Albert Duvaleix

Рождение : 1893-06-07, Bordeaux, Gironde, France

Смерть : 1962-12-21


Весь город обвиняет
Mr. Arvette, the notary
Печальный и одинокий сочельник встречает в своем новом жилище Франсуа Нерак – не самый известный писатель-романист, как раз в канун Рождества перебравшийся из Парижа в провинциальный Обинас. Однако тощий кошелек не помешал Франсуа стать Санта-Клаусом для нескольких уличных мальчишек, получивших от него подарки к празднику. Дающему воздастся сторицей: на следующее утро Нерак находит у своего порога мешок с 10 миллионами франков. Потом – второй, третий… Чем дольше длится чудо, тем сильнее мучают Франсуа вопросы, кто же такой его таинственный благодетель и как распорядиться свалившимися с неба деньгами по справедливости.
Когда б Париж поведал нам
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
The Secrets of the Bed
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
A young French, Vignerte, is hired in the court of Lautenberg, an imaginary land, as the young Prince's private teacher and as the Grand Duchess' reader.
The Drunkard
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
The Fighting Drummer
The rivalry between Albert Gambier, head of the municipal brass band, and the jazz band, led by Jacques Hélian, provokes many comic adventures in this small provincial town. Everything will end in songs, thanks to the love uniting Jimmy, the band's composer, and Nicole, Gambier's daughter.
Crazy for Love
Le notaire
A comedy about a dimwitted man who must obtain a high-school diploma before he can inherit an inn.
The Crazy Jungle
The misadventures of Roger Dupont, who passes with great ease from one continent to another, from white men to Africans. Himself in front, depending on the circumstances, to appear white or black.
Piédalu fait des miracles
The inhabitants of Marboue-Chambourcy want a swimming pool, and the difficulties in realizing this expensive dream divide the village into two clans: on one side the women, on the other the men. Piedalu, whom this conflict desolates, discovers by chance, as part of a found bicycle, a fortune in gold coins.
Господин Легиньон, фонарщик
Le président de la 9ème chambre correctionnelle
После того, как фонарщик Диоген Легиньон (Ив Деньо) был выселен за неуплату из своего дома, он вместе с женой поселился в пустом заброшенном доме, где местные дети сделали свой тайник. Обнаружив сокровища в виде столового серебра, Диоген быстро смекнул продать их, но другие жители квартала узнали про это и рассудили, что "клад" принадлежит рабочим.
L'abbé Méthivier
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
No Vacation for Mr. Mayor
The mayor
Annie, the ward of Monsieur Joachim, a nightclub manager, has fallen in love with Philippe Lebon, a singer who could easily re-float her guardian's failing business. The trouble is that Joachim has already - and hurriedly - betrothed Annie to his business partner. To make matters worse the young lady suspects Philippe of being unfaithful. In order to thwart the wedding of Annie and his rival, Philippe hires two of his friends, the resourceful Beaudubec and Tracassin.
Savage Triangle
Le monsieur du taxi
Based on the novel of the same name by writer Edouard Peisson, this Jean Delannoy film display one boy’s unconditional love for his mother, despite her tragic mistreatment of him. After being raised by a shepherd for the past 12 years, Simon (Pierre-Michel Beck) is reunited with his mother Marie (Madeleine Robinson). Marie is a prostitute in Marseilles and is now stable enough to welcome Simon back into her life. Unaware of her profession at first, Simon is happy to have his mom back, but in time he learns how she makes her living. This troubles Simon but he continues to love her, despite not loving her chosen profession. His anger toward this issue gets directed toward Marie’s louse of a boyfriend, Paul (Frank Villard), and the result is a heartfelt tale about love and family.
Адемар, или Игрушка судьбы
L'employé du casino
Адемар Помм с детства, вызывает смех окружающих. Виной тому — необычайно подвижная и выразительная мимика. Отчаявшись, Адемар обращается в приют для людей с явными физическими недостатками, с просьбой принять и его. Он рассказывает приемной комиссии о том, как Тисале — армейский товарищ Адемара, пытался пристроить друга на работу, но, всякий раз, затея оканчивалась провалом — Адемар невольно смешит людей даже на похоронах…
The Prettiest Sin in the World
Mr. Durozoir
Zoé, a pretty penniless girl, decides on the advice of her neighbor to embark on gallantry. After a brief failure, she meets a young boy, Jacques Lebreton who is about to get married. After causing the failure of this arranged marriage, she will have to play the role of wife of Jacques with his family, until the arrival of the uncle from America.
Jean-Gaspard Deburau is a very successful mime, the most famous in his category. One day, he falls head over heels in love with Marie Duplessis, a courtesan better known as "La Dame aux Camélias". But he soon realizes that he is but a number in her long list of lovers. He will find comfort in devoting his time teaching his art to his son Charles.
The Rear-Wheel Drive Gang
The director of the mental asylum
The manager of a firm has a very unusual idea : asking his employees to pose as gangsters and to hold up a bank before returning the stolen money and pocketing the reward. But things do not go according to plan and the phony thieves get stolen in their turn. They have no other choice than turning into amateur detectives to be able to pay back the stolen dough.
