The President of the Circle
Главный герой фильма — Родольф де Сомбрей. Ему противостоит злодей Лансиньяк. У Родольфа есть подруга Ирэн, которая несколько колеблется между честным, но не сказочно богатым Родольфом и бесчестным Лансиньяком. Однажды, участвуя в уличной гонке на каретах, он наезжает на старого бедняка. Бедняк оказывается жив и говорит, что не пострадал. Родольф даёт ему свой кошелёк с деньгами. В дальнейшем пропадает дочь бедняка Мари. В деле замешана злая Сова. Родольф пытается спасти девушку, попадая в различные неприятности — козни ему чинят Лансиньяк, Сова и их помощники-бандиты.
Reception manager of the Deauville hotel
Герой войны 14-го года и разоренный барон, Жером Наполеон Антуан ведет роскошную жизнь благодаря своим обширным связям. Он много играет и много проигрывает. Однажды ему улыбается удача во время игры в карты с маркизом Вилламайором: он выигрывает одиннадцать миллионов и, в качестве аванса, получает яхту. Вместе с Перл, его бывшей любовницей, они отправляются в путь. Однако, из-за нехватки денег им приходится на некоторое время задержаться на одном из шлюзов...
Во Францию спустя долгое время возвращается жена известного этнолога. Для всех это большая неожиданность, так как её считали погибшей в авиакатастрофе...
The President of the Tribunal
Печальный и одинокий сочельник встречает в своем новом жилище Франсуа Нерак – не самый известный писатель-романист, как раз в канун Рождества перебравшийся из Парижа в провинциальный Обинас. Однако тощий кошелек не помешал Франсуа стать Санта-Клаусом для нескольких уличных мальчишек, получивших от него подарки к празднику. Дающему воздастся сторицей: на следующее утро Нерак находит у своего порога мешок с 10 миллионами франков. Потом – второй, третий… Чем дольше длится чудо, тем сильнее мучают Франсуа вопросы, кто же такой его таинственный благодетель и как распорядиться свалившимися с неба деньгами по справедливости.
Le substitut
Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.
Max, the supplier
Le monsieur dans la foule
По одноименному роману Стендаля. Жюльен Сорель по рождению принадлежит к самым низшим слоям общества, но он молод, умен, красив и очень амбициозен. Его путь наверх начинается в стенах духовной семинарии, а продолжается в доме состоятельных буржуа, где Сорель преподает детям латынь. Жена хозяина дома, мадам де Реналь, без памяти влюбляется в юного учителя, и тот решает использовать это искреннее чувство в своих далеко идущих жизненных планах…
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
L'acteur jouant Rodrigue
Когда-то название французской деревушки Трезиньян знала вся Европа — ведь именно здесь родилось сразу пять мальчиков- близнецов. Однако, когда юноши выросли, отец поссорился с ними и выгнал из дома — в большую жизнь. Прошло 20 лет. Старейшины деревни решили помирить отца с сыновьями, а заодно и отпраздновать это событие с привлечением самого президента республики. В поход за братьями был отправлен их крестный — доктор Болен. Старому врачу предстоит пять удивительных разноплановых встреч с подросшими близнецами. К счастью всей деревни, ему удастся вернуть братьев в родные стены дома и помирить их с отцом. Ну, а самое главное и удивительное в этой истории, что жена одного из братьев родила в этот судьбоносный день сразу шесть близняшек, вновь прославив деревеньку на всю Европу.
Le ministre Stumerof
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
For Naval officers duty comes first. Navy Lieutenant Favrel is one of these men. He has promised his wife Simone to stay with her all the time but a last mission aboard a training cruiser makes him realize that his life is tied to the sea. For his part, Navy cadet Pierre Hardouin understands that sailing is his vocation. The prospect of staying home alone while Pierre is on mission, frightens Madeleine, the girl of his heart. But the young woman ends up accepting the ordeal and marrying Pierre.
Gaston Dulac
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
Este's envoy
In the early 16th century, Italy is ruled by the powerful Borgia family, led by César Borgia and his sister Lucrèce. In a ruthless power play, César plots to have his sister’s husband murdered. But without her brother’s knowledge, Lucrèce has taken a strong lover who will challenge the Borgias.
A greedy advertising executive wants to attract the tourists into a small village:he claims Napoleon slept in the local inn on his was back from Elbe island.
