Nicolae Praida

Рождение : 1933-09-20, Samokov, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2008-12-24


В маленьком румынском городке в дельте Дуная обитает семья, которая отчаянно пытается выжить, еле-еле сводя концы с концами. Рина, шестнадцатилетняя девушка, помогающая отцу в ремонте автомобилей, стремится найти своё место в жизни, разрываясь между мечтами о счастье и беспощадной действительностью.
The Conjugal Bed
Romania had it rough under its last communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, and things are even rougher now. Before, their problems were oppression and poverty. Now, their problem is mostly poverty - and plenty of it. In this grim comedy (to call it a black comedy would be to paint too perky a picture of it), Vasile (Gheorghe Dinica)has a wife whom he's fond of, and a mistress, whom he's fonder of. He manages a nearly abandoned movie theater, and makes just about nothing doing it. When his wife announces she's pregnant, he nearly goes frantic trying to find money to get her an abortion. However, what truly sends him over the edge is when his mistress decides to become a prostitute because, after all, the money is good. These two situations send him straight to the loony bin, and when he gets out, he discovers that his wife has rented their apartment to pornographic filmmakers, and guess who's starring in them?
Love and Warm Water
Angela (Liliana Pană) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.
Casa din vis
Căpălău, a peasant in a village near Brăila, tries to keep up with the turns of life. Based on "Ningea în Bărăgan” novel by Fănuș Neagu.
The Miracle
Gheorghe Dinică
An agronomist manages to irrigate and stabilize some sand dunes in southern Romania.
The Season of Love
The action of the movie take place in a factory and presents the conflicts between one engineer and some young workers.
Călifar's Mill
Stoica, a poor man from a small village, asks for Călifar's help to make him rich. Călifar deceives him, offering him only a vision which seems very real for Stoica.
Three sisters that had a tranquil life in a town suffer dramatic life changes at the end of WW2.
Like in Films
An untalented writer attempts to achieve a "lifelike" scenario fail in a dozen policier.
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
Mad Forest
A young communist returns to a small provincial town.
The Winner
A successful boxer has a difficult time due to the fact that his family feels neglected.
Un echipaj pentru Singapore
Nicolae Praida
I have an Idea
Some party representatives want to make a new football team.
The Man We Need
A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.
Before the Silence
Obsessed by greed and the fact that his wife is in love with his brother, innkeeper Stavarache heads towards madness. Based on the I.L.Caragiale novel, "In Times of War"
The Fury
Postcards with Wildflowers
Laura (Carmen Galin) comes from a small town on the Danube to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. She is addressing Irina (Elena Albu) and her mother (Eliza Petrachescu) for a miscarriage following her death. Overwhelmed by a blame not belonging to her, Irina suicides.
О событиях 1948 года в Румынии. После разгрома столичных банд уцелевшие преступники скрылись в горах. Кровавые события разыгрались в одном из небольших селений. В неравную борьбу с бандитами вступил Михай Роман, бывший комиссар полиции, ставший майором госбезопасности...
The Power and The Truth
This is a communist propaganda movie that follows the life of an engineer who is in conflict with power hungry apparatchiks.
Dan Neagu
Фильм поставлен по роману Жана Барта "Европолис" о безработном, вернувшемся из Америки на родину, где его принимают за преуспевшего в Новом свете богача.
Close to Sun
Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man, foreman Tudor Baci.
Мост будет взорван
23 августа 1944 года. В пограничный город в Трансильвании доходят сведения о перевороте, совершенном в Бухаресте. Командующий гарнизоном лейтенант Ион Опря получает приказ от новых властей во чтобы то ни стало задержать продвижение немецких войск, которые после выхода Румынии из войны пытаются прорваться вглубь территории бывшего союзника. Имеющимися под командованием офицера силами сделать это невозможно, но на помощь кадровым военным приходит рабочее ополчение, во главе со старым коммунистом Думой.
Жизнь не прощает
Умирая в окопах во время Второй мировой войны, Стефан вспоминает свою жизнь и жизнь своего отца. Через его воспоминания фильм представляет собой историю, охватывающую два поколения и разные эпохи. Это фильм о трагедии жизней, втянутых в конфликты против их воли, о жизнях, насильственно загубленных или прерванных, — история о разрушительных последствиях войны. Переплетая прошлое и настоящее, ретроспективное повествование изображает войну как вечную ситуацию, в которой «маленькие люди» всегда оказываются на проигравшей стороне.