Roland Laudenbach

Roland Laudenbach

Рождение : 1921-10-20, Paris, France

Смерть : 1991-01-09


Roland Laudenbach


Арсен Люпен
Script Editor
An adaptation of the novel 813, in which the gentleman burglar competes to steal state papers and tries to uncover the identity of a terrifying murderer.
Sentimental Education
Frédéric, a shy small-town man, falls in love with Anne, a middle class woman married to Didier, who cheats on her with top model Barbara. Catherine, a very determined woman, is secretly in love with Frédéric and in order to keep him away from Anne, pushes him into Barbara's arms.
Lovers on a Tightrope
Cora, the wife of a wealthy Parisian businessman, Daniel, is involved in an affair with Henri, an unscrupulous garage mechanic who has set his sights on Cora's fortune. Daniel becomes suspicious and hires a detective to investigate, but the detective is unsuccessful in pinpointing Cora's extramarital activities.
The Wreckers
In 1852, the famine on a desolate Britanny's island named Blaz-Mor, off the coast of Finistère. Some residents exalted hold responsible the young Moira (Renée Cosima), equivalent to a witch. The old Marnez (Charles Vanel), "head" of the island, is trying to restore calm and opposes Yann Le Heart (Henri Vidal), the fiancé of his daughter Louise Kermelen (Dany Carrel), who wants causing a shipwreck to save the island from famine.
Et ta sœur...
Bastien du Boccage is a repeat offender: hasn't he been sent to jail no fewer than six times? But he is no ordinary criminal mind you. As a matter of fact he is a newspaper editor and should have no problems with justice. The trouble is that he has a sister, Lucrèce, who is agony aunt in his newspaper and who tends not to mince her words. To make matters worse, Francine, his daughter, has fallen in love with Bruno, a penniless student and Lucrèce is prepared to do anything to prevent her marriage..
End of Desire
Normandy, second half of the nineteenth century. Jeanne Dandieu lives in a manor house with her parents and their servant Rosalie. She gets to know Julien, a handsome man, whom she soon marries. Her happiness is short-lived as she finds out that not only has Julien married her for her money but he cheats on her as well, with Rosalie to crown it all.
No Escape
In Provence , Father Caillé runs a family pension backed by his daughter-in-law Cora and a maid. The old man persecutes Cora for her assiduity until the day when she, in a particularly violent confrontation, knocks him down before the eyes of Gino, an Italian pensioner of whom she is in love. The two accomplices will try to make up the murder.
L'Homme aux clés d'or
Bad Liaisons
Catherine Racan, a young journalist who always puts her career over her love life, is brought in by the police for questioning. They are looking for a doctor who illegally performs abortions and now they are interrogating all of his previous clients.
Маркиз де Мобран - вдовец и отец семерых детей, придерживается старых аристократических традиций и заставляет своих наследников следовать его примеру. Но дети выросли и придерживаются более современных взглядов, считая отца ретроградом. Конфликт поколений неумолимо ведет к трагической развязке...
Scenario Writer
Маркиз де Мобран - вдовец и отец семерых детей, придерживается старых аристократических традиций и заставляет своих наследников следовать его примеру. Но дети выросли и придерживаются более современных взглядов, считая отца ретроградом. Конфликт поколений неумолимо ведет к трагической развязке...
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Во время Второй мировой войны, в 1943, два французских военнопленных, Мишель и Франсуа, совершают побег из лагеря B377, который находился в северной Германии около Балтийского моря. Они встречаются с еще одним беглецом, соотечественником — Пьером, который, переодевшись в мундир немецкого офицера, присоединяется к ним. Цель беглецов: попасть в Швецию — в нейтральную страну. Чтобы добиться этого, они проходят часть пути пешком, затем поездом к побережью, а оттуда, надо найти способ, чтобы пересечь море и добраться до берегов Швеции…
Count of Bragelonne
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
The Unfrocked One
Pierre Fresnay plays the title character in Le Defroque (The Defrocked One). Cast out by his church, former priest Maurice (Fresnay) delights in mocking the traditions and credos of Catholicism. Even so, young Gerard (Pierre Trabaud) becomes convinced that Maurice has never truly lost his calling. Becoming a priest himself, Gerard devotes his life to bringing Maurice back into the fold. Things don't turn out quite as Gerard hopes, however; he has not reckoned with the possibility that Maurice may have been driven into insanity by his raging self-hatred.
Голос тишины
Группа людей собирается в монастыре иезуитов, чтобы в тишине и одиночестве пройти курс духовного совершенствования. Судьба сводит вместе поставщика церковных свечей, бывшего заключенного, внешне благополучных политика и романиста... Свои проблемы есть у каждого, только для мелкого воришки Дом тишины становится возможностью ускользнуть от полиции. Истории этих людей переплетаются с душевным кризисом священника, усомнившегося в своей миссии духовного наставника.
Минута истины
Главный герой, врач, Пьер Ришар узнает о том, что его жена, актриса Мадлен Ришар, ему изменяет. Оба проводят ночь, обмениваясь горькими упреками и вспоминая прошлые обиды…