodward
Летом 1979 года несколько друзей из маленького городка в Огайо, снимающие любительский фильм на камеру «Супер 8», стали свидетелями железнодорожной катастрофы. И вскоре они начинают подозревать, что это не было просто несчастным случаем. Странные исчезновения и необъяснимые события начинают происходить в городке, и местный шериф пытается разгадать их тайну — что-то куда более ужасающее, чем все могли себе представить.
Harold Saint
Али — молодая амбициозная девушка из маленького городка с чудесным голосом, совсем недавно потеряла своих родителей. Теперь никому не нужная, она отправляется в большой город Лос-Анджелес, где устраивается на работу у Тесс, хозяйки ночного клуба «Бурлеск». За короткое время она находит друзей, поклонников и любовь всей своей жизни. Но может ли сказка длиться вечно? Ведь немало людей завидует этой прекрасной танцовщице…
Chief Detective Duncan
Группа молодых изобретательных грабителей совершает дерзкую аферу, в результате которой скрывается с 20 миллионами долларов. Дело осложняется тем, что по следу банды идет не менее сильный соперник — полицейский детектив Джек Уэллс.
Bishop Hightower
Preaching To The Pastor is a musical comedy about the controversy going on at High And Mighty Missionary Baptist Church. The Pastor has a dark secret that may cost him his title and his ministry. In the end, everyone needs to be preached to, including the Pastor.
Sheriff Bob Monroe
Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.
Clarence Brown
Homer Hobbs, home after two years in jail, discovers that life on the outside can be crueler than the back-breaking injustice of the chain gang...
Dr. Frank Hopper
Неистребимая жажда приключений толкает Дирка Пита в одну из самых опасных областей Западной Африки. Поиск несметных сокровищ Нила сопровождается страшной тайной — засекреченный «корабль смерти» повинен в гибели людей.Питу, вместе с другом, необходимо держать ухо востро, собрав воедино смекалку, мужество и героизм, чтобы помочь доктору Еве Рохас победить таинственную болезнь, уносящую человеческие жизни в результате действия и желания себе же подобных.
Derrick's Dad
Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jhnelle, who mistakes him for a well-known industry executive. With an instant chemistry, the unlikely pair begin to date.
Ted Bigelow
When a Marine Colonel orders his men to massacre a village they were sent to rescue some hostages but when they found them dead they decide to get some payback. Upon returning to the States the Colonel would be court-martialed and made a plea agreement wherein all the blame is on him and his men would be discharged and receive any benefits they're entitled. But the General presiding over his trial chooses not to agree to the agreement and throws the book at the Colonel and has his men dishonorably discharged thus eliminating all their benefits.
Parole Board Member Reingold
A young man dying in prison brings his family together for a fateful visit, and proceeds to put his life back together.
Robert Aimes Sr.
While many celebrities believe their fame gives them good luck with the opposite gender, one man with a successful television career discovers fame is spoiling his chances with the woman he loves in the made-for-TV romantic drama. Holly Aimes (Lark Voorhies) is the daughter of a prominent politician (Glynn Turman), and recently broke off her engagement with a well-known actor. Holly has spent most of her life in the spotlight, and wants nothing more than to be left alone without the glare of public scrutiny. When Holly meets talk show host Michael Williams (Kadeem Hardison), he's soon convinced that she's the woman with whom he wants to share his life, but can he convince her of his sincerity so she will brave another high-profile romance? Based on the popular romance novel by Carla Fredd, Fire and Ice also features Tempestt Bledsoe and Freda Payne. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
Chief Floyd
Фильм основан на реальных событиях из жизни легендарного водолаза Карла Брашира. Его наставник и старший офицер Билл Сандэй убежден, что неграм нечего делать во флоте, и самыми жестокими и бесчеловечными способами издевается и «обламывает» амбициозного новичка.Однако ему это не удается, и более того, вскоре он начинает испытывать симпатию к этому чрезвычайно упертому парню, который скорее погибнет, чем покажет слабость. Вместе они пытаются сопротивляться бюрократам из командования ВМФ, которых не устраивает цвет кожи героя.Карл всегда вызывается добровольцем на выполнение самых опасных секретных спецопераций, связанных с повышенным риском для жизни. Однако судьба приготовила ему куда более страшное испытание, преодолеть которое способен только настоящий герой.
