Le directeur de la banque
François Naulet turns his bedroom into an island of drugs, loneliness and despair.
Uncle Edward
Françoise Legrand, better known as "Sappho", attractive young woman of the Parisian bourgeoisie, flits from man to man with the consent of Maurice Duran-Vior, his rich protector, a renowned financier. At a social gathering, she meets Lionel de Lancey, younger than she, a cool diplomat, and, as usual, she spends the night with him.
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Le père
Банда из трех человек похищает богатую наследницу, один из похитителей остается сторожить ее в уединенной хижине на берегу моря и должен пустить ей пулю в голову после того, как будет получен выкуп.
Jean-Pierre Desagnat's Vertige pour un tueur involves Marc (Marcel Bozzuffi) as a hood hunted down by his boss when he fails to execute a man who happens to be his friend. He is hidden by a woman (Sylva Koscina) whose husband has murdered his business associate and wants Marc to take the rap for the crime. Michel Constantin is the friend targeted for murder. Jean Luciani and Daniel Moosmann also appear in this suspenseful action feature.
A film about America between the world wars that attempts to capture and interpret the vital moving forces in American society that caused the United States to emerge by the end of World War II as a dominant world power.
Le juge d'instruction
В течение двух лет уголовная полиция Парижа не может справиться с бандой гангстеров, успешно очищающих сейфы банков и ювелирных контор. О таинственных грабителях и их главаре, скрывающем свое подлинное имя под прозвищем Диллинджер – в честь американского гангстера 30-х годов, – неизвестно практически ничего, кроме одной детали. Псевдо-Диллинджер и его «оппонент» комиссар Крамер – давние школьные друзья. До поры до времени Крамер проигрывает в гонке, но настанет день, когда удача отвернется от Диллинджера – и он начнет терять то немногое, чем дорожил в жизни.
Le chef des justiciers
Пианист Жак Кристен, оставшись без работы, получает необычное предложение о трудоустройстве + одновременно выгодное и рискованное. Ему предложено стать двойником пропавшего без вести Поля де Баера, чтобы не ушло на сторону грядущее наследство от умирающего дяди. Слуга де Баера Франк рьяно натаскивает Кристена по всем деталям жизни хозяина - его вкусам и привычкам, особенностям почерка и манере обращения с полубезумной женой Жильбертой. Вот только дядюшкино ли наследство светит настоящему Полю де Баеру?
Le directeur de la P.J.
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
Conte d'Artois
The prosecutor
Известный адвокат Пьер Монто встречает женщину своей жизни. Натали молода, беззаботна и невероятно красива. Поначалу им кажется, что они счастливы. Но вскоре Пьер вспоминает о супружеском долге. Натали теряет голову от ревности. Происходит бурное объяснение. Но результатом вспышки становится не расставание, а убийство. Убит бывший возлюбленный Натали, молодой соперник Пьера. Кто виноват? Все улики - против Пьера Монто...
L'archevêque de Toulouse
Анжелика, необыкновенно красивая бедная аристократка вынуждена выйти замуж за Жоффрея де Пейрака. Несмотря на его внешность она со временем полюбила его. Влюбленные живут счастливо в своем замке, пока однажды к ним не приезжает король. Восхищенный красотой Анжелики Людовик XIV хочет сделать ее своей наложницей…
Un ministre d'État
Филипп Ламбер, обаятельный молодой человек, работающий при кабинете премьер-министра, имеет славу покорителя женских сердец. Одна из его поклонниц, мадам Гранбур, жена очень влиятельного человека, присылает ему страстное письмо, которое он теряет в театре. Марион, нашедшая его, просить оказать ей «услугу» в обмен на возвращение компрометирующего письма: помочь избежать выселения из квартиры, все грозящего ее семье из-за отца Марион, постоянно затапливающего соседей с низу.
