Antoni Verdaguer


Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent
This documentary looks at the life of Jordi Dauder through an interview with the actor a few weeks before his death. From her interventions and people who knew him, the play explores the experiences of actor, from his artistic side as from his political convictions and life.
Смешной квартал
Assistant Director
Водопроводчик Рэй и инструктор вождения Лео небогато, но счастливо живут в Чуэке, — элитном квартале Мадрида, — центре модного шопинга и гей-тусовок. Нежданно-негаданно этот райский уголок сотрясает серия жестоких убийств пожилых женщин. Лишь в полицейском участке Рэй узнает, что убитая накануне соседка, не имевшая родственников, завещала ему свою квартиру. Столь нелепым образом добродушная гей-семья становится главным подозреваемым в серии ужасных преступлений. Новым жильцом злополучной квартирки становится не в меру темпераментная мамаша Рэя, одержимая единственной жизненной целью: развести любимого сына с никчемным автоинтруктором. Тем более что по пятам давно уже кружит красивый и богатый владелец ресторана…
Raval, Raval...
Parella de tres
Ana and Marta are good friends but very different women. Ana is a housewife whereas Marta is an agressive lawyer, single and very independent. Ana is married to Santi and after a crisis she proposed Marta to be the lover of her husband to save her matrimony. Santi does not suspect anything and the triangle works fine during years... till Santi begins to go out with another person.
Don Jaume el Conquistador
Havanera 1820
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
Havanera 1820
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
La teranyina
La teranyina
Rateta, Rateta
She wanted to be rich, to have lovers, to go to Barcelona: but Montserrateta had to make do with living in a village in the Pyrenees, with her boyfriend, and milking cows on her parents' farm, until one day, she finds a lottery ticket.
Un negro con un saxo
First Assistant Director
Barcelona Connection
Assistant Director
A young, honest cop investigates the arrival of international crime in Barcelona just before the Olympic Games.
Sexy Radio
Sexy Radio
Игла 2
Assistant Director
Пако оказывается ввязанным в убийство, и, несмотря на попытки отца, оказывается в тюрьме и снова начинает принимать наркотики. Выйдя на свободу, Пако не может привыкнуть к «нормальной» жизни и вместе со своим тюремным приятелем снова начинает совершать преступления.
La gran quiniela
Assistant Director
A young woman wins 200 million pesetas at the 'quiniela' football pool with 14 successfull 'aciertos' and begins to help everybody with the fortune.
Assistant Director
Двое молодых людей приторговывали наркотиками, чтобы поддерживать собственную потребность. Отец одного - полицейский, другого - баскский сепаратист. Они, вроде бы, с успехом боролись с пагубной привычкой и почти прекратили употреблять наркотики, но жившая с ними проститутка вновь возвращает их на опасный путь.
Como un adiós
Assistant Director
Las calientes orgías de una virgen
Las calientes orgías de una virgen
El fascista, doña Pura y el follón de la escultura
Assistant Director
The consortium of the people approve a proposal from the Mayor; instruct Ramon, a ruined sculptor, an equestrian statue of Franco. Luis, one of the councilors, visit Ramon and proposes the commission, Ramon rejects for ideological grounds, but after thinking it accepts as there are no marble equestrian statues. When Ramon finally finished the statue, the whole consortium believes it is past time to inaugurate a statue of Franco. To satisfy Ramon approve the making of a new statue. This is dedicated to democracy.
The Victor of Olot
Assistant Director
In a small Catalan village take advantage of the visit of an ecclesiastical authority of Rome, during vacations, to organize a conference on the topic of religion and sex. This causes the people to divide into two camps, those who favor and those against the "Congress", until finally after a series of negotiations between both sides, we arrive at consensus. A large mosaic of characters carry the story to end happily, through critical situations with the conservative church.
The Truth on the Savolta Affair
Assistant Director
Barcelona between 1917 and 1923. Is the era of gangsterism, during which gunmen clash between anarchists and thugs paid by The Patronal showed a shocking number of deaths. The confrontation between anarchists and workers of the factory owners Savolta arms worsens when Savolta family decides to end the rebellion hiring murderers hired and plotting to hide their illegal transactions with Germany. Adapted from the novel by Eduardo Mendoza.