T-Bone Lanier
Freedom Song (2000) is a made-for-TV film based on true stories of the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi in the 1960s. It tells the story of the struggle of African Americans to register to vote in the fictional town of Quinlan. In the midst of the Freedom Summer, a group of high school students in the small town are eager to make grassroots changes in their own community. The young activists meet resistance not only from white southerners, but from their parents, who have experienced firsthand the violence that can result from speaking out.[1] As high school students band together with the support of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, they make strides in registering African-American voters and gaining awareness for their cause.
Principal Allan Armstrong
Иногда приходится брать в руки пистолет, чтобы тебя услышали. Они не хотят быть героями, они хотят, чтобы их выслушали. Шестеро учеников закрываются в своей школе и берут в заложники полицейского. Они не хотят денег, они просто пытаются привлечь к себе внимание и показать всем, что в таких условиях учиться просто невозможно.
Dr. Shakespeare
В горе и в радости Стелла и Делайла всегда были вместе. Теперь Стелла настолько занятая женщина, что забыла, как жить по-настоящему. Делайла хочет изменить ситуацию. Все начинается со спонтанной поездки на Ямайку, а заканчивается увлекательным путешествием в тайники собственной души. Это приключение помогает Стелле раскрыть сердце для любви. И какая разница, что объект страсти на 20 лет ее моложе...
Sgt. Joshua 'Joyu' Judges Ruth
События разворачиваются в Нью-Мексико в бурные времена после Гражданской войны. Отряды апачей под руководством Виторио держат в страхе весь штат. За ними гоняются отряды кавалерии в том числе и сформированные целиком из негров...
Stallworth Hubbs
Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.
Judge Roullard
Ten years after the birth of her son, Corey Maddox discovers an awful truth: Her son was switched at birth.
Spencer Phillips
The Inkwell is about a 16-year-old boy coming of age on Martha's Vineyard in the summer of 1976.
Russell Stevens Sr.
Полицейский Рассел Стивенс получает задание внедриться в наркокартель, поставляющий в Лос-Анджелес кокаин. Главой преступной группировки является Антон Гальегос — дилер, действующий от лица наркобарона из Латинской Америки, влиятельного политика Гектора Гузмана. Цель операции — обезвредить владельца картеля. Стивенс начинает свою «карьеру», выступая в роли мелкого дилера. Но вскоре ему предстоит решить очень важный вопрос: на чьей он стороне?
Lloyd Lyman
A 12-year-old genius, poor Max is a washout socially. To impress his girlfriend, he sells the design of his latest invention-a jumping bike-to a major toy company.
Lieutenant Delgado
Farm boy Daryl Cage's parents ship him off to the big city to live with his brother, hoping he will have a better life there. After a baggage mixup at the airport, Daryl finds himself in possession of a drug cache, which a ruthless drug dealer wants back. The dealer murders Daryl's brother and the small town boy ends up all alone in the big city, being pursued by both the drug dealer and the police, who suspect him of the murder.
At the beginning of the Civil War, Union gunboats sailed into Port Royal Sound, on the Sea Islands off the coast of Georgia. White plantation owners fled, and the 10,000 blacks who lived there, almost all of whom were slaves, were freed in the first test of President Abraham Lincoln's dream of emancipation. Charlotte Forten, a 21-year-old educated black woman, helped the freed slaves to begin to build a new society. That experience forms the plot of this drama, based on Charlotte Forten's journals, which was telecast on "American Playhouse."
A man (Shatner) going through a mid-life crisis, starts patronizing prostitutes. Eventually, he meets a very expensive one (Shepherd) and he thinks he has it all. That is until her pimp starts hounding him.
Roy Hanson
Очаровательный пушистый зверек Гремлин способен растрогать даже камень. Вдобавок, у него — абсолютный слух! Только будьте осторожны: он может погибнуть от солнечного света.На него нельзя брызгать водой. А что будет, если накормить его после полуночи, просто страшно себе представить…
Ty Earl
Jonathan Chase is a British college professor at New York University who has the unusual ability to transform into any kind of animal he wants. He decides to use his power to assist the New York Police Department in solving unusual crimes, and in this series pilot, he teams up with cute cop Brooke and war buddy Ty to stop some terrorists from stealing a supply of toxic gas.
Charles Johnson
An ex-con, on parole and trying to straighten his life out, decides to resume his boxing career when one of his prison enemies escapes and kills his girlfriend.
James Thornwell
The story of James Thornwell, whose accusation that the U.S. Army used mind control drugs on him to force him to confess to stealing secret documents while stationed in Orleans, France, in 1961, led Congress to award him $625,000 in damages nearly 20 years later.