The Prize
le curé de Gisors
Madame Husson and her circle of holier-than-thou ladies (including an old maid Madame Cadenas)are looking for a chaste and pure girl who will win a hefty sum.
We Will All Go to Paris
The film tells the story of three presenters on Radio X, an amateur clandestine radio station.
Le scrogneugneu
В этом скетче-комедии, сравниваемом с американским фильмом «Ад раскрылся» (1941), разыгрывается спектакль, посвященный свадьбе дворянина, но результаты его плачевны.
Just Out
Head waiter of the grand restaurant
Satire of publishing circles, featuring a ferocious boss, Moscat, a successful but handsome author, Maréchal, another successful but bitter author, Bourgine, a writer plagued with ambition, Brégaillon and the hero, Marc Fournier Zola Prize winner. Naive, the latter quickly becomes formidable, especially since his wife's infidelities have provided him with the material for a new novel.
La veuve et l'innocent
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
Thus Finishes the Night
Prunier, the theater concierge
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
La bataille du feu
Activities and exploits of firefighters in the context of a village then the capital and under the bombardments of the Second World War where the saving of lives was more important than that of factories.
Глазами памяти
A passenger
Маленький самолет частной компании разбивается в пустыне, недалеко от Дакара. Пилот самолета, Жак Форестье, и его механик, Поль Маркадур, остались невредимы: они были пьяны и потеряли контроль над машиной! Благодаря вмешательству их друга, командира боевого самолета Эйр Франс, Пьера Обри и стюардессы Клэр Маньи, Жак и Поль были оправданы. Некоторое время назад Клэр и Жак провели вместе неделю, наполненную любовной страстью, после чего Жак оставил ее, плачущую на вокзале. Клэр пыталась покончить жизнь самоубийством, но ее спасли. После этого, Клэр, которая мечтала стать актрисой, решила стать стюардессой.
Not So Stupid
Léon Ménard, a farmer and an apparently simple man of the country, is invited to visit his uncle Henri Ménard, a prosperous industrialist. He encounters a number of people scheming to marry into the Ménard family for the sake of money. Ménard discovers and thwart the plots and manages to unite a young couple who truly are in love. The romantic comedy ends happily with a double marriage. Henri's daughter Nicole marries Didier, and Ménard marries his new-found love Rosine. It turns out that Léon is "not so stupid" after all.
The Woman in Red
Two paintings are stolen. Amateur private detective Roland Gautier investigates.
The Unknown Singer
Julien Mortal, a singer from Portugal suffering from amnesia, made a career in France under the name of Paolo. One day, he discovers the truth about his past: a man tried to assassinate him.
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Song of the Clouds
Sylvio, a successful singer, has found a way to take a peaceful vacation, safe from his female adulators: to travel incognito. He puts up at an old castle whose landlord, Count Fabrice, a ruined nobleman, seeks a hidden treasure. Posing as the nephew of the castle gardener, Sylvio enjoys happy days and even finds the time to fall in love with Gracieuse, the count's daughter. Unfortunately for him, his impresario ends up locating him...
La grande marnière
A rich peasant, Carvajan, seeks revenge on the castellan, Clairefont, with whom he had a serious conflict. Their respective children, Antoinette and Pascal, meet and fall in love with each other. Robert de Clairefont, Antoinette's brother, unjustly accused of murder, is defended and saved by Pascal. Finally, love, by uniting the son of one to the daughter of the other, will appease souls and reconcile families.
Night Shift
Le brigadier
A devoted switchboard operator is the village guardian angel.
Первый в связке
L'oncle Dechosalet
Большинство мужчин из маленькой альпийской деревни близ Шамони работают гидами для туристов, желающих совершить восхождение. Молодой Пьер Серветта – не исключение. Но несчастный случай во время одной из экспедиций едва не ставит крест на его карьере. Получив сотрясение мозга, юноша неожиданно для себя приобрел страх высоты. Для альпиниста это было хуже смерти. Узнав о происшедшем, друзья Пьера и его девушка Алина решают во что бы то ни стало помочь парню. Ради этого вопреки традициям Алина даже надевает альпинистское снаряжение и отправляется в восхождение. Отпустить свою любимую одну Пьер не может, а потому, отчаянно борясь со своей фобией, он отправляется вслед за ней…
The insurer of 'La Pie qui Veille'
Adrien Moulinet, a modest encashing agent in the Nortier bank, is also an inventor in his spare time. His latest revolutionary creation is the motorized roller skate. His problem is to be able to market them. Jules Petitpas, a jobless adman, is the right man for that.
A discharged seaman winds up on an old man's farm: his children left the place for the broader horizons of the evil city; the walls are near decay ,the fields lie fallow.
