Gérard Ruey


Across the Sea
A former war photographer tries to ward off his personal ghosts by taking pictures of trees only. He lives alone among olive trees in southern Italy. One day he decides to cross the sea. Once in Albania, he goes near the location where he had made his last war picture, as if he was retracing his steps. He finds a tree he wants to photograph. He is just about to do so, when he discovers a runaway girl hiding in it with the sole objective of crossing the sea and getting to the other side. The man has no choice. He has to flee with her, follow her and guide her along until a storm separates them.
В восемнадцать лет Мария Эндерс с успехом дебютировала в пьесе MalojaSnake. Она исполнила роль Сигрид, амбициозной девушки с непреодолимым обаянием, которая сначала очаровала, а потом довела до самоубийства взрослую женщину по имени Элена. Эта роль изменила ее жизнь. Более двадцати лет спустя, на пике славы, Марию приглашают в Цюрих на церемонию вручения престижной награды от имени автора и режиссера, которому она обязана своим ранним признанием, Вильгельма Мельхиора, живущего ныне отшельником в швейцарской деревне Зильс Мария. Но неожиданная смерть последнего за несколько часов до церемонии погружает Марию Эндерс в круговорот времени, прошлое, которое никогда не спит, возвращается…
Alain Tanner, pas comme si, comme ça
My Name Is Bach
Composer Johann Sebastian Bach is introduced to King Frederick II of Prussia in 1747. The aging composer and the young monarch clash and a battle of egos ensues.
Family Pack
A young woman tries to ease herself out of the closet without terrifying her parents in the process in this comedy-drama. The year is 1969, and Sacha (Marie Bunel) is a young Belgian woman living in Canada. Sacha's family sent her to Canada to attend medical school, but she hasn't had the heart to tell them that she's dropped out of college to devote herself to her new interest in photography. Sacha also hasn't told her parents that she's a lesbian -- and that she has a new girlfriend, Odile (Macha Grenon). Odile is tired of being kept a secret, and insists that Sacha tell her parents the truth before American astronauts land on the moon in a few months -- or else. Sacha flies home to Belgium for a visit, planning to come clean to her folks, but she discovers they've arranged a huge welcome home party for the entire neighborhood. With everyone so excited that the soon-to-be-doctor is paying them a visit, Sacha wonders when the time will be right to give her family the news.
Jonas and Lila, Til Tomorrow
It’s December 1999, and 25-year-old Jonah has just graduated from film school. As the new millennium begins, Jonah marries his longtime sweetheart Lila. Over the course of six months, the couple meet a number of interesting people, including Irina, an exiled Russian actress, as well as spending their time with Jonah’s sister Cecile and his filmmaking mentor Anziano. The discussions Jonah has with these friends and strangers help him to gain some perspective on his life and the new millennium.
Ставки сделаны
Associate Producer
Два мелких мошенника — очаровательная Бетти и остроумный, импозантный Виктор — сумели провести крупных торговцев наркотиками. Без труда выбрав и соблазнив подходящую жертву, хорошенькая Бетти подсыпает ему в вино снотворное, потом «сладкая» парочка изымает большую часть денег в общий «семейный» котел. Но однажды в сети попадает симпатичный наркопосредник с чемоданом — сейфом, содержащим 50 млн… франков.
Партия в шахматы
Executive Producer
В 1828 году поместье одной очаровательной маркизы превращается в место проведения шахматного турнира. Маркиза полагает, что эта игра — не просто передвигание фигур с места на место. Она наделяет шахматы мистическим смыслом и надеется, что со временем ее усадьба станет местом проведения мирового чемпионата по игре в шахматы. Главный приз первого турнира — любимая дочь маркизы: тот, кто победит, возьмет в жены прелестную девушку. Основных претендентов — двое: эксцентричный и непредсказуемый Макс и уравновешенный британец лорд Стоунтон…
Three years ago Ariane left Antoine, sending him a postcard announcing her departure for the mountains with a certain Alexandre. After a long journey abroad, Antoine returns to the site of his former relationship, where he meets Alfred, recently abandoned by Ariane.
L'amour des femmes
First Assistant Director
Although there are women in the lives of the three main protagonists -- a middle-aged architect, his construction designer, and a journalist -- the women are not as crucial to the men's search for an identity as the title might suggest. When the three men run into a former professor of the architect and designer, they are inspired by his fanfare and expansive nature. Still in search of solutions to their particular problems, the men head out to visit the professor and get to the bottom of their own issues. Unfortunately, the professor turns out to be more "loco" than otherwise, and the three men watch their hopes burst like a popped balloon -- it seems like their ability to assess human character should now be added to their list of problem spots.