Поначалу Ламберт отказывается поддаваться на «шантаж» и пытается вызвать полицию, но в дело вмешивается любовь…
Baron Hulot
Le roi Henri III
1558 год. Город Шартрез осаждён войсками герцога де Гиза. Король Генрих III по совету своей матери, Екатерины Медичи, призывает на помощь своего кузена, Генриха Наваррского. Шевалье Пардайан берётся за опасное поручение — сквозь вражеские позиции доставить Генриху письмо от его тезки-короля. Ни шпаги врагов, ни козни предателей, не смогут остановить отважного гасконца…
Duc d'Ayen
Поль Энзе в солнечный день решил половить рыбу с лодки, только на крючок ему попалась не рыба, а утопленник. Чего же проще, брось назад его и все дела. Но обстоятельства сложились таким образом, что в пиджаке трупа он оставил свою зажигалку…
Marquis François-Marie de Villamayor
Герой войны 14-го года и разоренный барон, Жером Наполеон Антуан ведет роскошную жизнь благодаря своим обширным связям. Он много играет и много проигрывает. Однажды ему улыбается удача во время игры в карты с маркизом Вилламайором: он выигрывает одиннадцать миллионов и, в качестве аванса, получает яхту. Вместе с Перл, его бывшей любовницей, они отправляются в путь. Однако, из-за нехватки денег им приходится на некоторое время задержаться на одном из шлюзов...
Comte Cheneau de Saint-André
In 1635, Jacques du Parquet, the nephew of the well known explorer Belain d'Esnambic, enters a tavern in Dieppe, and falls in love with the daughter of the bartender, Marie Bonnard. He knows his noble family would disapprove such a marriage; besides, he is nominated for the post of governor in Martinica. He promised never to forget Marie, but as time goes by, she will accept to marry a rich and unscrupulous man, Monsieur de Saint-André. When her husband is appointed to serve in Martinica as General Commissioner, Marie demands to go with him. At her arrival, all sorts of trouble arrive: pirates take action against travelers and goods, rotten deals set the two officers against each other, and finally jealousy settles to make things worse. ~ Written by Artemis-9
le marquis de L'Hospital, l'ambassadeur de France en Russie
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Gérard Lester
Jean Paget
Lyane is a singer and daughter of the producer of the operetta: "C'est une fille de Paris". She convinces the composer of the music, Jacques Kellermann, whom she loves, to sign her piece. The famous composer Jean Paget, who cannot put the work to his advantage, declares to Jacques that Lyane had a child by him. Shocked, Jacques breaks with the singer who soon knows the celebrity. Finally, he realizes that happiness is ready to be seized, because the beauty still loves him...
Notaio Ferrand
La Garçonne is a 1957 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It follows Monique, an ingenue and a clueless girl who believes in true love. When she discovers her future husband has a lover, she rebels against her bourgeois life:s he will lead a free and wild life and she will live like a man. Soon she becomes the toast of Gay Paris, sleeping with all the men around, and even with a woman.
Thierry de Villesec
"Poisoner" - After her fiancé is arrested Claire finds herself alone and forced to find work. She is hired by a country squire, Etienne de Montenoy, as the tutor of his goddaughter. It does not take long before Montenoy falls for her but a little longer before the young woman, reluctant at first, understands Etienne loves her truly and then requites his love. Etienne lives so happily with her that he decides to make her his heir. Shortly after, he is murdered by poison...
Marquis Arnaud de Cernay
Le comte de Vandeuvres
Nana or Nanà is a French-Italian film by Christian-Jaque starring Charles Boyer. It is an adaptation of Émile Zola's novel Nana.
Marchese de Boysson
In the reign of king Louis XV,a handsome student,Des Grieux, meets his charming cousin,Manon,just when she goes to the convent of Amiens,to take the veil.
Ernesto Tosi
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Marquis de Presles
Me Fidler
Me Ritter
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Serge de Montesson
The title of this French "reality" drama, which translates to Before the Deluge, is a play on Louis XVI's famous prognostication, "Apres moi, le deluge." Set in 1950, the film concentrates on five Parisian adolescents. Certain that the next war will herald the apocalypse, the youngster make plans to run off to a desert island and set up a new society. This, however, will require money, which is why the boys decide to pull off a "necessary" robbery. Idealism collapses in the face of cold reality, as the five youths suffer from the consequences of their actions. Avant le Deluge was one of a group of films cowritten by director Andre Cayatte and Charles Spaak which endeavored to explore the touchy social issues of the day: others in the Cayatte-Spaak canon include the euthanasia-themed Justice est Faite and the capital-punishment tract Nous sommes tous des assassins.