An accordionist playing in disreputable halls is mistaken for a gangster by a special envoy from the American crime syndicate in charge of investigating the French milieu. The American will prepare a hold-up with a gang of women specialized in scamming tourists. But the accordionist will make the hold-up fail and all the criminals will end up behind bars.
An inspector
Didier's wife is ill, and he does the best he can to take care of her. But he's often absent and he has casual love affairs. But Leone he meets in Bruxelles wants to become his one and only mistress.
L'acteur partenaire
Главный герой, врач, Пьер Ришар узнает о том, что его жена, актриса Мадлен Ришар, ему изменяет. Оба проводят ночь, обмениваясь горькими упреками и вспоминая прошлые обиды…
François wants to buy a house to help underprivileged children. He lacks money, but a generous donor allows him to realize this dream.
Un client chic de "L'ange Gabriel"
Красавица Мари и плотник Жорж влюбляются в друг друга. Проблема в том, что Мари — женщина босса локальной банды. Теперь Жоржу предстоит вернуться к своему темному прошлому, от которого он хотел навсегда избавиться…
Andre Noblet, a 21-year-old French artist falls madly in love with Christine, the mother of two children. He tells Chistine he will tell all to her husband and demand her freedom. Christine learns that her husband has been carrying on a romance of his own and they have a meeting.
Based on the novel of the same name by writer Edouard Peisson, this Jean Delannoy film display one boy’s unconditional love for his mother, despite her tragic mistreatment of him. After being raised by a shepherd for the past 12 years, Simon (Pierre-Michel Beck) is reunited with his mother Marie (Madeleine Robinson). Marie is a prostitute in Marseilles and is now stable enough to welcome Simon back into her life. Unaware of her profession at first, Simon is happy to have his mom back, but in time he learns how she makes her living. This troubles Simon but he continues to love her, despite not loving her chosen profession. His anger toward this issue gets directed toward Marie’s louse of a boyfriend, Paul (Frank Villard), and the result is a heartfelt tale about love and family.
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
Me Edouard Vermorel
Max and Colette often bother the lawyer Vermorel to initiate divorce proceedings, then everything calms down. An anonymous letter escalates the disputes, it borders on disaster but living together has obvious charms.
In a small village, an abbot tries to take lightly the jokes of three men, recalcitrant to religion.
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
A little Métis girl, Kalina is saved from a massacre by Taraor, a black man from Sudan. Having become a great and beautiful dancer from the South, she meets Captain Portal, in garrison in Marrakech. This is the beginning of a great love story. But that's counting without Taraor's jealousy.
One of the first victories against the Nazis in World War II is when Parisians help allied forces drive the enemy out of occupied French Algeria.
Due to financial problems, the boarding-school of Saint-Loup is on the verge of closing its doors. In desperation, Jacquelin, the headmaster, has the idea to invite former students to a fund-raising reunion. Among the alumni, three men whose common point is to have been in love at the time with the headmaster's niece. One is a banker, the second a priest and the last one a globetrotter. All of a sudden, the peace of the assembly is disturbed: Jacquelin's niece has just been murdered.
Two murders are committed in an inn for the possession of a bag containing a fortune.
A prompter at the Folies-Bergères and admirer of a lovely dancer, the man named Jules has the unpleasant surprise of finding, one fine morning, the corpse of his beloved in a trunk. An investigation, more burlesque than tragic, will give a lot of trouble to Jules who will have great difficulty in proving his innocence.
Une recrue
Lovers since childhood, Sylvain and Angelina do not see their lives separated from each other. However, Sylvain is sent to war and the young woman desperately awaits his return. Years pass and the latter is forced by her father to marry Jean-Marie, a man she does not love. One day, while Angelica and her family are climbing in the Alps, an avalanche sweeps them away. Safe and sound, she comes face to face with her childhood sweetheart, Sylvain.
César Luciani
Returning from South America, a singer is hired by an old pal who runs a detective agency to use a perch as a night club performer to be an investigator.The amateur sleuth then falls for a girl whose brother is a jewel thief.
Breton doctor René Laennec fights tooth and nail against consumption, all the more desperately as his brother Michaud has just died of it.
Un malade
Breton doctor René Laennec fights tooth and nail against consumption, all the more desperately as his brother Michaud has just died of it.
Le comte Hoyos
30 января 1889 года стало роковой датой для Габсбургов, в этой день судьба отвернулась от старейшей королевской династии Европы. Бывшая любовница Рудольфа, графиня Мария Лариш знакомит его с молоденькой семнадцатилетней Вечерой, влюбленной в него без памяти.
