Mallory Moye


Mallory Moye


Emergency Room Nurse
В центре сюжета — хронология событий, которые в конечном итоге и привели к роковым выстрелам в Далласе, когда был убит самый популярный американский президент Джон Кеннеди.
Red Headed Girl
A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online relationship with an older woman, she learns to accept her sexuality and the endless solitude of sprawling suburbia.
Minutes: To Spare
Joe arrives early for his second date with a girl - on Valentine's Day. As he waits he wrestles inside with past relationships and the stress that is to fall in love with some one.
Gideon's Song
A boy and a young woman come together to support each other once they realize they share a common loss.