Henry Kulky

Рождение : 1911-08-11, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, USa

Смерть : 1965-02-12


Henry Kulky (born Henry Kulakowich; August 11, 1911 – February 12, 1965) was an American actor and professional wrestler from Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, probably best remembered as Chief Petty Officer Curly Jones from season 1 of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Kulky began boxing in his teenage years. After six bouts, he stopped boxing when he was offered a position training wrestlers at St. Matthew's Lyceum in his native Hastings-on-Hudson. Stanislaus Zbyszko convinced Kulky to compete professionally in 1939. Moving to Argentina, Kulky competed throughout South America under the ring name Bomber Kulkavich. The number of matches in which he competed is uncertain; one claim states that he won 172 of 175 matches. Kulky, however, claims that he won nearly all of 7,000 matches. While in South America, he is also said to have won the continent's judo crown. Like most wrestlers who turned to acting in the 1950s he owed his big break to Mike Mazurki. The two appeared in several parts in the 1940s and 1950s, with Mazurki's agent getting him a part in Call Northside 777. Because of his rather tough guy image, Kulky became typecast as military men, thugs, gangsters, bartenders, wrestlers and other "strong guys" who were at times quite friendly and lovable characters contrasting strongly with the tough guy image. From 1953 to 1958, he played Otto Schmidlap in the television series The Life of Riley. In the series, Kulky portrayed a co-worker of series character Chester Riley, a wing riveter at an aircraft plant. In 1952 he appeared in an episode (#11) of Adventures of Superman, as a wrestler working for a crooked promoter. In 1954 he appeared in an episode (#141) of The Lone Ranger. From 1959 to 1962, Kulky was cast in the recurring role as Chief Max Bronsky in forty-six episodes of Jackie Cooper's CBS military sitcom-drama television series Hennesey. The role was close to Kulky's heart because during World War II, he was a boatswain's mate in the United States Navy. Kulky's last role was as Chief Curley Jones in the television series Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. He died on February 12, 1965, in Oceanside, California, of a heart attack suffered while he was studying a script.


Guns of the Timberland
Logger Jim Hadley and his lumberjack crew are looking for new forest to cut. They locate a prime prospect outside the town of Deep Wells. The residents of Deep Wells led by Laura Riley are opposed to the felling of the trees, believing that losing them would cause mudslides during the heavy rains. Conflict between the town's residents and the loggers is inevitable.
Up Periscope
Chief Petty Officer York
Lieutenant Braden discovers that Sally, the woman he's been falling in love with, has actually been checking out his qualifications to be a U.S. Navy frogman. He must put his personal life behind him after being assigned to be smuggled into a Japanese-held island via submarine to photograph radio codes.
Бомбардировщики Б-52
Calvin (uncredited)
Сержант Чак Бреннан всегда не любил полковника Джима Херлай за его легкомысленность и бесконечные любовные связи. Неприязнь Чака становится еще сильней, когда Джим начинает встречаться с его дочерью Лоис.
Sierra Stranger
Bartender Matt
A prospector becomes a small town outcast after he rescues a man about to be lynched.
Army Daze
Sergeant Bonebreaker
Joe is drafted into the army of Starvania, and falls in love with Olga, a beautiful Starvanian WAC, but Joe's sergeant also has his eyes on Olga. But Joe wins her hand when he captures two spies in the Colonel's office.
Я буду плакать завтра
Man in Bar (uncredited)
Лишенная нормального детства ее честолюбивой матерью, Кэти, Лиллиан Рот становится звездой Бродвея и Голливуда, когда ей не исполнилось и двадцати лет. Накануне свадьбы Дэвид Тредман, влюбленный в нее с детства, умирает в больнице, и Лиллиан делает свой первый глоток на пути к алкоголизму…
A hugely successful DA goes into private practice after sending a man to the chair -- only to find out later he was innocent. Now the drunken attorney only seems to represent criminals and low lifes.