Raymond Franklin
Acclaimed dramatization recreating the incidents surrounding the 1971 revolt in New York's Attica State Prison that lasted for 23 days and resulted in the greatest casualty toll between Americans since the Civil War.
Preston de Cordiva
A naive Texas beauty queen, seeking Hollywood stardom, quickly learns the realities of the business after attending an unethical modeling school.
A troubled boy becomes addicted to heroin, and his mother and foster father help him fight it.
Американец Абель Розенберг, вместе с братом и его женой приезжает в Германию. По загадочным причинам брат кончает жизнь самоубийством.
Мануэлла становится проституткой. Поиски работы приводят Абеля в клинику Святой Анны, где он раскрывает жуткую тайну психологических и химических экспериментов над людьми...
Harry Brown Jr.
Two black brothers in a traveling minstrel show in the early part of the twentieth century have two different goals. One brother is determined to succeed in a field that is dominated by white performers in blackface, and the other is a composer fighting to break away from the stereotypes associated with black minstrel performers.
A television drama directed by Maya Angelou. In 1975, the accomplished writer became the first African American woman to join the Directors Guild of America in the director’s category. Produced by trailblazing TV executive Barbara Schultz, Visions often focused on complex themes including social justice, feminism, race and sexuality. Executive Producer: Barbara Schultz. Director: Maya Angelou. Writer: Alexis DeVeaux. With: Gloria Jones Schultz, Glynn Turman, Ebony Wright.
Isaac / 'Ike'
Although notorious New Orleans gangster J.D. Walker is shot and killed in the 1940s, his spirit remains restless for three decades, until a hypnotist's supernatural nightclub act allows him to take over the body of a mild-mannered law student and seek revenge on those who got him killed.
Jeff Williams
An intimate look at life in the ghetto: Johnny Williams is a house painter who moonlights as a poet, struggling to financially and emotionally support his cancer-ridden wife Mattie. But times are tough and the poverty-troubled streets are even tougher, and it takes every ounce of Johnny's love and courage for the couple to make it through their strife, finding redemption in the River Niger.
Leroy "Preach" Jackson
In the mid-1960s, a group of high school friends who live on the Near North Side of Chicago enjoy life to the fullest...parties, hanging out, meeting new friends. Then life changes for two of the guys when they are falsely arrested in connection with stealing a Cadillac. We follow their lives through to the dramatic end of high school.
Edwin Beall
In this pilot film that preceded the short-lived series, a street cop in his last week on the force before his retirement investigates the murder of his partner.
Russell B. Parker, a former vaudeville hoofer, is a man of big dreams but small ambitions. He hardly works at all in fact, often spending the time incessantly playing checkers with his friend, William Jenkins. Parker lives with Theopolis and Bobby, his two unemployed sons, and Adele, his hard-working daughter. The ghost of his dead wife, a woman who drove herself into an early grave working to support the family, nags at his conscience.
Dr. Johnson
A group of ghetto kids try to find out who killed a popular police officer.
Jomo J. Anderson
A pair of thieves operate in the American South between 1911 and 1915, stealing from rich, white capitalists, and giving to Mexicans, Native Americans and poor whites.
Leonard Jackson plays a barber who is also the domineering head of a middle-class African American family. Jackson is forced to rethink his values when his previously docile wife (Clarice Taylor) joins their three children in rebelling against her husband's retrogressive behavior.
Mohammed G.
In Sweden, young US soldier, Willy, goes a.w.o.l and teams up with other deserters in Stockholm. There, he meets leftist radical beauty, Inga, who tries to seduce him into joining her extremist group's cause.
Sailor at Bus Station
Black girl from rich family loves white boy from poor family.
Michael (Jeff Bridges) drops out of college with the intention of finding himself. When his parents (Carl Betz and Vera Miles) balk, he talks them into joining him in traveling the country and educating themselves about the state of things. They, along with Grandma (Ruth McDevitt) trick out an old Greyhound bus and hit the road. The picaresque plotline brings the family into contact with a variety of colorful characters. The producers of In Search of America never declared outright that the made-for-TV film was intended as a series pilot, but it ends on an ambiguous note with plenty of loose plot ends. In Search of America was first telecast March 23, 1971.
Pvt. George Brightman
A racist officer is put in charge of an all-black squad of troops charged with the mission of blowing up an important hydro-dam in Nazi Germany. Their failure would delay the Allies' advance into Germany, thus prolonging the war. These African-Americans have little military training, but Captain Beau Carter has no choice. He leads the rag-tag and they turn out to be heroic.
A. Philip Randolph
Gay, civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, who organized the 1963 March on Washington.