At Your Command, Madam
Le portier
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
Signé illisible
Monsieur Lavergne
Strange things are happening in the small town of Breuil-le-Château. Provisions from the black market are stolen regularly and wealthy young men, including the squire's son, start vanishing... Ransom demands are sent but with an illegible signature. The investigation is trusted to Ducreux, the local police brigadier. He is assisted by Carlier, a film director in search of locations for his next movie, who has been mistaken for a police inspector from Paris. The two men will have more than their share of surprises.
Patrouille blanche
An Oriental villain named Halloway is called in by wealthy oil interests who want to destroy a dam project for hydroelectric power that may threaten their profits.
Montmarte on the Seine
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Mlle. Desiree
Le concierge
Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.
Maxim's Porter
The hunter at Maxim's, whose family is unaware of the profession, turns around and plans to marry his daughter to a marquis when he recognizes a regular in this nobility. Everyone meets at Maxim's where, unmasked, the hunter agrees to marry his daughter to the reveler but repentant Marquis.
Nine Bachelors
Le valet de Margaret (uncredited)
Nine Bachelors is a 1939 French comedy film directed by Sacha Guitry and starring Guitry, Max Dearly and Elvire Popesco.[1] An opportunist dreams up a new scheme to make money when the French government passes a law forbidding foreigners from living in France. It's French title is Ils étaient neuf célibataires.
The Five Cents of Lavarede
Maître Panabert
Some try to travel around the world with a time constraint, but Lavarède has to perform an even harder task than Phineas Fogg. His assignment is to go around the globe with a mere five cents coin. Worse, he can't even spend it or else he will not come into the money of his inheritance. To make sure Lavarède plays by the rules of the game, two supervisors stick to him like a shadow. Will the young man meet this unbelievable challenge?
Chief Information Officer
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
Le Monsieur de 5 heures
A wealthy banker who takes his accountant's name after multiple incidents is forced to pass off his girlfriend as his daughter. But the truth is coming out. The banker's wife then favors the marriage of the young girl, which creates a new intimacy in her household.
Clingy Women
Babinois courts all the women he meets. He has a mistress, Gladys. He would like to marry the Bourillon's daughter, Monique. His maid, Rose, claims to marry him; Héloïse, a young widow, is madly in love with him. Babinois, not knowing how to refuse women anything, promises marriage to all. The fatal day arrives. The four women show up at the town hall in bridal costume and while the other three are doing their buns, Babinois marries Monique.
The King
King John IV of Cerdania, who knows monarchs are a vanishing race but who plays his royalty role in state council or boudoir to the hilt, is in Paris to sign a treaty, and becomes enmeshed in intrigue with an actress, Therese Mannix and involved in a bit of cuckoldry with YouYou Bourdier, the ex-seamstress wife of a French senator, who is un-awed by money, power or the King's kisses. For his part, her husband, Senator Bourdier, is glad to use his wealth, wife and collectivist ideals for social position, in spite of his democratic posing.
Passé à vendre
Maryse blackmails her former lovers by threatening to mention their names in her memoirs. But a real blackmailer appears and cashes the checks for him.
Tino is a painter and occasionally a singer. When he has an opportunity to replace an absent singer, he becomes a sucess as a masqued singer, "Le chanteur masqué". Lisa is a typist who becomes a successful singer, also as a masqued singer, "La chanteuse masquée". Tino the painter falls in love for Lisa the typist, not knowing about her "masqued" activities. On the stage they are rivals.
Happy Days
Sylvie, a rich girl, learns at the same time the death and the ruin of her father. Forced to find work in Paris, she is given shelter by a medical student who soon falls for her. Another young man falls in love with her. When her benefactor gets ill and finally dies, Sylvie refuses to give the other man her heart out of faithfulness for the dearly departed. But youth commands and after a time love -but not oblivion - triumphs.
Les Bateliers de la Volga
In 1912, a Russian officer is wrongly accused of having stolen important papers. His only alibi being to have spent the night with the wife of a colonel, he allows himself to be condemned so as not to compromise the latter. He manages to escape and hides in the guise of a poor boatman. One day, the truth comes out, the colonel commits suicide and the lovers are finally reunited.
Le mystère Imberger
For sentimental reasons, Monsieur Imberger, a fifty-year-old, disappears. Everyone thinks he was murdered but repeatedly he reappears. Inspector Barfin takes care of this mystery...
L'affaire Coquelet
There are collectors and collectors. As far as he is concerned, Monsieur Coquelet has brought together a collection of historical... garters! So imagine his reaction when he realizes his most invaluable piece has been stolen... Municipal police and gendarmerie are alerted. The culprit is caught at long last but he is not... among the usual suspects!
Un drôle de numéro
Les rigolos
La pouponnière
Mr. Delannoy
Christianne Delannoy is the daughter of Mr. Brown, who subsidizes a nursery in memory of his affair with Mrs. Delannoy. She loves Doctor Moreau, but her mother forces her to marry a rich young man.
Beauty Spot
Lucien Fortier (as Duvaleix)
The ladykiller friend of a busy diplomatic attaché follows a masked blonde home after an elaborate ball without knowing she is that man's wife.