The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing
Prisoner (uncredited)
Broadway showgirl Evelyn Nesbit (Joan Collins) is the object of affection of two men: playboy architect Stanford White (Ray Milland) and wealthy but unstable Harry Thaw (Farley Granger). She marries Thaw, but White’s continued pursuit puts him in the path of Thaw’s volatile temper. Inspired by true events that occurred at the turn of the 20th century.
Люби меня или покинь меня
Красавица Рут Эттинг желает во что бы то ни стало пробиться в большой шоу-бизнес и стать знаменитой певицей. Немолодой фабрикант и ловелас Мартин Снайдер с первого взгляда влюбляется в нее и помогает сделать карьеру. Однако Рут, с удовольствием принимая его деловые предложения, не спешит отвечать взаимностью на его чувства…
New York Confidential
Story follows the rise and subsequent fall of the notorious head of a New York crime family, who decides to testify against his pals in order to avoid being killed by his fellow cohorts.
The Human Jungle
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
Звезда родилась
Cuddles (uncredited)
Солистка оркестра выручает изрядно напившегося известного актера на шоу в честь премьеры фильма. В знак благодарности он решает помочь ей раскрыть свой огромный талант. В то время, как ее звезда стремительно восходит, его слава постепенно угасает.
Тобор Великий
Paul (Spy Henchman)
Научно-фантастический опус о психической связи робота и маленького мальчика. Два ученых создали супер-робота для исследования открытого космоса, но механическое чудо похищено вражескими агентами. А заодно и мальчик Брайан, с помощью которого шпионы намерены перепрограммировать робота на злые цели. Удастся ли Брайану удрать от своих похитителей?
Fireman Save My Child
Comedy about the members of an early 1900s fire company.
Phantom of the Rue Morgue
When several women are found mutilated and murdered, the Paris police are baffled as to who the killer may be. All evidence points to Dupin, but soon it becomes apparent that it is someone (or something) stronger and deadlier than a human.
New Faces
Mr. Dee (uncredited)
New Faces was a musical revue with songs and comedy skits tied together by a quirky plot. It ran on Broadway for nearly a year in 1952 and was then made into a motion picture in 1954. It helped jump start the careers of several young performers including Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Eartha Kitt, Carol Lawrence, performer/writer Mel Brooks (as Melvin Brooks), and lyricist Sheldon Harnick. The film was basically a reproduction of the stage revue with a thin plot added. The plot involved a producer and performer (Ronny Graham) in financial trouble and is trying to stave off an angry creditor long enough to open his show. A wealthy Texan offers to help out, on the condition that his daughter be in the show.
Ад в открытом море
McCrossin (uncredited)
Группа китайских коммунистов пытается развязать Третью мировую войну. В ответ американский ученый вместе со своими товарищами нанимает бывшего нацистского офицера подводной лодки, чтобы он повел их субмарину в Арктику, где находится ядерный арсенал врага...
Yukon Vengeance
In this north-western set in the Yukon, a Mountie must investigate the violent deaths of three mail carriers.
5000 пальцев доктора Т
Stroogo (uncredited)
Мама Барта хочет, чтобы ее сын стал великим музыкантом. Его обучает игре на фортепьяно тщеславный доктор Тельвилекер, который хочет, чтобы его ученики стали великими пианистами и тем самым прославили его имя. Барт ненавидит и Доктора Т., и фортепьяно, и занятия музыкой, он хочет, чтобы его оставили в покое и позволили стать обычным мальчишкой.
The Glory Brigade
Sgt. 'Smitty' Smitkowsky
During the Korean War Lt. Sam Pryor volunteers his platoon to escort Greek troops to perform a reconnaissance mission behind Communist lines. Due to his Greek heritage Pryor is initially proud to accompany the Greek contingent but his feelings change to scorn and mistrust when what he believes is cowardice shown by the Greek soldiers and their leaders results in the near annihiliation of his own platoon. An uneasy alliance is maintained between the US and Greek troops as the enemy's true objective is learned.
Down Among the Sheltering Palms
First Sergeant Jones
War-weary Captain Willoby and his men are the occupation force on an island of lovely women...and are forbidden to fraternize.