Gérard de Villefort
По доносу собственных друзей, Эдмон Дантес, был признан виновным в государственной измене и заключен в зловещий замок Иф. Ему суждено было умереть в заточении, но судьба сводит юношу с другим заключенным — аббатом Фариа, который перед смертью раскрывает Дантесу тайну о несметных сокровищах, спрятанных на затерянном в море острове Монте-Кристо и подсказывает идею побега. Совершив дерзкий побег, из тюрьмы, Дантес разыскивает сокровища аббата и возвращается в свой город под именем Графа Монте-Кристо, чтобы вершить справедливый суд над теми, кто был причастен к его заточению в темницу.
Gabriel Dautrand
Set in a tiny village near the Riviera, the story concerns a diverse group of has-beens and losers.The Countess (played by Denise Vernac,Von Stroheim's secretary and constant companion in real life) entertains her jaded guests by screening dirty movies. Failed writer Blaise (Jacques Sernas) is saddled with an alcoholic wife (Dora Doll). And idealistic young Violaine (Etchika Choureau) is slowly dying of tuberculosis. The lives of all these people become intertwined through a sudden -- but not unexpected -- act of violence.
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Commissioner Lotte
Didier's wife is ill, and he does the best he can to take care of her. But he's often absent and he has casual love affairs. But Leone he meets in Bruxelles wants to become his one and only mistress.
Boquet, le propriétaire du 'Poker bar'
Доктор Пеллегрин, вдовец после первого брака, женился на Арманде, любящей и преданной женщине, но не вызвал в ней страсть, на которую он надеялся. Во время возвращения она встречает неизвестного молодого парня, на самом деле своего любовника и представляет его в своём доме помощником. Когда Пеллегрин отправляется к молодой женщине, он понимает, что он обязательно сломает дом, который он основал, и вернулся, один, к жене, которая больше не надеялась его увидеть.
Baron de Villemure
le docteur Jalabert
Состоятельный владелец мануфактуры, Франсуа Донж, попадает в госпиталь, будучи отравленным своей женой Элизабет. Борясь за свою жизнь, Франсуа вспоминает всю историю своих взаимоотношений с ней. Всё началось 10 лет назад, когда уже вполне состоятельный Франсуа встречает молодую девушку, ищущую любви - Элизабет...
Gabory, the president
In order to please Martineau, a wealthy industrialist, cynical Gabory accepts to organize a rigged beauty contest whose winner will be Françoise, Martineau's young mistress. However, there are other comely contestants among whom Christiane, the daughter of a general, Jackie, an unemployed actress, Colette, the daughter of a distiller and Marie, a secretary engaged to serious-minded construction foreman Robert. So, will things turn out exactly the way Martineau and Gabory want them...?
The Baron of Glaïeuls
Napoleon III, the Commune, the third Republic in the background. In the foreground, two pretty, talented sisters, Virginie and Pauline Cardinal. They are ballerinas at the Opera de Paris and very much courted by wealthy, elegant men. They will manage to climb in the society of their time, despite parents set on respectability but also attracted by money.
Marc Pélicier
Secretly in love with Françoise, the companion of his best friend Marc, Victor decides to go to prison in his place.
Roger Gaëtan de Bersac
Albert Topaze, sincere schoolteacher addicted to "rote" morality, works at a private school run by supremely money-grubbing M. Muche, whose daughter, also a teacher, makes cynical use of the knowledge that Topaze loves her. Alas, Topaze's naive honesty brings him unjust dismissal...and makes him fair game for the "aunt" of his private pupil, really the mistress of crooked politician Regis, who needs an honest-seeming "front man." Can artful Suzy Courtois keep Topaze on the string? With steadily escalating disillusion comes moral crisis...
le prince
A young intellectual, Hugo, joins the Communist Party out of a sense of idealism, only to see his principles manipulated by party leaders. He is given the assignment of killing Professor Hoederer, a party deviationist. However, he grows to admire the man and begins to have doubts about morals and revolutionary politics. But jealousy - Hugo thinks Hoederer has made love to his wife, Jessica - takes matters out of the political realm.