Красавец, донжуан, честолюбивый наследник престола, мечтающий о возвышении Австро-Венгрии, Рудольф воспринимает это знакомство за попытку графини хотя бы таким способом привязать его к себе, а искреннее смущение девушки — за кокетство искушенной женщины. Однако, постепенно цинизм и легкомыслие отступают перёд силой искренних чувств. К несчастью для обоих, принц женат, а Габсбурги не хотят скандала в королевской семье... Рудольф участвует в заговоре против императора на стороне венгров, но всё срывается. У загнанных в угол возлюбленных остаётся, на их взгляд, только один выход.
Символично, что и первая и последняя их встречи состоялись в маленьком поместье Майерлинг в двух часах езды от Вены. Круг замкнулся.
История Манон Леско перенесена в первые послевоенные годы. Робер Дегриё, солдат армии французских повстанцев, встречает Манон, когда разъяренная толпа пытается линчевать девушку за сотрудничество с немцами. Робер берет несчастную под стражу до суда, но, очарованный её красотой, бежит вместе с ней в Париж. Добравшись до столицы, молодые люди оказываются под влиянием брата девушки, Леона Леско - мелкого мошенника и контрабандиста. Любящая деньги и роскошную жизнь Манон начинает изменять Дегриё с богатыми любовниками, поощряемая собственным братом, который стремится извлечь выгоду из авантюр сестры. Вскоре безнадежно влюбленный в красавицу Робер также становится на преступную стезю…
Franz Schubert retired from Vienna in country for musical writing. He draws his inspiration from a romance with the watermiller's daughter. An operetta in the fifties Vienna style. This is the only movie from Marcel Pagnol in color and the only movie in rouxcolor, a French experimental process derivated from the agfacolor German process.
The film is set shortly after the 1815 Battle of Waterloo, around 1818, in which the hero Lieutanatn Orso fought for the French. In Marseille, returning to Corsica and his family estate, of which is now the head, Orso meets the Irish widower Colonel Sir Thomas Nevil and his beautiful daughter Lydia. The Colonel also fought for the British at Waterloo and they strike up a military-based friendship. They also share a passion for hunting. Orso convinces the colonel to come and hunt there. France ruled Corsica then, as they still do. Sadly, in his absence Orso's father has been assassinated by the influential Barracini family. Orso's sister Colomba is bent on him revenging the murder - in the Sicilian vendetta style. Orso doesn't agree with these old ways and the scene is set for a terrible conflict involving Corsican bandits and the French prefect. The book was made into an Italian one with the same title in 1948 and remade in 1950 in Hollywood under the name of "Vendetta".
le journaliste radio
Together with her partner-in-crime Claude, Clarence sets her sites on famed explorer Maxime. It seems that Luguet has stumbled upon the fabled "elephant's graveyard" in the jungles of Africa, and Miranda intends to get her well-manicured mitts on all that valuable ivory.
A specialist in the fight against cancer, a young doctor finds himself suffering from a terrible illness.
Three friends vacationing on the French Riviera open a bar on a yacht and are mistaken by the police for drug traffickers.
The guardian is engaged to a girl from a good family, but the intervention of a gypsy will make his heart lean. This one comes in fact to take revenge and will try to kill him.
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Pierre Morin
A violinist passes on to his daughter three rings which represent three passions of his romantic past, and urges her to save each for men who truly deserve one.She squanders them all on one man who is undeserving.
Un dandy (uncredited)
Действие картины разворачивается в Париже 20-30-х 19-го века. Это обширный рассказ о безответной любви, тайных романах, ревностии страсти в мире театра, преступности и аристократии. «Дети райка»- это бедняки, занимающие галерку театров в «Бульвар Дю Темпль». Они становятся свидетелями истории любви театрального мима Баптиста и его обожаемой Гаранс.
Philippe de Nevers
The knight Henri de Lagardère wants to avenge the death of his friend, the duke Philippe de Nevers assassinated by the prince de Gonzague, a few years before.
Simon Bozzi
A Corsican fisherman is the victim of a vendetta, when he was wrong to date the niece of a businessman proposing to create a seaside resort, much to the anger of the islanders.
Paris, 1830. Fleur de Marie is rescued from poverty by the mysterious Rodolphe, who is in fact the Grand Duke of Gérolstein, who has gone incognito in search of an illegitimate child he once had. Which is not at all to the taste of Sarah Mac Gregor, her current mistress who kidnaps Fleur and has her locked up in Saint-Lazare prison.