Target Hong Kong
Dutch Pfeifer
Yankee soldiers-of-fortune smash a spy plot aimed at seizing Hong Kong.
No Holds Barred
Mike the Mauler
One of the Bowery Boys gains superhuman strength, and he cashes in by becoming a pro wrestler.
Aim, Fire, Scoot
Sgt. Bonebreaker
Joe and his sergeant fall for the same girl.
Red Skies of Montana
Dawson (uncredited)
When a large forest fire breaks out in the mountains of Montana, a squad of 'Smoke Jumpers', the paratroop-corps of fire-fighters in the U. S. Forest Service, is flown to the scene from their regional headquarters in Missoula, Montana. The Forest Rangers, under Cliff Mason, put out the blaze, but several of the fire-fighters are killed. Ed Miller, son of one of the dead rangers, thinks he died because Mason was a coward, and sets out to prove it.
Fixed Bayonets!
Vogl (uncredited)
The story of a platoon during the Korean War. One by one, Corporal Denno's superiors are killed until it comes to the point where he must try to take command responsibility.
Любовное гнездышко
George Thompson
Вернувшись из армии к любимой жене, журналист и писатель Джим Скотт обнаружил, что жена решила приобрести полуподвальное помещение, чтобы создать в нем уютное «любовное гнездышко». Но все оказывается не так просто! На молодоженов сваливаются заботы и проблемы связанные с ремонтом внутреннего убранства бывшего подвала, который использовался для хранения угля. Зато в новом доме молодых окружают очень милые соседи, а особенно хороша белокурая Роберта, которая охотно строит глазки Скотту. Тем временем пока идет благоустройство «гнездышка» Чарли Паперсон — профессиональный брачный аферист вовлекает всех жителей дома в свои аферы…
You Never Can Tell
Gorilla / Prisoner (uncredited)
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
The Guy Who Came Back
Wizard, Wrestler
Former football star Harry Joplin is down on his luck, both in his career and in his married life. He seems convinced of his own unworthiness, but a chance to play in a charity football game helps him see his life in a new light.
A Snitch in Time
Steve (uncredited)
The stooges are carpenters who are re-staining some furniture they've delivered to a boarding house. The plot gets complicated when the boys confront some crooks who are hiding out there. They defeat the bad guys with the help of the varnished furniture which sticks the head crook to a chair.
South Sea Sinner
A tramp steamer lands sick crewman Jake Davis on rubber-growing island Oraka, from which voluptuous, bedroom-eyed saloon singer Coral is about to be ejected because "men like her too much." But Coral's slimy boss Cognac gets her a reprieve so she can learn Jake's secret.
Jiggs and Maggie Out West
'Bomber' Kulkowich (as Henry Kulkowich)
Monogram's Bringing Up Father series, based on the popular comic strip by George McManus, hit a high point of sorts with 1950's Jiggs and Maggie Out West. Joe Yule Sr. (Mickey Rooney's father) and Rene Riano are perfectly cast as nouveau riche Jiggs and Maggie, who head thataway when Maggie inherits a goldmine. As usual, Maggie spends her time trying to climb the frontier social ladder, while down-to-earth Jiggs is more interested in finding a plate of corned beef and cabbage.
Alias the Champ
Bomber Kulkovich - Wrestler
Slammin’ Sammy Menacker is killed in the ring, and Gorgeous George (in his only film appearance) is arrested for murder. Out to clear his name is his manager Lorraine and cop Ron Peterson, who was already on the scene to investigate the Mob’s influence on pro wrestling.
Могучий Джо Янг
Strong Man (uncredited)
Детеныша гориллы по кличке Джо привозят в Голливуд, где он становится настоящей звездой…
Tarzan's Magic Fountain
An expedition tries to enlist Tarzan's help in finding the secret Blue Valley, which legend says is the location of a miraculous fountain of youth.
Звонить Нортсайд 777
First Bartender (uncredited)
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в Чикаго в 1932 году. Джозеф Мазек был обвинен в убийстве полицейского и получил пожизненный срок.
A Likely Story
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.