Gilbert de Montesson, le 1er juré
Версаль. 20 присяжных созываются на трехнедельный судебный процесс. Семь (и два запасных) отбирают жребием для того, чтобы решить судьбу Эльзы Люнденштейн. Эльза - директор фармацевтической лаборатории, родившаяся в Париже в литовской семье, - обвиняется в убийстве любовника, неизлечимо больного раком, которому она торжественно поклялась положить конец его страданиям, если они станут невыносимыми.
Investigating judge
The wealthy industrialist Alain de Narbois has disappeared. Michel Dunant, an idle man who passed by and who looks exactly like the deceased, is taken for Alain by a young woman and her servant. He jumps at the chance but quickly realizes that, in this hushed little world, masters and servants play comedy and know very well that he is only a double of Alain. In fact, the industrialist was assassinated.
Duke of Maine
The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
The Duke of Morny
A fictitious biography of Jacques Offenbach and Hortense Schneider.
One of the first victories against the Nazis in World War II is when Parisians help allied forces drive the enemy out of occupied French Algeria.
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
Returning from South America, a singer is hired by an old pal who runs a detective agency to use a perch as a night club performer to be an investigator.The amateur sleuth then falls for a girl whose brother is a jewel thief.
Le Vicomte
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Le docteur Yvame
After losing her only child and falling for another man, a wife no longer loves her husband, but he thinks if he takes her back to some of the places they enjoyed in earlier years, it might rekindle their doomed marriage.
Commissioner Malaise investigates a strange crime: a mannequin, stolen from the window of a tailor, is found stabbed... But his face of wax has the features of a certain Gilbert, who died a year earlier in a family, all of whose members will become more or less suspicious to the Commissioner. He thinks that, in spite of Dr. Furnelle's conclusions, Gilbert's death was not natural. But finding the cause of death and the identity of the possible culprit will require more than a mere intuition.
Jacques Audoin falls in love with a pianist, Evelyne Clery, and marries her. In reality, he had wanted to approach her, because he imagined that she had witnessed the murder of the lover of his first wife. Evelyne learns what has happened and, revolted by what she thinks is her husband's plot, commits suicide. Jacques confesses his crime.
Returning from the cemetery where he has just buried his wife, Captain Blomet is on the point of committing suicide, when his valet reveals to him that the deceased had 17 lovers. Blomet undertakes to wash his honor in different ways according to his rivals.
Le comte de Vétheuil
Thérèse kills her lover during the very night of her wedding to the count of Vétheul. To gain a night with her, a modest local worker agrees to bury the body.
Le prince de Carency
During the Directory, a handful of royalists tried to get the Dauphin Louis XVII to escape from the Temple.
Действие картины разворачивается в Париже 20-30-х 19-го века. Это обширный рассказ о безответной любви, тайных романах, ревностии страсти в мире театра, преступности и аристократии. «Дети райка»- это бедняки, занимающие галерку театров в «Бульвар Дю Темпль». Они становятся свидетелями истории любви театрального мима Баптиста и его обожаемой Гаранс.
Serlys, Xénia's friend
A Corsican fisherman is the victim of a vendetta, when he was wrong to date the niece of a businessman proposing to create a seaside resort, much to the anger of the islanders.
On the death of the famous singer Maria Malibran, Countess Merlin retraces the main lines of the unusual destiny of this young woman entirely devoted to her art.
Prince Stimov
A young man from an aristocratic family tires of the country life and moves to Paris where he squanders his inheritance. Returning to his home with remorse, he reconciles with his father and becomes engaged to his true love.
Jean Plantel
Жиль Мовуазен, единственный потомок своего покойного дяди Октава, наследует все его состояние. Октав оказался отравлен мышьяком и все подозрения упали на его вдову - Коллетт Мовуазен. Но Жиль не верит в ее причастность к случившемуся и решает провести собственное расследование.
Dancer (uncredited)
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
Сюжет построен на истории трех добровольцев-марсельцев. Трое героев в колонне марсельских добровольцев идут в Париж, чтобы спасти родину и завоевания революции. Марсельцы идут с победной песнью. Они приходят в Париж 10 августа, когда национальные гвардейцы, марсельцы и бретонцы с боем берут Тюильри и низвергают монархию.