Ghita Beckendorff


The Anatomy of Evil
A film essay which includes interviews with the perpetrators of genocide committed over the last 50 years - from World War II to the Balkan conflict. What enables some people to commit mass killings during war? And how do they live with such deeds on conscience? This is at the heart of director Ove Nyholm's long-awaited film 'Anatomy of Evil'. Behind the film lies extensive scientific research, resulting in numerous impressive candid interviews with World War II hangovers and the Balkan war, which lift the carpet for some of the reflections behind their gruesome actions. Each interviewed has their personal story to tell. The sound side plays a significant role in the film and reinforces the emptiness and melancholy expressed by the interviewed persons.
The Tenth Muse
Set in Copenhagen in 1964, a personal drama evolves as a young film director tries to make a film about aging film star Asta Nielsen.
More Sex Please, We're Scandinavians
Scandinavia has the reputation of being a land of beautiful natural blondes and midnight sex romps. This film, by Torben Skødt Jensen and Ghita Beckendorff, charts the history of attitudes to sex and reveals the reality to be somewhat more complicated.
Банда Ольсена в юности
Банда Ольсена в деле! Или, точнее, как всё начиналось... Далёкий 1958 год... СССР запустил "Спутник-2", который доставил на околоземную орбиту первое живое существо - собаку по кличке Лайка. Но на лавры в запуске первого в мире человека в космос претендует скандинавская компания во главе с Халландсеном. Они решают послать в полёт никому не нужного детдомовского мальчика, Эгона Ольсена, выкупив его у директора детдома за миллион крон. Но Эгон Ольсен далеко не так прост, у него всегда есть план! И к тому же, имеются верные друзья! Невероятная и совершенно фантастическая история приключений подростков интересна прежде всего тем, что рассказывает историю детства и взросления главных героев, раскрывает тайны дружбы и любви. Вы узнаете, откуда у Эгона страсть к котелку и сигаре, и почему Ивонна осталась с Кельдом...
The Magnetist’s Fifth Winter
A mysterious stranger, Meisner, arrives in a northern Swedish town in 1820, calling himself a magnetist - an amalgam of hypnotist and healer - and claiming he can cure diseases un-treatable by doctors. Ignoring the objections of his colleagues, Dr. Selander allows Meisner to cure his blind daughter, Maria, who not only regains her sight, but also falls in love with the charismatic magnetist. Dark secrets and repressed memories start to emerge, amidst the love between father and daughter, man and woman.
История непростой семейной жизни выдающегося норвежского писателя и его жены, бывшей актрисы, Марии, рассказанная на фоне политических событий конца 30-х — начала 50-х, когда Гамсун из властителя дум и гордости нации превратился в предателя и был подвергнут остракизму. Как известно, писатель симпатизировал нацистам во время войны, за что был привлечен к суду и осужден за измену родине.
Anton is 10 years old. Anton's father was a jet fighter pilot who died in an accident. Anton's mother told Anton that his father is flying angels around in heaven. Anton is obsessed with aeroplanes (his bedroom is full of models and posters) and is (re-)building a full-size aeroplane in the Garage. He plans to use this aeroplane to fly up to his father. The film is about Anton coming to terms with his father's death and about friends, enemies and first love.
Carl Th. Dreyer: My Metier
Torben Skjødt Jensen’s elegant documentary is a collage of memories and reflections on one of cinema’s greatest directors. Visually rich and densely layered, Carl Th. Dreyer—My Metier illuminates an artist too little understood and too important to overlook. Through interviews, historical writings, and rare archival footage, a portrait of Dreyer emerges: an austere perfectionist, yes, but also a passionate man possessing a genuine sense of humor.
It is time for the written examination. Everybody is waiting for the exact time to come where they can turn the paper and start the examination. All the tables are placed in lines in the assembly hall. Not a sound is being made and the atmosphere bears the marks of excitement, anticipation and nervousness.
Мёв и Фундер
История 12-летнего Мёва, которому важно быть для кого-то нужным. Однажды Мёв становится свидетелем преступления и находит раненого парня - Фундера. Наивный и дружелюбный Мёв с радостью оказывает помощь новообретенному старшему приятелю. Теперь у него есть страшная тайна: ведь Фундер скрывается от полиции. Сможет ли Мёв помочь ускользнуть ему от властей и начать жизнь заново?
A black-and-white documentary which closely follows the rehearsal process of the famous ballet Giselle, originally choreographed by Adolphe Adam. The focus here is entirely on the process by which ballet master Henning Kronstram conveys the spirit and the endless details of the ballet to his dancers.
Rami og Julie
A Palestinian refugee living in Copenhagen is rescued from a gang of racist thugs by a young woman with whom he falls in love.
Rocking Silver
Old rockers, like soldiers, never die, they only pass away. Well, Erik Clausen turns nostalgia into a vivid tribute to the moods and manners of the 1950s Danish Rock'n Roll by picking up a group of dispersed fellow bandsmen from wherever life and fate have left them stranded to have them revive their group and relive the good old days. A spirit of social solidarity permeates throughout.