Jarl Forsman

Jarl Forsman


Jarl Forsman


В поисках сокровищ тамплиеров
Эта замечательная и захватывающая приключенческая лента перекликается с нашумевшим бестселлером "Код Да Винчи" и классической "Великолепной пятеркой". Четверо друзей под предводительством бесстрашной заводилы Кэтрин проводят лето на острове Борнхольм в Балтийском море. Там они наталкиваются на таинственные знаки, ведущие к сокровищам рыцарей - тамплиеров, и пытаются разгадать ужасное прошлое древних башен. Однако мистические фигуры в черных плащах встают на пути отчаянной четверки...
Последняя миссия банды Ольсена
Nurse #1
Прошло 18 лет, наши герои постарели. Эгон Ольсен из тюрьмы угодил в психушку, где над ним проводили эксперимены. Он почти оглох и носит слуховой аппарат. Кельд вообще передвигается только в инвалидной коляске. Даже Бенни стал намного серьёзнее... Но встретившись, герои решают еще разок тряхнуть стариной...
The Major
The Blue Monk
The waitresses at a Copenhagen bar find themselves listening to and advising various clients who wander in to unburden their current problems. The Blue Monk is so named because its jukebox constantly plays music by jazz musician Thelonius Monk. ...The Blue Monk
Sunes Family
It's vacation time, but the Andersen family can't figure out where to go. Reaching agreement is not exactly the easiest for the family. Everyone has his own plans how he would like to spend the holidays. Now it's just that Sune is also hot-burned at newly-relocated neighbor Sophie (Stephanie León), so he doesn't have it easy. While trying to impress her, he is chased by a vicious motorcycle thug and is constantly on the run.
En loppe kan også gø
Rosa is a lonely 13 year old wearing a leg prosthesis. She lives with her single father in a small town.
Shadow of the Clouds
In 1950s Copenhagen, Jens is a law student with a part-time job in a law firm. He lives at home and is more or less engaged to Lis. Jens' life is very regular and organized until he meets slightly older Erhard, a head clerk at the firm. Erhard lures Jens into the mysterious city nightlife, and from now on, Jens' life changes. The engagement is broken off and his education is neglected.
Just a Girl
PUK SCHARBAU plays Lise Nørgaard in the epic film adaptation of her fascinating life story. In a chronicle of both love and war, masterfully directed by Peter Schroeder, we follow the woman who would later give us 'Matador', from her early childhood to her controversial career as a journalist with a Denmark of yesterday, and a Europe in flames as convincing backdrop.
Roses and Parsley
Pianist Benny loses his heart to a hair dresser, who is already in a relationship with a married man. Things get even more complicated since all three people have pre-teens, who apparently know one another.
Suzanne og Leonard
In this suspenseful chase movie, a couple try to outrun both the police and the gangsters who are after them for a murder they did not commit. Suzanne dreads yet another dull weekend in the country with her rich parents but is unprepared for what lies just ahead. Leonard, an escaped convict, is in desperate need of food and a car, and Suzanne happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time -- she ends up providing him with both and is taken with him as he makes his motorized getaway.
Rocking Silver
Connie's father
Old rockers, like soldiers, never die, they only pass away. Well, Erik Clausen turns nostalgia into a vivid tribute to the moods and manners of the 1950s Danish Rock'n Roll by picking up a group of dispersed fellow bandsmen from wherever life and fate have left them stranded to have them revive their group and relive the good old days. A spirit of social solidarity permeates throughout.
Kurt & Valde
Land of Plenty
Directed by Morten Arnfred