Luo Sheng


Инструктор кунг-фу
В городке правят два клана — Джоу и Мэнг. И даже существует граница, разделяющая город на две половины, которую представителям клана лучше не пересекать. Глава клана Мэнг решает покончить с оппонентами. Он хитростью привлекает на свою сторону известного мастера с шестом Вэнг Ою, для проведения тренировок. Молодой парнишка Пинг из клана Джоу тоже хочет научиться и тайно подсматривает за занятиями. Но всё тайное рано или поздно становится явным, и Пинга ловят. Вскоре инструктору Ою предстоит выбор на чьей стороне ему быть...
To Kill A Mastermind
7th Chief Lu Yi-Fei
A powerful crime syndicate known as the Chi Sha clan is a vast network of deadly criminals proficient in martial arts. Growing in number at an alarming rate, the Imperial Court orders Yang Chen-yu and his followers to wipe them out at all costs. Doing this proves difficult as no one knows the identity of the mastermind behind the Chi Sha, not even its own members. Spies infiltrate the organization in an effort to destroy them from within. But then, no one knows who the spies are and after a few ambushes and security breaches, the clan deputies begin suspecting one another of being traitors. With the Chi Sha dwindling in numbers, it's a matter of time before the mastermind must reveal himself.
Хромые мстители
Son of Tian Nan Tigers
Трое мужчин, искалеченных злым военачальником, становятся друзьями и учатся кунг-фу с помощью пожилого учителя и его придурковатого ученика.
The Girl in the Bus
Recording Supervision
Bus Money dons various disguises on public buses to protect the defenceless from the bullies and receives heroic praise. Money meets Tai Ngau, a righteous journalist, when they bear witness to the callous response of Manager Mo to the death of his servant Ah-kwai. Tai writes to redress grievances of the deceased. When visiting the family of orphans, he chances on his kindred spirit giving the eldest daughter Ah-yin a gift of gold. Money exploits the weakness of Mo and her connection with his son Sze-fu to swindle a fortune out of the lewd man for the benefits of the fatherless children. Her rage grows learning that Mo's friend Fong Hak-sang has pulled off a lucrative fraud on returned overseas Chinese and forces Ah-yin to pledge herself in paying off her father's debts. Money, who has all kinds of tricks up her sleeve, teams up with Tai and gives Mo and Fong their comeuppance before setting off on her next mission.