The documentary follows a crew of snowboarders for six weeks in the Chugach mountains, and showcases what it takes to ride these unique Alaskan mountains: the waiting, the stress, the dangers, everything that goes into it and is usually never shown. It also retraces some of the history of this unknown discipline and pays tribute to the pioneers. But the film really focuses on the human aspect and why these people do what they do.
Пять лучших сноубордистов мира отправляются на Аляску, чтобы проделать невероятные спуски с ее высоких гор.
Travel with Dave Hatchett, Nick Perata and Shawn Farmer to North America's most exotic and radical terrain. Witness huge cliff jumps at Squaw Valley, California; tight chute boarding in the southern Sierras and World Cup halfpipe action at Breckenridge, Colorado. Experience extreme descents in Alaska's Denali National Park, and the chest-deep powder of Mt. Baker, Washington. Don't miss this 55 minutes of on-the-edge snowboarding.