Anna Radwan

Anna Radwan

Рождение : 1968-04-25, Karaków Poland


Anna Radwan
Anna Radwan
Anna Radwan


March '68
Elzbieta Bielska
Warsaw, 1968. Students protesting against the illegal expulsion of their colleagues from university and in defence of play Dziady, directed by Kazimierz Dejmek and performed at the National Theatre, which has been taken off the bill. Among the protesting young people are also Hania and Janek. Their families are on both sides of the March barricade. Young and madly in love with each other, like in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in a country in revolt, they fight for their affection. Will their love survive? Will they be able to overcome the adversities that fate throws at them?
Gerda von Krauss
После смерти своей матери Матеуш Крол, мальчик из Кашубии, был принят на воспитание прусской аристократкой Гердой фон Краусс. Он растет во дворце вместе со своей ровесницей Маритой, дочерью фон Краусса. Позже, молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга. Крестный отец мальчика, кашубский патриот Базили Миотке, принимает участие в мирной конференции в Версале, где сражается за место Кашубии на карте Польши. Версальский договор, провозглашающий Польшу независимой страной, также приводит к тому, что семья фон Краусс теряет свое положение и влияние. Все чувствуют, что мир, каким они его знают, может измениться самым радикальным образом.
Żona Andrzeja
As a son deals with his own struggles, he must calm his father's obsession with fishing before his outlandish behavior ruins the entire family.
Chain Reaction
Matka Adama
Marta's surprise birthday party sets in motion a spiral of tragic events.
Dyrektor szkoły i mama Karoliny
In the Name of the Devil
Mother Superior
Nunnery. Group of nuns led by Mother Superior is trying to protect the sinful, corrupt world. Soon, a charismatic priest Francis will take a lead. He will open up new concept of God. ...
All That I Love
Ela, matka Janka
Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country, Janek and Staszek, the sons of a navy man, the rebellious Kazik, and the affluent Diabel gel as a band, but their disparate lives are touched by social turmoil and outside perceptions.
Elżbieta - Anna's Sister
Фильм начинается 17 сентября 1939 года и заканчивается осенью 1945. В фильме четыре главных линии. Это судьбы четырех польских офицеров и, в первую очередь, судьбы их родственников, которые не знают правды, но догадываются о ней. Это фильм о женщинах, которые ждут, не верят в смерть, надеются.
Кароль. Человек, ставший Папой Римским
30-е годы. Польша. Десятилетний Кароль Войтыла полон радости и надежд, которые постепенно начинают рушиться. Сначала умирает его мать и брат, затем начинается война — люди уезжают из страны, спасая собственные жизни. Появляются первые предпосылки гонения на евреев. Все эти события дают толчок для преображения Кароля из простого рабочего в поэта и учителя. Его жизнь — постоянная борьба, которая в конечном счете и склоняет его к решению стать священником, а затем в 1978 году человеком, хорошо знакомым во всем мире, тем, кто сделал яркой нашу эпоху, тем, кто изменил ход истории.
Angel in Love
psychoterapeutka Roma
Giordano, an angel assigned to an orphan in Krakow, is two years into the job when his celestial overseers, citing budget cuts, initiate "Phase Two" without telling him. Some changes are good - they send him a nanny, the enterprising Irena; some are bad - his phone number to Heaven no longer works nor do his special powers; and some dismay him - he grows a penis. His closest friend tells him to get a woman, and Irena advises him on hygiene. He visits a therapist, Roma, and falls in love with her. She tells him its transference. Meanwhile, Giordano's celestial friends conspire to rid Roma of her boyfriend, clearing the way for Giordano to be his naive and engaging self.
Heaven Hell
Marchwińska, matka Marty
A young priest comes to a town to help the old provost in pastoral ministry. It early May, the parish prepares for the First Communion. Unexpectedly, the provost is admitted to hospital with a heart attack. Priest Piotr is on his own now in a completely new place. At a catechesis, one of the girls catches his attention. She’s sad, introvert and sometimes even aggressive. Marta is a daughter of the richest man in the town. During her confession, the priest feels she’s hiding something. When the time of Sacrament reception comes, Marta runs away from the altar. After hours of searching, priest Piotr finds her hidden in a vestry. The girl tells him the horrible truth.
A pregnant 22-year-old with a dreary job, a difficult home life and an absent boyfriend learns to love her life and share this love with the child in her womb.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Ludwika Chopin, siostra Fryderyka
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
List of Lovers
Maria Zgolka
Jerzy Stuhr Poland s most beloved actor wrote and directed this charming comedy that caters to his image as an innocent caught in a cynical world. Stuhr stars as Gustav, a Krakow professor who is roped into showing a visiting Swedish professor around town. The randy Swede soon tires of Gustav s dull dissertations on Polish heroes and suggests looking for female companionship, but the task proves beyond the skills of the shy academic. Eventually, Gustav calls Isa, an old girlfriend from his distant past who was writing a dissertation on the mating habits of geese the last time they spoke. While Isa is not what the Swede had in mind, Gustav sees his old flame through the rose-colored glasses of time.